This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

Am gradually steering away from Exante. I'm reading about tactics to keep my blood sugar low with real food, just reinforcing the low carb life we're all living. I just need to stop being pessimistic and get on with it ! I'm going to crack this last stone, or so...
B brie & nuts
L home made celery & Stilton soup
Berries & cream
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Afternoon Smiley - sorry I've been slightly awol - well done on your interview, I too have everything crossed for you!!!!

Loving all your energy and focus, it's brilliant.
I was reading something last night on the merits of a high protein breakfast followed by eating every six hours (which Atkins recommends) and being careful to spread vegetables out as being helpful in keeping low blood sugar. Will see if I can find it again.
That sounds interesting.

Have just had dinner, cauli rice, a small amount of pepper, chilli, mushroom and broccoli as stir fry veg, and salmon. Didn't eat it all as I was full, am pleased with myself as it was so scrummy I would previously have carried on ploughing through it.

Off to a psychic night tonight with a friend, dh going for a curry with a few friends.
T'was nice to go out with my friend to the psychic night. In all the times I've been, they've never come to me but I live in hope! It's interesting to hear what's said to the others though.
Husband came home from his night out and threw up nearly all night. Apparently he's not drinking again....

I don't think today would be wise to fast for him, so we'll change days for tomorrow.

No excitement planned this weekend, I thunk Tesco will be as exciting as it gets!
Spurred on by the success of diem, I am changing my strategy.

Today is a fast day (nothing consumed since 6pm last night). Then I'll be going without cream, cheese, nuts this week and sticking to very clean & green. Will weigh tomorrow once the fast is done. Then fast tues & thurs.

Right, I need success with a job. We've found a house we want, and have found a way we think we could sort the deposit etc. But we can't apply for a mortgage until we have a second wage to factor in. Come on lady luck!
Yes, there's one temp to perm that I've got an interview for next week. But, until it's permanent (if) then I won't be considered for a mortgage. Also, due to hear re the Caribbean one next week.
No cream, cheese or nuts..the three things I abuse constantly on this diet lol! Diem's had great results though, so I'm sure it'll work for you.

Come on job in the Caribbean!xx
I'm going all out on the fasting. Had my 500 cals yesterday, in fact between 6.30pm sat til this morning. From today I'm fat fasting, hoping to keep that going for 5 days. I've been 11.11 on the scales for a month, still there today. I'm gonna get that down this week.
Sticking to 1000 cals daily, 90% from fat. I've chopped and changed my mind daily this week about what to do next. My plan (today anyway!) is 5 day fat fast, then to what you've, been doing (no nuts, cheese, cream etc), then onwards. I just need to see some movement on the scales. Will be having 5 x 2oz portions cream cheese or 5 x 1oz portions macadamia daily.
Well, that's a good argument of reason & logic. Will get my head in order now, lean & green it is. Thanks, it's good to have the voice of reason out there and on my side.

There, I've drawn a line under the witterings and ramblings of the indecisive fool I have been for the last few days. I cannot sustain a fat fast, and must be sensible about this. It's an up & down week emotionally waiting to hear re jobs, attending interview(s), hospital re DH's ear cancer etc so I need to stay strong.

I fasted (500 cals) from Saturday evening until this lunchtime. I will now be doing a lean & green strict induction period, in an effort to move the scales. I will not be having cream, cheese, nuts or flax, omitting them completely is easier for me than allowing a small amount.

So far today:

Lunch - ham, bacon, berries with 'cream' made of 2 tsp vanilla Exante, unsweetened almond milk, vanilla extract. It was an excellent alternative.

Dinner will be pork chop with salad.