Tough love - off topic and chit-chat

Marvellous. Major allergy kick off today from cutting the grass yesterday. I feel crap. I'm on an up day but am limiting cals to 1800 as I over did it on the last 2 up days I think. I'm not sure I feel slimmer at all. I feel swollen from the hay fever. Damn it.

To you runners, I had my second run yesterday, I was on a DD so had only had 400cals when I went for the run and I had a bad one. I felt like my legs were less weights, I was all over the place, I lost the spring in my step was awful!! Was this due to running on empty? Or did I just have a bad run? X

My opinion is that you have to respect running - it does amazing things for your metabolism, but it is hard on your body. You need to have enough fuel in the tank, otherwise you don't have the energy to run properly - and crap running is much less effetive than full pelt proper running. So the food you eat is more than cancelled out by the extra effort you can put in by being properly fueled.

I ran once first thing in the morning, before I had breakfast - never again!! I felt like jelly and gave up really quickly. Now I always have a banana or a slice of brown toast first.
i did it on my tuesday down day and was totally fine but yesterday i had done 45 minutes of mowing the lawn and done a load of cleaning etc so i think id just done too much on too little. right im off for a shower and then to get weighed, ive been waiting for hubby to get in to go and hes got in and the kids are needing a sleep so im just gonna go on my own. ill leave him cleaning up hahahaha
Hope you all have a good weekend, enjoying whatever you do. Good luck with decision making and lots of PMA to us all.


PS. This should make my 20th post so the opening message should change. Can you tell I am running out of things to say LOL
Quick update. Finally broke the back of the bogey 13's. Made it to 12,13 today! Took me sooo long to get out of here, hope the twelves don't hang around as long! I think this paleo style of eating really suits me and my random lifestyle.
Also seems to have sorted out my IBS etc.
Quick update. Finally broke the back of the bogey 13's. Made it to 12,13 today! Took me sooo long to get out of here, hope the twelves don't hang around as long! I think this paleo style of eating really suits me and my random lifestyle.
Also seems to have sorted out my IBS etc.

i got diagnosed with ibs when i was 17, i spent 2 years house bound due to severe diarrhea everytime i thought about going out, it was totally stress related but certain foods triggered it, once i eliminated the stress i was able to eat those foods again. stress is the most common cause of ibs, so try to eliminate as much stress as you can. well done on the loss also...great stuff!! :D
I love the daily apple! Am having great fun with all the ingredients like nut flours: yummy pancakes! I certainly don't feel deprived in any way shape or form.
The improvements I can see so far: less bloating, more energy, no IBS attacks, very stable moods (dare I say I feel quite serene these days), even during 'PMT and a gun' week. All this in less than a month of 80-90% paleo. I do have some dark chocolate, the occasional red wine and a teeny bit of cheese and milk here and there. Yes, the weight loss is also great, but the other benefits are brilliant.
Yo peeps - posted in the proper thread - but 1lb off for me, so my next loss will get me to goal! Whoop! Will catch up with everyone's posts - only just managed to get a ruddy connection on the pc. Gonna have to get me a decent phone at my next upgrade so I can minimims on the move as this up and down connection with BT is doing my head in!
Yo peeps - posted in the proper thread - but 1lb off for me, so my next loss will get me to goal! Whoop! Will catch up with everyone's posts - only just managed to get a ruddy connection on the pc. Gonna have to get me a decent phone at my next upgrade so I can minimims on the move as this up and down connection with BT is doing my head in!

well done you!!! great stuff!!!

im having a massive allergy attack, im itchy and my skin is so sore, itchy eyes the lot, dont know why though i dont notmally get hayfever but i do suffer with allergies, my brother gets bad hayfever and said its been the worst year for him. im looking after my mums dog while shes away and its driving me frigging nuts, shes eaten several of the kids dummies, loads of their toys, so i shut her out of the living room and she manages to get into the toilet or the bedrooms and either pulls loo roll all over the house or chews stuff in the bedroom.....i cant cope!! the kids are driving me nuts also, my 2 year old keeps getting into the garden as soon as my back is turned and the 16 month old thinks sitting on the laptop whilst im chasing the 2 year old round the garden is brilliant, resulting in it breaking the other day. no wonder i like a bloody drink on a weekend
continued on from chat thread...

