Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

I had to write headlines and news stories about finance too, and a thesaurus was also my best friend for posher words for headlines that fitted better lol!!

When I go back they have moved me to tv listings so I'll be doing tv mags instead of finance now, not sure if I'm happy or not :/ xx

Where do you work, hon, it sounds fascinating! :) xx
Thanks guys I work at the press association, if you google it should tell u a bit about it, we produce a lot of the pages for papers like the sun, daily mail etc & also the smaller local papers! Sounds more exciting than it is lol xx
Thanks guys I work at the press association, if you google it should tell u a bit about it, we produce a lot of the pages for papers like the sun, daily mail etc & also the smaller local papers! Sounds more exciting than it is lol xx

Oh wow, that does sound like a fascinating job. Of course I've heard of the Press Association. I'd love a job that involves writing, which makes it all the stranger that I've worked with numbers for nearly thirty years! :) xx
Oh wow, that does sound like a fascinating job. Of course I've heard of the Press Association. I'd love a job that involves writing, which makes it all the stranger that I've worked with numbers for nearly thirty years! :) xx

I have sinned and need to confess! Just had a hugely calorific (but extremely delicious!) lunch, because my Dad took us out. I couldn't resist the sound of a Chicken Tikka Naan Burger (basically a chicken breast with tikka sauce, onion bhaji pieces and mango chutney between two mini naan breads) with curly fries, followed by Ice Cream Brownie Cake. Oops!! :D xx
I have sinned and need to confess! Just had a hugely calorific (but extremely delicious!) lunch, because my Dad took us out. I couldn't resist the sound of a Chicken Tikka Naan Burger (basically a chicken breast with tikka sauce, onion bhaji pieces and mango chutney between two mini naan breads) with curly fries, followed by Ice Cream Brownie Cake. Oops!! :D xx

Hehe sounds delicious, I was really bad last night at the fair had 2 fresh doughnuts a bit of fudge & Liqourice whip & finished it off with chinese lol at least u only had one bad thing! Xxx
Oh wow, that does sound like a fascinating job. Of course I've heard of the Press Association. I'd love a job that involves writing, which makes it all the stranger that I've worked with numbers for nearly thirty years! :) xx

It is different I suppose, I would prefer to do more writing myself, I got to write the headlines, but the stories were written down in London and we subbed it to reflect any changes in the ftse at the time, and then for the bigger pages we had to add our own bits, then again I don't know if I would of had the confidence to write the full stories myself for everyone.

I know what you mean, was talking about this to the hairdresser yesterday, originally I wanted to be a primary school teacher... But once u start going down a path it feels to hard & to late to change direction doesn't it because of the money, time, and uncertainty of the future prospects when you have the security of a well paid job :(
I have sinned and need to confess! Just had a hugely calorific (but extremely delicious!) lunch, because my Dad took us out. I couldn't resist the sound of a Chicken Tikka Naan Burger (basically a chicken breast with tikka sauce, onion bhaji pieces and mango chutney between two mini naan breads) with curly fries, followed by Ice Cream Brownie Cake. Oops!! :D xx

I think I've just dribbled on my screen ;) you deserve a treat Wonderwoman!
Thanks, everyone, sorry if I made you hungry, lol. I must say it was blinking lovely! I couldn't find calorie info online, and the staff looked at me blankly when I asked, but it's probably just as well! :D xx
It is different I suppose, I would prefer to do more writing myself, I got to write the headlines, but the stories were written down in London and we subbed it to reflect any changes in the ftse at the time, and then for the bigger pages we had to add our own bits, then again I don't know if I would of had the confidence to write the full stories myself for everyone.

I know what you mean, was talking about this to the hairdresser yesterday, originally I wanted to be a primary school teacher... But once u start going down a path it feels to hard & to late to change direction doesn't it because of the money, time, and uncertainty of the future prospects when you have the security of a well paid job :(

In the early days of my accountancy training, when I thought I'd never get the hang of double entry bookkeeping, I did look at a couple of alternatives, one of which was teaching. I also took and passed the civil service entrance exam. But then things started to click and I passed some exams, so accountancy kind of stuck!! :) xx
Thanks, everyone, sorry if I made you hungry, lol. I must say it was blinking lovely! I couldn't find calorie info online, and the staff looked at me blankly when I asked, but it's probably just as well! :D xx

"It was 53343433, madam. Enjoy your day."

Definitely worth it though ;) :D
I want it noooooow! ;)

I used to have curry sandwiches - mild curry left overs... was heaven but that burger... nom!
I know, it's funny. When I started out, with KPMG in 1985, hardly anyone I worked with had done a relevant degree, they were from a wide range of disciplines. Unlike your sister though, I was absolutely useless at maths!! :D xx

I was only 5 then lol

I have sinned and need to confess! Just had a hugely calorific (but extremely delicious!) lunch, because my Dad took us out. I couldn't resist the sound of a Chicken Tikka Naan Burger (basically a chicken breast with tikka sauce, onion bhaji pieces and mango chutney between two mini naan breads) with curly fries, followed by Ice Cream Brownie Cake. Oops!! :D xx

Mm mm you just made me dribble haha. I want this!!

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I was only 5 then lol

Mm mm you just made me dribble haha. I want this!!

Sent from my SM-T230 using mobile app

That's right, make me feel realllly old! ;)

I must say I did really enjoy that meal, it's making me hungry thinking about it! :)

How are you getting on, Rachel? :) xx
That's right, make me feel realllly old! ;) I must say I did really enjoy that meal, it's making me hungry thinking about it! :) How are you getting on, Rachel? :) xx

Hehe hate so say this but I wasn't even born in 1985 lol :p xx