This or That

I'll take Tom, a boat on the Thames is one of my worst nightmares, I'm sure Tom would be a much better choice. :)

Settling down for a cosy chat, do you use the Landline or mobile?

A ride on a steam train or a ride on an open top bus?
Ride on a steam train with my little boy, he's obsessed with trains.

Have the ability to become invisible or be able to read people's minds?
Become invisible (that would be great!)

grow flowers or grow vegetables
Skinny jeans when I am thinner

Would you prefer to live without TV or mobile phone?
I pretty much live without a mobile phone already! Would find it hard to live without TV.

Dressing gown: fleecy or towelling?
Debit card, I'm terrible with credit so it's best that I just don't!

Buy the CD or download?
Download :)

tea or coffee

with nuts or without
Depends who I'm talking to, but on the whole a face to face conversation is usually better.

Salad leaves: lettuce or rocket?
Chips.... Mmmmm chips! Lol

with sweetener or without