i used to thikn that if i didnt weigh in every day i would gain loads of weight but, as ive stopped weighing on my home dodgy scales im finding im sticking to it and my motivation is back. all i know is when im weighing every day or a few times a week, its literally all i can think about and when i have a fluctuation it freaks me right out, but we naturally gain and lose water through the month and i think id rather get an over all view rather than something that could possibly make me feel a bit rubbish, plus how good would it feel to jump on the scales after 4 weeks and see youve lost 10 pound??? im starting with a fortnight, see how i do. if i feel its better ill up it to 3 weeks then monthly. my friend did monthly weigh ins and only ever has and the weight flew off her no bother, she got more into a routine with her diet and focused more on eating healthy than the scales....i want that lol
conlou1 said:
continued on from chat thread...

i used to thikn that if i didnt weigh in every day i would gain loads of weight but, as ive stopped weighing on my home dodgy scales im finding im sticking to it and my motivation is back. all i know is when im weighing every day or a few times a week, its literally all i can think about and when i have a fluctuation it freaks me right out, but we naturally gain and lose water through the month and i think id rather get an over all view rather than something that could possibly make me feel a bit rubbish, plus how good would it feel to jump on the scales after 4 weeks and see youve lost 10 pound??? im starting with a fortnight, see how i do. if i feel its better ill up it to 3 weeks then monthly. my friend did monthly weigh ins and only ever has and the weight flew off her no bother, she got more into a routine with her diet and focused more on eating healthy than the scales....i want that lol

Exactly! You can control your calorie input, but not what your body decides to do with it, so keep on the straight and narrow and forget about the scales for a while! xx
gettingfit said:
Last week I put on 1/2lb.Ok it's not a lot but I got rid of it in a couple of days by exercising more than what I usually do.I usually only walk 3/6 miles a day and sometimes do 30 mins Pilates but not very often as I am lazy.
If I only weighed every 2/4 weeks then that 1/2lb could of been more.So it would of been harder to get motivated to lose it for me anyway as I have been there several times.
And I know I would be saying it's only a llb then it would be another llb.

But don't you think cos your weighi every day your relaxing to put that on? if you didn't know how you was doing you probably wouldn't slip in the first place? Im not saying im right. I might be totally wrong and get weighed next week and have put 5 pound on lol, or I might not be able to wait I don't know, but I just know I don't want to be thinking about my bloody weight every second of every day. I get on my
Own nerves lol
gettingfit said:
I think because I have got so low I don't want to go back to where I was.Say I didn't weigh last week so I didn't know I put that 1/2lb on then I wouldn't of worked harder for just 2 days to get it off I could be sat here now with an extra 1 lb or more not knowing.Then if I weighed next week and was a couple of llb heavier it would freak me out.
Instead I am sat here same weight as I was Saturday not having to worry about it.

I know as I'm going to be away for 10 days I may put weight on but I will just worry about that next week when I am back here.

I know exactly what your saying, I'm not saying your wrong at all just think that there's 2 ways of looking at it and it obviously just depends on the person. But you must have slipped up
To put the half on in the first place ;)
gettingfit said:
I don't drink alcohol and don't eat cakes,bread etc so can't blame it on that and can't blame it on TOM as don't have it very often.Weight will always go up and down.
I blame it on the hot weather as the only thing I did have more of last week was fruit with coconut milk for breakfast instead of a 'fry-up'.

I'm not weighing again until 1st sept so it will be interesting to see what I weigh without scale hopping.:)

When I come back and if I have only put a llb or two on then I will go the whole of Sept without weighing.:eek: I will just concentrate on the foods I eat as I now know some of the foods I can and can't eat without it affecting my weight.

Like I've said before I am lazy.Can't be bothered with going to the gym or exercise dvd's done that for so many years.It's only since I changed my way of eating that something has worked for me with little effort and a bit of walking.

Ooh well good luck on the not getting weighed, I know your away but hopefully not getting weighed and not knowing where your at will help you make good choices rather than think 'ah what the hell I'll deal with it when I get back' good luck I hope it isn't too hard for you. I feel slimmer already after my DD I need to seriously up my
Fluids this week I'm swollen in my face and really dehydrated.

Oh also I planned yesterday, Wednesday and Friday as DD, j wanted to do proper alternate but it's too hard on a weekend, if I can squeeze another in Sunday I will, but snyway, my friend was going to
Come Friday with wine, and I said yes but realised that was my DD I could have changed it to say but didn't want to
Mess with it again so I asked if she can come on Saturday instead, was quite proud of myself for putting my diet first.