This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

Good morning Tuesday! Up early today, I like a while to wake up in the mornings with a coffee & the news, then we're off mattress shopping. We haven't been happy with a memory foam one since we got it nearly 4 years ago.
Then I'm off for an interview at 2pm. I will probably start Exante today, I'm not hungry and will just have a shake or two before I go off to the interview. I'm feeling positive about it, except not looking forward to the ketosis freezing cold body during Feb! Anyhoo, I'll be finished on 28th Feb.
Sitting outside the place for the interview. It's quite rural, but only took me 17 mins to get here. It's blowing a hooley, and raining, you couldn't get much further from the Caribbean in any sense!
I've got half an hour to wait, and because I've already had two litres of water and a shake, I really need a wee!!
Really good interview. The job is varied and interesting and does involve Caribbean travel - result! Just need to get the job now, they'll let me know next week.
Everything crossed!

It's been a good day Exante-wise. I've had a strawberry shake and a chocolate custard and am on my 4th litre of water.
Chocolate shake in a bowl mixed til sloppy with water and a drop of liquid Hermy. Nuke for about a minute until warm, hey presto!
So, here's Wednesday. I'm off to buy a new quilt, we've been sleeping badly for a few nights now and one of the issues is a quilt that is far too hot. We have the windows open overnight, but even so I was awake for hours last night.

Back to Exante today, feeling good, not hungry yet but I'm sure it'll get me later!

Not much planned today other than Argos for the quilt.
It's turned into a great day. Quilt bought, along with a shake shaker. This one has a screw in compartment at the bottom to store the powder, and fits an Exante sachet, folded up, in it nicely. A bargain at £3.99, and I'll need it when I'm out as I don't want to keep buying ultraslim bars.

Have changed the bedding, thrown all the windows in the house wide open to air the smell of constant frying in butter! Also, washed the kitchen floor, done the dishwasher, hoovered everywhere, wiped down the leather sofas of muddy paw prints, put numerous loads of washing on, walked the dog, hunted for jobs online and been to see if my favourite house is still for sale as it's been off Right Move for days (it is still for sale so what's that about?) Not that I can buy it yet, but I do really like it.
I am exhausted just reading your list of jobs done. I have totally cleaned my bedroom, thrown out lots of bits, it is amazing the amount of rubbish we collect, especially freebies from make up counters. I am hoping the painter will come next week to paint it. I have new quilt covers, cushions and pictures to go up. Also getting new curtains, can't wait til it is done. I haven't updated it properly in ten years!
Sammy, that's quite exciting. I love it when I've redecorated and got new bedding & bits to go in it. We did ours last year, what colours are you going for?

The weight watchers documentary was really interesting.
Well I started with the picture which I fell in love with, it is an evening scene in a city in late 1800, with ochre and a blue grey being the predominant colours. So I am having ochre on one wall and the others are the blue grey.....the quilt is plain white, all the cushions are patterned in the other colours in the picture and the curtins are voile.....I got a lot of the ideas from a picture in a magazine.
Meant to say I didn't see the ww program, the oh says if he sees another weight related program again before he dies it will be too soon lol. I will watch it on the internet soon.
I think my DH is a bit like that now with the diet stuff, although he is pretty good about it really.

The room colours sound lovely. We did ours in shades of grey ( sounds a bit dodgy after that rubbish book!), it looks a bit New Englandy, and I'm pleased with it.
Sounds like a crazily busy day! Good luck with your exanting. Was the WW doc pro or negative?
It was rather negative, ml. They were showing the difference between the ww brand foods and their cost in comparison to normal brands. Also, how they have paid for their own research into the success of the diet, which is the blurb used to promote its success etc.
What a great day! My head is in a good place, I have achieved loads, Exante has gone well, 4 litres of water downed and I'm now freezing cold, leading me to think ketosis could be on its way - hurrah!
Thursday, a bit grey & mishog today outside. The sunshine really was a mood improver yesterday. No big deal today, I'll be walking the dog and then pootling off about an hour along the coast (nearly into Sussex) to meet my best friend at her sisters place for a girly day. They're having a French bread type lunch, and I'll be having a shake! I know we'll put the world to rights, so that should be cathartic.
Have a good day yourselves.