I think that the fruit salad and lots of water have been my saviour this week, and now I have the chance to do it all over again, without big whoopsies food wise!
23/8/11 - Mix to Max (I think)
2x WM bread - HE
Trimmed bacon
MORE leftover chilli. With a WM pitta
1/4 of Potz icecream. Whole tub is 270 cals, so 13.5 syns. My bit was 3.5.
1/2 Bottle wine. Pretty sure it's 16 syns
*OH was being a proper queen over the toothache. I know it hurts, but seriously, holding your jaw all the time, constantly moaning, but then it gets better, till I look over, then the hand is back on the jaw. *sigh* So tea for me was a pasta pack. He couldn't face to eat anything. I am sympathetic to a point. I went out and got him ibruprofen, cocodamol, tooth picks, dental floss, drove him to the dentists late on, drove him to my parents to get stronger cocodamol, sleeping pills and clove oil, and to STILL be moaning I feel is a little selfish. I get a bit annoyed when someone is moaning, you do all you can to try and help, and they still moan. As I say, I know it hurts, I've had it myself before, but you kinda have to get on with it. When I'm poorly I still have to walk the dog, do the dishes, work and prepare tea. Anyhoo, rant over.