Today is good because....

Woohooo go girl :)
I took a sneak peek on the scales today (I know, bad me!) I've lost 4lbs so far this week, which means i've had a total loss of 1st 2lbs! :D
Today is a good day because:
I feel lighter, full of energy;
sun is shining;
went for 2 walks 1hr each;
I'm on 12 day 100%TS and it feels great!

Have a great Sunday!:)
today is good because.... I start the first of my 5 nights before I go on holiday next Saturday :)
Well last night was good because: my husbands brother told me I looked 'a bit too good' and then scurried off! :) made me giggle!!
Today is good because after having a few too many days off plan last week coz it was my birthday (and my mums) I am now back on track and doing my '100 days at 100% challenge'
Today is good for me because it's my first day on exante and hopefully the start of me becoming healthier :)
Today is good, because ketosis is finally with me :D
Today is good because NotSoSkinnyMarge subliminally made me buy the 30 day Shred.



You're gonna luv it :D
Trust me :giggle:
Today is good because after reading all the good things about it on here I just ordered the 30 day shred dvd.....god help me! Be nice to start losing some inches though.

Also good because this is day 2 at 100% woo!
I have some questions about the 30 day shred if anyone can answer....
1. What weights do I need? Like how much should they weigh?
2. Do you think I can manage the exercises at the size I am now? Or should I wait and lose a few stone before I try it?
Small dumbells should be fine. I'd start as low as you can, and then build up as you get fitter :)

And go for it right away - there's two people to follow for beginner and advanced. You can always pause and catch your breath if you need to :D I have paused to have a quick drink today x

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If you're worried, you can always start it without any weights, or just use some cans of baked beans or something. Otherwise, it's just the small hand weights you get, I think most supermarkets even sell them, I think they're 5lb? something like that.