Tinyshoes diary - countdown to wedding dress fitting!

Tuesday 14th April - feel quite hungry today and got some good news this morning (clear follow up smear results after having had abnormal cells removed last Sept!! :D) so I feel like celebrating - by eating ALL my easter eggs!! I will try not to though :copon:

2 x thick wholemeal bread 4 with x light Flora 1 and jam 1

WW chocolate cupcake 1.5

Large white bread bun 3
1 x egg 1.5
2 x sausages 5

1/2 small easter egg 5

2 x potato waffles 3
3 tbsp baked beans 1
15g rf cheese 1

65g apricot crumble 3?
1/3 tin light custard 2
Cadbury Twirl 5.5
Bag French fries 1

VERY BAD day today!! Estimated at 38.5 points!! Must try to have a better day tomorrow. Don't think I will manage sts on Friday now!
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Wednesday 15th April - will try to have a better day today!

40g Oats & More with ss milk 4

WW peanut bar 1.5

Updating this from memory now, didn't have much of a better day in the end......

1 bread bun 2
Turkey 0.5
WW cheese tortillas 1

McFlurry ??
1/2 medium easter egg ??

Turkey escalope 4
1/3 tin new potatoes sliced and 'frylited' 1.5
2 tbsp light coleslaw 1

Points used today: 15.5 plus McFlurry and 1/2 easter egg so TOO MANY again! Started off fairly well this week and it's all gone pear shaped now (like me!!)
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Thursday 16th April - not a great day again so far but I'm determined to try and write everything down so I can see how bad I'm being!!

2 x weetabix with 150ml ss milk 3
1 x crumpet with Flora x light 1.5

Lunch (out):
1 x loaded potato skin cheese and red onion 2.5?
4 pieces scampi 4?
4 mini chicken strips 4?
2 breaded mushrooms 1?

WW toffee bar 1.5

2 x wm bread 4
Chicken 1
French fries 1

Total points used today: 23.5 - hmm not sure this is correct as had to guess points for lunch! To be honest I've started feeling a bit sluggish now coz I've been eating rubbish and too much :jelous: so tomorrow after my disastrous WI I am going to get back onto it, or at least start heading back that way!
Hey, im Isabel. I joined ww 4 weeks ago and am just getting into the swing of things. I will admit now i am only 13, about to turn 14 but i am already 5ft 6 and i am quite grown up for my age. I joined because ive always felt like i was too big and never quite fitted in so thought i would give WW a go even though im supposed to be 18. Im so glad i did because i have already lost an amazing 8lb and i feel so much better. Also we are trying out a load of the recipes and that has been great because its given me something to do rather than just lounge and snack, which i would often do and mainly it has improved my relationship with both my parents because it involves us both (parents divorced so forever to and fro) and so some great time for bonding. Im currently on 20 points but sometimes -especially in the hols- i find it hard when i get peckish and need to nibble on something.
Sorry for going on a bit. I'll update you of my WI's just to keep my motivated.

p.s ive just spent a whole day reading your blogs and think your all doing great so keep it up.
Hey, im Isabel. I joined ww 4 weeks ago and am just getting into the swing of things. I will admit now i am only 13, about to turn 14 but i am already 5ft 6 and i am quite grown up for my age. I joined because ive always felt like i was too big and never quite fitted in so thought i would give WW a go even though im supposed to be 18. Im so glad i did because i have already lost an amazing 8lb and i feel so much better. Also we are trying out a load of the recipes and that has been great because its given me something to do rather than just lounge and snack, which i would often do and mainly it has improved my relationship with both my parents because it involves us both (parents divorced so forever to and fro) and so some great time for bonding. Im currently on 20 points but sometimes -especially in the hols- i find it hard when i get peckish and need to nibble on something.
Sorry for going on a bit. I'll update you of my WI's just to keep my motivated.

