This time I will do it!!...

Too soft :)

Fab loss this week hun! You must be thrilled x
Thanks hun I am after my STS last week. People are now saying dont you think you should stop........ Ill stop when Im happy :D
Aw ignore them, your losing weight for you and will stop when you see fit.

Can't win - when your overweight people drop hints about losing weight. When you lose weight they start telling you to stop or "don't go too far!" Lol x
Lol yeh I know - hubby is one of them. He keeps saying good god woman how much more, there will be nothing left of you - oh yes there will haha
In their genes I think.

Right, I'm done for today - up to get my beauty sleep before the baby wakes for a bottle. The joys :)

Night hun x
Woohoo! 3lb off for me this week :)

Have planned treats tonight - a brownie (16 syns) and some bread (12 syns) but will take it from my weekly allowance and reduce the rest of my syns to 10per day. Hoping this might help me to avoid the WI day 'black hole' x
Amazing how does it feel to be in the 11's :)
Cr*p day!

Dad had to go back into hospital as he has am infection in his wound. He's drugged up to the max and has to have another op on Tuesday to assess the damage. If the infection is too deep, all the work they did has to be removed and he will be paralysed.

Eaten rubbish today seeking comfort from food. I've always been a comfort eater and probably always will be. Not feeling guilty about today - I have other things to worry about.