This or That

(good choice, I can't stand JK either!)

Oooh, I can't decide, I really, really loved both (well, mine were Sindy dolls). :)

Friday night in- Lager and a Curry or Wine and Chinese?
Wine and chinese but having that tomorrow.

Going out for a meal have a starter or a dessert
Both have merits...winter (but would hate it if it was always winter!)

If you had to give up one.....tea or coffee
Coffee, I need my morning cup of tea, and tea sorts out all of your problems doesn't it, so I really couldn't give it up. :)

Cleaning the loo or emptying the bins?

gloves or mittens

gloves, I like the finger holes and find mittens restrictive.

running or swimming?
Swimming, I don't do the running thing! ;)

Cheers or Frasier? (you might have to be of a 'certain' age for this one...)
Swimming, I don't do the running thing! ;)

Cheers or Frasier? (you might have to be of a 'certain' age for this one...)

I've only ever seen Frasier so I'll have to say that (I'm 23 :D)

Saturday night treat - alcohol or chocolate?

What is least attractive in a man: a comb over or socks and sandals?

Both :eek: but socks and sandals probs worse

savory or sweet?