p.s ive just spent a whole day reading your blogs and think your all doing great so keep it up.
Welcome to WW Isabel! You might want to post your entry onto the main section of the forum as you have posted it on my diary entry which is fine, but I don't know that many people will read it on here. This is a fantastic site for support/advice/new ideas etc. Good on you for trying new recipes and getting your parents involved, sounds like a great idea! And well done on your loss so far. I've been struggling the last week but back on it today 100%! Good luck!
Monday 20th April - back to work :cry:not that I dislike my job it's just horrible first day back after a week off!! Anyway at least it means I'm 100% back on plan from now...I seriously fell off the wagon last week all my good intentions disappeared somewhere along the line and I put on 2lbs! I'm not going to update my ticker etc as I am hoping to lose it again this week...here goes...

Oatsosimple Raspberry with 50ml ss milk/100ml water 2.5

WW peanut raisin choc bar 1.5

2 x WW malted bread 1.5
1/2 slice ham, scraping of Phili x light 0.5
French fries (multipack bag) 1
Eat Smart cup soup 1


Chicken 2
Curry sauce 3
Rice 2.5
WW mini naan 1.5

2 x Jumbo choc chip snack a jacks 2

2 x decaf coffee
4 x NAS squash
2 x diet cherryade

1.5 hours ironing + 5.07km on cross trainer (18m25s,115cals)

Total points used today: 19/19 - pleased with myself today for getting back on track AND doing some exercise! :D
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Tuesday 21st April - aiming for another good day today, am hoping for a sts this week as I don't think I'll be able to lose any before Friday - when I have a bad week normally it is still catching up with me the week after :rolleyes:

Oatsosimple Golden Syrup with 50ml ss milk/100ml water 2.5

WW black forest bar 1.5

Lunch (looks like a horrible combination!):
2 x WW malted bread 1.5
Tuna 1 with rf salad cream 0.5
French fries (multipack bag) 1
Tesco LC chicken noodle cup soup 0.5
WW toffee yoghurt 0.5

Jumbo choc chip SAJ 1

WW Chicken hotpot ready meal 4.5
Aunt Bessie's Yorkie Pud 0 (can't believe it, only 10 cals!)
Carrots/broccoli/cauliflower 0
100g 'roast' potato (with frylite) 1

SAJ s&v popcorn 0.5
WW caramel cake bar 1.5

None, don't know where the hours went last night!!

2 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
2 x diet cherryade

Total points used today: 17.5/19
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Wednesday 22nd April - had a good day food wise yesterday, no exercise though was busy after work didn't have dinner until almost 7 so no time for exercise really!! Will try and get some done tonight...

Small banana 1 with WW vanilla yoghurt 0.5 and 20g muesli 1

Apple 0.5
WW peanut bar 1.5

2 x WW malted bread 1.5
Scraping phili x light & 1/2 slice ham 0.5
WW hearty veg soup 2
WW cheese tortillas 1

SAJ Jumbo choc chip 1

Homemade chips made with 200g potato and frylite 2
Birds Eye Fish in breadcrumbs 4
1 tbsp light salad cream 0.5
1 slice WW malted bread 0.5

Pink & white wafer 0.5

None again! Late dinner again....

3 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade

Total points used today: 18/19
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Thursday 23rd April - another good day again yesterday apart from no exercise again! Busy after work then late dinner again. Pressure is on now as my wedding dress has arrived at the shop!!! :D Am going to book my first fitting for the end of May so that gives me 5 weeks to lose as much as I can, hopefully half a stone so I MUST MUST MUST exercise!! Also, had a quick peek on scales this morning :eek: and it looks like I'll sts this week so that's not too bad after such a bad week/weekend last week! Need to get the scales moving back down again next week though :rolleyes:

Oatsosimple Raspberry 2 with 50ml 0.5 ss milk/100ml water
Small blush pear 1

WW peanut raisin & choc bar 1.5

6 x wm crackerbread 1.5
30g Phili x light 0.5
WW strawberry tart yoghurt 1 with banana 1
Belgian choc options 0.5

Mini twister ice lolly 1

WW roast chicken dinner meal 5
Carrots/broccoli/cauliflower 0
Aunt Bessie yorkie pud 0
WW choc eclair 1.5

WW rich toffee bar 1.5
French fries 1

None - lazy night (again haha!!)

