To the top of the mountain.. and beyond!!

Do you have to have them daily or can you have one "cheat" meal a week like i was doing before?

No you can use them as you wish. I have the bulk of mine on a weekend for wine and the odd lager or two and then just use the rest through the week which is why Saturday am wi's work for me! x
Hmm i think im gonna have to start thinking of ways to add calories to my meals..

Burnt 1581 cals today.. pretty sure my food hasnt gone over that even with the naughty graze bits

Think im gonna have to make an effort to eat all the syns.. this week im not stressing bout adding them on as ill weigh on sat and had a naughty weekend. But on a normal week, when im not going out im gonna have to sort it out!
you just need to eat more im sure after a few days it will be a bit better for you x
1581 cals! WOW!!! What u done to earn those bad boys? X
Yeh but u will look leaner!! X