OOPS we totally posted at the same time.... Sorry, been so busy :-( I'm here!!!
Just had the "museli" bar, had it as it was the least calories meaning i total 813 for the day which is a total result cos most days it's been in the 900s! don't recommend it though, it tasted like.... ya know the outside sweet oaty bif of nutrigrains? like that, but covered in white choc, very very sweet, just adding to my lovely indigestion!!
Yeah, I know, I have tried to schedule them in now, have alarms set 4 times a day repeating for the next week lol, otherwise i'd never remember them!
feeling ok, like yourself suffering with a bit of cramp :-( moods still flipping between euphoria and damn right grizzly - wish there was something I could take to level that out, though glad i'm like that now instead of on the holiday - i'm convinced that's why I had a not-so-great time when i went last june - I can get majorly depressed on T.O.M these days, in fact after that hol i almost went to the doc about it, only for it to almost instantly vanish a few days later! I actually spent a whole day sleeping that cruise, only leaving my bed for food, it's crazy! but yeah, better now than in 2 weeks time!
but when I'm not utterly down, i'm pretty good! written my "to do before holiday"list today at work so now i am focused, trying to tick things off of my personal to do list as well, actually got around to paying my bills today which makes me feel better, think I'm gonna hold out on the laptop and see how much i make on ebay this weekend, if i can pay for it out of my paypal account I'll be happy!