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1. DATE: Mon 26/05/2014
3. WATER INTAKE: 1.5L flat tummy water :rolleyes: (cucumbers, mint leaves, ginger, lemon slices mixed in 2L of water)
4. CARBS TODAY: x4 Crispbread (heb)
5. BODY MAGIC: 30 min walk
6. TOTAL SYNS : 0.5 :) (olives)
7. SALAD: Tandoori Chicken Salad (Chicken Strips, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, radish, red onions)

Well done on Day 4 Kay - u should have a good loss as well as a flat tum by Day &!! Not sure how I'll get on 2moro - off to an event where there'll be lots of food and drink - I will be taking SW stuff that I've prepared today but will I be able to resist all those temptations?? :rolleyes:
Well done on Day 4 Kay - u should have a good loss as well as a flat tum by Day &!! Not sure how I'll get on 2moro - off to an event where there'll be lots of food and drink - I will be taking SW stuff that I've prepared today but will I be able to resist all those temptations?? :rolleyes:

I'm sure you'll do fine hun :):). Enjoy your meal, and well done for preparing ahead of time ! Good luck for tomorrows weigh in, I hope you do super hun ! :D xx
Well done your both doing brilliantly , there's going to be great results xx

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Well done your both doing brilliantly , there's going to be great results xx

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Thanks Vonnie :D xx
I'm sure you'll do fine hun :):). Enjoy your meal, and well done for preparing ahead of time ! Good luck for tomorrows weigh in, I hope you do super hun ! :D xx

Thx Kay - won't be able to get to WI at class 2moro as we're going to an event - leaving home early and won't get back till late - I have doc appt on Weds so will miss another class may be able to get to Thurs class - we'll see:rolleyes:
Well done your both doing brilliantly , there's going to be great results xx

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Thx Von but I've had a fair few syns when I've eaten so I can't even guesstimate! Anyway - will have made less damage cos I'm on the challenge than if I'd just been on plan!! How are u doing?
Thx Von but I've had a fair few syns when I've eaten so I can't even guesstimate! Anyway - will have made less damage cos I'm on the challenge than if I'd just been on plan!! How are u doing?

I'm ok, I've managed today in plan , looking forward to tomorrow xx

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1. DATE: Tues 27/05/2014
3. WATER INTAKE: 1.5L flat tummy water :rolleyes: (cucumbers, mint leaves, ginger, lemon slices mixed in 2L of water)
4. CARBS TODAY: x4 Crispbread (heb)
5. BODY MAGIC: 30 min walk
6. TOTAL SYNS : 0.5 :) (olives)
7. SALAD: Quorn Chicken Salad (Quorn Chicken Strips, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, radish, red onions)
1. DATE: Tues 27/05/2014 2. DAY OF CHALLENGE: 5 3. WATER INTAKE: 1.5L flat tummy water :rolleyes: (cucumbers, mint leaves, ginger, lemon slices mixed in 2L of water) 4. CARBS TODAY: x4 Crispbread (heb) 5. BODY MAGIC: 30 min walk 6. TOTAL SYNS : 0.5 :) (olives) 7. SALAD: Quorn Chicken Salad (Quorn Chicken Strips, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, radish, red onions)

Another brill day , x

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I'm ok, I've managed today in plan , looking forward to tomorrow xx

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Just catching up - glad u had a good day and yest (Tues) was ok tooxx
Hi - well took all my SW friendly stuff to the event - ate that but lots more :eek: antibiotics don't seemed to have worked so feeling lousy - no excuse I know but don't think today is going to be any better :cry:Will get back on track 2moro (I hope!)xxx
Hi - well took all my SW friendly stuff to the event - ate that but lots more :eek: antibiotics don't seemed to have worked so feeling lousy - no excuse I know but don't think today is going to be any better :cry:Will get back on track 2moro (I hope!)xxx

Oh no Linda, hope u feel better soon lovely :hug99:, I'm sure you'll get back on plan soon and do well xx
Oh no Linda, hope u feel better soon lovely :hug99:, I'm sure you'll get back on plan soon and do well xx

Thanks - decided I'm not going to class until next Tues - and will get back on plan 2moro - will have light brekkie, soup for every lunch and salad for tea and less than 5 syns each day (apart from Saturday night when we're out for a meal :eek:).
Could live with a sts but really don't want a gain :break_diet:
Thanks - decided I'm not going to class until next Tues - and will get back on plan 2moro - will have light brekkie, soup for every lunch and salad for tea and less than 5 syns each day (apart from Saturday night when we're out for a meal :eek:).
Could live with a sts but really don't want a gain :break_diet:

That sounds like a good plan Linda :), I'm down for hols this week too so will be weighing next week. I hope the Salad Challenge gives us both a good loss. I have just posted on my diary, I am going to continue with it for another week to boost my losses :D xx
That sounds like a good plan Linda :), I'm down for hols this week too so will be weighing next week. I hope the Salad Challenge gives us both a good loss. I have just posted on my diary, I am going to continue with it for another week to boost my losses :D xx

Good luck with 2nd week - see ur only have half a syn a day too - my head's just not in the right place at the mo - must work harder as they say!!
Good luck with 2nd week - see ur only have half a syn a day too - my head's just not in the right place at the mo - must work harder as they say!!

But Linda if I was on meds, as I will be after my op, I would be hungry too, Von just went through that after her op. I know they will give me antibiotics and it will be hard for me too be 100% then, so considering, you are doing really well lovely, don't be so hard on yourself, I said the same to Von, its temporary and u will soon get your mojo back hun :):) xx
But Linda if I was on meds, as I will be after my op, I would be hungry too, Von just went through that after her op. I know they will give me antibiotics and it will be hard for me too be 100% then, so considering, you are doing really well lovely, don't be so hard on yourself, I said the same to Von, its temporary and u will soon get your mojo back hun :):) xx

Thx - perhaps I am being tough on myself!! So will be 'kind' today and eat what I fancy (even writing that feels bad tho') IWILL BE BACK ON PLAN 2MORO!! :greenapple:
1. DATE: Wed 28/05/2014
3. WATER INTAKE: 3 litres :D
4. CARBS TODAY: x4 Crispbread (heb)
5. BODY MAGIC: 30 min walk
6. TOTAL SYNS : 0.5 :) (olives)
7. SALAD: Quorn Chicken Salad (Quorn Chicken Strips, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, radish, red onions)
Great Day ....

1. DATE: Wed 28/05/2014
3. WATER INTAKE: 3 litres :D
4. CARBS TODAY: x4 Crispbread (heb)
5. BODY MAGIC: 30 min walk
6. TOTAL SYNS : 0.5 :) (olives)
7. SALAD: Quorn Chicken Salad (Quorn Chicken Strips, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, carrots, radish, red onions)

...Kay - hope to join u 2moroxx
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