3 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade
1 x tea

Total points used today: 19.5/19 - oops half a point over! Could have been worse though, h2b decided at half 9 to have loads of crackers and cheese (I luuuuuurve cheese!!) so rather than giving in and having some I just had a bag of French Fries, so I was a little bit in control at least....
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Friday 24th April - WI and as suspected I have sts this week! Not feeling great about it but realistically I couldn't have expected to lose any after only getting back on track on Monday after a VERY BAD week and weekend off! :eek: So, setting myself a target of 1.5-2 lbs off this next week, am also going to try lowering/raising my points a few days as this seemed to work the last time I did it - am gonna try and have two high point days (Fri/Sat), two normal (Sun/Tues) and three low (Mon/Wed/Thurs) in the hope it will keep my body guessing and boost my metabolism a bit. Oh and I will try and do at least 3 sessions of exercise too.

2 x WW malted bread 1.5
Flora x light & 1 lc light triangle 1

Small blush pear 1
WW black forest bar 1.5

Spicy sweet and sour mugshot 3.5
WW lemon cheesecake yoghurt 1

Cadbury jaffa mini roll 2
Mini twister lolly 1
WW rich toffee bar 1.5

2 slices Morrisons thin crust pizza 10?
1/3 portion spicy french fries 4?

30 mins on Wii Fit

1 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade

Total points used today ('cheat' day): planned/estimated 28!
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Not too bad a weekend - had better but definitely had worse! Have found out that my wedding dress doesn't actually need to be altered until August time so that's great news I am going to change my target date from beginning of June to end of July that will give me a month to get used to maintaining before my dress needs to be altered! That means I am aiming for at least 14.5lbs in 14 weeks which is very do-able even if I have the odd 'off' week which most of us do!! Any more than that would just be a bonus!

Saturday I had 22/22 points (I'm alternating high and low points this week).

Sunday I had 19/19 points.
Monday 27th April - aiming for 16 points today! And a loss of at least 1lb this week.

Oatsosimple Raspberry with 50ml ss milk/100ml water 2.5

WW rich toffee bar 1.5

2 x 50/50 bread 1.5
Slice ham 0.5
French fries 1
WW orange & nectarine yoghurt with chopped apple (my fave!) 1

Homemade chips from 200g potato 2
Grassington's cauliflower cheese burger 2.5
2 tbsp rf coleslaw 1

Snack (got the munchies tonight! Wasn't just bored though I was actually hungry!):
Mini Twister choc/vanilla/caramel ice lolly 1
Nestle Oats & More choc chip cereal bar 2
French fries 1

3 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade
1 x tea

20 mins free step on Wii Fit (1900 steps)

Total points used today: 17.5, bit disappointed because I was aiming for just 16 today although my normal daily points are 19 so I'm still below that. For some reason I was REALLY hungry at half 8 last night! Maybe hormones it is week before TOTM!
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Good luck Tinyshoes, you can do it. I've been messing around these last 2 weeks and need to get back to it also.
Hope you get a loss this week xx
Good luck Tinyshoes, you can do it. I've been messing around these last 2 weeks and need to get back to it also.
Hope you get a loss this week xx
Thanks I really need to get 100% back on track now. I am trying high and low point days this week to see if that will help me stay on track. Good luck to you too, we will get there...
Tuesday 28th April - aiming for max of 18 points today, plus some exercise. Am going to try and eat more fruit/veg too, I struggle with this on WW as I think if I have points left I would rather have something 'nice' for the same points rather than eat fruit!

