Tracy's Journey Into The Unknown (Maintenance!!)

Hi Rachel! Thanks, hon. I knew it was going to be painful, but I think it's just the fact that it's been relentless for nearly two weeks now that's getting me down. I'm having my staples out on Friday, so am hoping that might help just a tiny bit! How are you getting on? :) xx

Staples are probably making it tight honey I know my stitches do
Hi Rachel! Thanks, hon. I knew it was going to be painful, but I think it's just the fact that it's been relentless for nearly two weeks now that's getting me down. I'm having my staples out on Friday, so am hoping that might help just a tiny bit! How are you getting on? :) xx

Gosh has it really been 2 weeks? Still feeling no better? :( poor Tracy, I hope the staples out help bless ya xx
Thanks, guys! :) I can't tell you how much it cheers me up to come on here and read your encouraging words.

I can't believe it's been nearly two weeks since the op - I'm sure it'll start to feel better soon!!

How's Kat getting on, Lexie? But if she's off skateboarding or something, don't tell me! :D xx
Thanks, guys! :) I can't tell you how much it cheers me up to come on here and read your encouraging words. I can't believe it's been nearly two weeks since the op - I'm sure it'll start to feel better soon!! How's Kat getting on, Lexie? But if she's off skateboarding or something, don't tell me! :D xx

Bless you!

Well she was doing ok & was just on paracetamol until yesterday when she started with real pain again & so the doc has given her morphine which she says is helping x
Bless you!

Well she was doing ok & was just on paracetamol until yesterday when she started with real pain again & so the doc has given her morphine which she says is helping x

Oh I'm glad she at least was doing better - I hope the morphine continues to give her relief. I've got a small bottle of it that I'm using very sparingly - I think I'm going to take it to physio with me later, lol. :) xx
Thanks again, hon. :) I've not been too smiley today, lol - my sense of humour seems to have temporarily disappeared!! :D xx

No, I don't watch I'm A Celeb. One thing I've been getting quite into is Catfish on MTV - have you ever seen that? Also all the weddingy things like Say Yes To The Dress, Don't Tell The Bride etc. Paul thinks I'm sad, lol. :D

I'm feeling very down at the moment, especially with being on my own. I don't usually mind solitude, but with being in a lot of pain and being fairly immobile, I'm finding it hard. :(

Sorry, I shouldn't moan on, lol. :) xx

You are totally entitled to 'moan' (not that you are!) after what you've been through! Don't worry about it :) You've come so far and we're all here for you! :)

Thanks, hon, that's made me feel much better! :) You hear such mixed reports of how people go on with this sort of op - "oh so and so was out cycling within a fortnight", you know the sort of thing! - that I was starting to feel a real wuss, lol. I had the nice morphine button in hospital, really didn't want them to take it away! But they did bring me oral morphine when I asked for it after that. I thought it was a shoulder op I remembered you having. My brother-in-law had a shoulder replacement back in May and he's a big advocate of Tramadol! :) xx

I bet that fortnight was an extra long fortnight ;) Like a year ;) We'll break in and hijack you a morphine button ;)

Oh I'm glad she at least was doing better - I hope the morphine continues to give her relief. I've got a small bottle of it that I'm using very sparingly - I think I'm going to take it to physio with me later, lol. :) xx

Hope the removal of the stitches and the physio go well :( Thinking of you lovely xxx
How are you doing anyway my lovely? Xx
wafflewaffle said:
How are you doing anyway my lovely? Xx

Hello! Well, I hardly dare say it, but I think the pain is getting more manageable, fingers crossed! I've been taking a small dose of
morphine along with the Tramadol, on the advice of a GP, and I'm definitely sleeping more comfortably, which is a huge improvement. I had
my staples out the other day, which was a big ouch, lol, but it feels better now they're out. I'm still very up and down emotionally, but it's getting better. I've been back on track with my calories all week, but have no idea what I currently weigh, which is weird!! :)

The forum as a whole seems pretty quiet at the moment - I suppose everyone's off partying and not thinking about the scales too much at this time of year!! :D xx
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Glad to hear it hun :) Sleep is half the battle as it lets your body mend :) Hope you're feeling easier now lovely :) xxx
:) I'm glad to hear that the pain was getting more managable? How is it now?

