Third Time Lucky...!

AaronCampbell on here is doing Exante, he might have some tips on how to get the shakes good! I bought a sports shaker when I did Cambridge and have one now for my protein shakes. Hootys Outlet (if you have one!) sell them for 99p, if not there's lots of other places, most sports shops should have them.
How did your first day go?
I have posted a few times in a new diary over on Exante and have had two replies - and they were on Tuesday when I hadn't even started the diet! Not very nice compared to the support you get over here!

Anyway... I woke up not hungry at all - how strange! So, I am just drinking my first shake now - having a vanilla one - have whisked it loads and got rid of most of the lumps. Only supposed to use 200-250ml of water but I've used a whole pint and it is still really thick and creamy so actually quite enjoying this!

Will have a soup for lunch I think and then a bar for dinner. I really can't wait to see how much I lose in this first week - most people have massive losses. But, I'm going home and won't have access to my scales until a week tomorrow at least so will have to wait and see!
Lol yes it's THE Aaron Campbell. The Exante board here is a bit slow I've heard, from a few people so keep chatting to us over here!
Hi Sarah

I lost 4 stone on Lighterlife and after the first week it was pretty easy.

Try and drink at least 3 litres of water a day, on a VLCD honestly the more you drink the more weight you will lose.

The great thing about ketosis is that you really are never hungry.

I had a shaker on LL and it worked brilliantly for lumps apart from the chocolate shakes, they had to be blended. I found this out the hard way and every time I got to a lump I gagged.

If you get a shaker add a few ice cubes when you shake and this cools the drink and helps beat out any lumps.

I found that it was easier for me if I kept the bar for when I would most likely want to snack (evening for me) and as a LL have a chocolate and toffee bar that tastes just like chocolate coated nougat with runny toffy bits in it it felt like I was eating an actual chocolate bar.

If you stick to it you will get fast results but TOTM still has an effect so don't panic if you don't lose so much (or if you're like me none) on that week.

When you come off the packs make sure you reintroduce the carbs slowly because if you go straight into eating carb heavy meals straight away you will gain some of the weight back. After LL it was 8 weeks before I introduced complex carbs, people who did the light version brought them back in on week 2 or 3 of the refeed programme I think. I didn't gain anything back.
Thanks for the advice. I am struggling with the drinking - but am working on it!

I think I'm just going to keep my diary on here, as long as no one minds? I am talking to myself over on Exante - noone has replied at all - think it's quite disgusting really! Thought this was a place of support?!

I've had a good day so far today - had a chocolate shake at about 8am, and then had the toffee, nut and raisin bar from 12:30 - 1:30ish - I am trying to spread it out and luckily, although it is tasty, it is quite dry so I made sure I drank a lot with that.

Dinner will be a soup - I am trying to get through them all so tonight is either vegetable or mushroom!

I caved last night and had a few biscuits - so I have now given these to my friend so I can't have them!
Yeah just get rid of all the food so youre not tempted
Creme egg and bourbons are officially out of my cupboard! I have plenty of food left in cupboard but it is either stuff that needs preparing or stuff I wouldn't be tempted by!

It's definitely weird thinking that I am only having 600 cals a day, but I am not allowed to eat even a 50 cals biscuit as it will knock me out of ketosis! Crazy! Like its not the calories that will damage, but just the fact that it'll ruin the ketosis.

Today has been good though - was offered a biscuit and loads of cupcakes and turned them all down. Was amazingly tempted though!

Had vegetable soup for dinner which was nice - I had twice the amount of water recommended and it is still quite thick so enjoy it.

It's strange that I can get through the hunger, but I just miss eating! Beginning to understand myself more!
Not sure what the exante bars are like but when I was on Cambridge I'd cut my bars up and put them in the fridge so I could have something to chew 3-4 times a day. I also split meals so I'd have half my porridge at 9 then the other half 2 hrs later (prepared individually not all made at once). You can split shakes and soups too.

I also sometimes cut my bars into tiny bits and popped them in a bag so it was like having a little snacky thing to dip into.
Mushroom soup is pretty horrendous, especially if you don't particularly love mushroom soup to begin with, I stick a few tbsp's of Bouillon and chilli powder in... Can't taste the mushroom that way lol.

I love the bars though, both of them, I have a can of coke zero with each bar I have, feels like a treat even though its not! :p
If there is I've definitely gone over it probably on a daily basis, I drink tons of coke zero and its never done me any harm :p I just drink a lot of water aswell and don't tend to include the cans in my daily water intake, I haven't seen dr pepper zero though! Need to keep an eye out for that :p

Exante is wicked anyway, the Exante boards are a bit rubbish but yeah, its a good diet ;)
I heard on LL that coke zero is the only "safe" diet drink and any others (if too much) can kick you out of ketosis. There is something in all the others that isn't in coke zero.

I'm not really sure though as I was a geek and stuck to LL to the letter for 4 months lol. Just what I read on many LL forums.

Edited to say I just checked on the coca cola website and dr pepper zero has same ingredients as coke zero so it must be the zeros that are ok. It's citric acid you need to stay away from so no diet coke.
I have stocked up on strawberry flavoured water from Tesco, Dr Pepper Zero - bargain at £1!) and Bouillion!

Had a banana shake for breakfast at about 11am - wasn't looking forward to it but it wasn't actually very banana-y! So, I enjoyed that - which means I like the taste of all the shakes!

Decided to have a bouillion instead of soup for lunch and have had some Dr Pepper so I feel surprisingly full - bouillion is going to be a life saver I think! It was really tasty and even for calorie counting, it only has 12cal a mug and tastes like soup!

So... I think this is going to be OK!

I'm back at home now for about ten days as I start placement on Monday - taking over the placement diary from you Caroline!

Was worried as I thought there would be loads of food to tempt me here but there are no snacky things, and luckily we are having our kitchen done up/extended etc so it's really dusty in there and I don't even want to go in!

Scales are broken so will have to wait for next weigh in until I get back to my uni house - 10 days - how much can I lose I wonder?!
I would go easy on the fruit flavoured water as fruit and fruit juices and anything with fruit in (apart from approved food packs of course) is a big no no on VLCD as it can kick you out of ketosis. We weren't allowed fruit or fruit juice until week 3 of the refeed programme when we were slowly brought out of ketosis