Breakfast (really hungry again!):
2 crumpets with scraping of Flora x light 2.5

WW black forest bar 1.5

1 bread roll 2
1 LC light triangle 0.5
WW cheese tortilla chips 1
WW rasp fromage frais 1

SAJ jumbo choc chip 1

95g Salmon fillet 1.5
Sachet Birds Eye veg rice 3.5
1/2 can sweetcorn 0.5 with 80g garden peas 0.5

2 poppy & sesame seed biscuits with scraping of Phili x light 1.5
WW choc biscuit 1.5

2 x decaf coffee
3 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade
1 x green tea with cranberry
1 x tea

5.27km on cross trainer (21 mins, 120 calories)

Total points used today: 18.5/18 - oops half over what I was aiming for but still under my usual 19, plus I managed some exercise again!
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Wednesday 29th April - feels like it should at least be Thursday today!! Am aiming for 17 points today but am not going to be too strict if I need to use 19 I will as I've got the munchies this week (hormones I think!!)

Oatsosimple Apple & Blueberry (my fave one!) with 100ml ss milk and 50ml water 3

WW peanut raisin & choc bar 1.5

WW chicken, potato, leek soup 2
3 x 50/50 crustless bread 2
Small kids banana 1

Snack a jack jumbo choc chip 1

1 x potato waffle 1.5 with 1/3 tin baked beans 1.5
Bernard Matthews turkey escalope 4

All went a bit wrong after dinner, I was still starving!! So had a WW peanut bar and a WW choc mini roll = 3.5 points

2 x decaf coffee
2 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade
1 x green tea with cranberry
1 x tea

None - real busy after work then went out later on

Total points used today: 21 - not good, was only aiming for 17 although my usual allowance is 19 but I'm sooooo hungry this week and I'm not going to starve myself (hormones I think).
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Thursday 30th April - not having a great week feeling hungry more than usual am going to try and just have 17 points today but if I am still hungry I will have my usual 19. Had a quick peek at the scales this morning and it looks like I may have lost a lb this week but fingers crossed for WI tomorrow!

2 x crumpets with x light Flora 2.5

WW black forest bar 1.5

2 x crustless bread 1.5
1/2 slice ham, scraping of Phili x light 0.5
French fries 1
WW lemon/lime yoghurt 0.5

Special K rasp/choc bliss bar 1.5
SAJ jumbo choc chip 1

Dinner (lazy dinner tonight!):
5 Quorn mini kievs 4
1/3 tin sliced/frylited new potatoes 1.5
1/3 tin baked beans 1.5

WW choc mini roll 2

2 x decaf coffee
2 x NAS squash
1 x diet cherryade

None, too tired tonight!

Total points used today: 19/19, was trying to only have 17 but so hungry again so I used my full 19 today.
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Friday 1st May - WI - have lost 1.5lbs this week! Quite pleased with that as I have really struggled to not fall off the wagon this week! And the weekend wasn't particularly great food-wise! Am going to alternate my points every day again as I think it works for me plus at least 3 exercise sessions, so here is the plan:
Today - 19 points (normal day) exercise
Sat - 23 points (high point day)
Sun - 19 points (normal day)
Mon - 23 points (high point day) exercise
Tues - 15 points (low point day)
Wed - 19 points (normal day) exercise
Thurs - 15 points (low point day)
Am aiming for another 1.5lbs off next week.

2 x ww malted bread 1.5 with x light phili 0.5
Oatsosimple Golden Syrup with 50ml ss milk, 100ml water 2.5

WW peanut bar 1.5

Chicken noodle mugshot 3.5
French fries 1

Mini twister lolly 1
Pink & white wafer 0.5

Birds Eye fish in breadcrumbs 4
Homemade oven chips from 150g potato 1.5
80g frozen garden peas 0.5
1 x ww malted bread 0.5
X light salad cream 0.5

5.5km on cross trainer (21m30s, 125 cals)

3 x NAS squash
1 x decaf coffee
1 x diet cherryade

Total points used today: 19
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