Don't hop on the scales just yet, you'll still be all swollen from the surgery and you don't want it to be distorted!
:) I'm glad to hear that the pain was getting more managable? How is it now?

Don't hop on the scales just yet, you'll still be all swollen from the surgery and you don't want it to be distorted!

Hiya! It's still painful, but definitely better than it was - I have to keep reminding myself of that fact, lol. :D I think you're right about the scales - as long as I keep eating on plan, I don't need to know what I weigh, and it's quite liberating really. I'd have to ask Paul to get me the scales anyway, as I still can't get to them by myself! :) xx
Glad to hear it (though sorry you're still in pain :( ) Any extra gain would be Paul being near right now ;) ;) honest!! It's really not important right now - what is important is you and getting better! :) xx How are you love? xx
Glad to hear it (though sorry you're still in pain :( ) Any extra gain would be Paul being near right now ;) ;) honest!! It's really not important right now - what is important is you and getting better! :) xx How are you love? xx

Thanks, Kym! :) I'm certainly less depressed than I was last week - it was just overwhelming me then. I just need to keep pushing through the pain to do my exercises, and try to get some normality back. My main focus at the moment is to be well enough to sit on the car for half an hour in two weeks time (20th Dec), then sit at my sister's table long enough to eat the pre-Christmas meal she's invited us for - a modest ambition, but something to work towards! :) xx
Lexie2005 said:
I'm quieter as internet & phone usage has been banned at work so I'm not able to get on :(

Glad you're doing better honey x

Oh no, that's harsh! :(

Thanks, I am definitely improving - I just have to remind myself to compare how I am now with how I was a week or so ago, rather than with my pre-op condition! Paul asked me how I was earlier, and I told him I was ok as long as I didn't move, lol. :D But that in itself is an improvement, because last week it was agony even lying still, so onwards and upwards!! :) xx
Oh no, that's harsh! :( Thanks, I am definitely improving - I just have to remind myself to compare how I am now with how I was a week or so ago, rather than with my pre-op condition! Paul asked me how I was earlier, and I told him I was ok as long as I didn't move, lol. :D But that in itself is an improvement, because last week it was agony even lying still, so onwards and upwards!! :) xx

Bless you glad you keep checking in tort us know how you are doing, I am keeping up on your diary just not had much time to post :) how will you be on xmas day do you think, I hope someone else is cooking you Christmas dinner? Xx
wafflewaffle said:
Bless you glad you keep checking in tort us know how you are doing, I am keeping up on your diary just not had much time to post :) how will you be on xmas day do you think, I hope someone else is cooking you Christmas dinner? Xx

Hi hon! I'm hoping I'll be further improved by Christmas, fingers crossed! We're going to my sister's for a meal the Saturday before, and I'm not going to cook on Christmas Day. I usually do, just for the three of us, but not this year. The very thought of Paul and Kathryn doing it is laughable, so we'll just have something easy to get. My current thought for myself is Tesco Moussaka followed by Ben and Jerry's - my favourites! Kathryn wants a takeaway, but we'll have to see what's open! :) xx
Thanks, Kym! :) I'm certainly less depressed than I was last week - it was just overwhelming me then. I just need to keep pushing through the pain to do my exercises, and try to get some normality back. My main focus at the moment is to be well enough to sit on the car for half an hour in two weeks time (20th Dec), then sit at my sister's table long enough to eat the pre-Christmas meal she's invited us for - a modest ambition, but something to work towards! :) xx

Sit on the car? :D I'm picturing you now going car surfing in time for Christmas and then stopping for the meal - you can do it :D Good luck lovely :D xx

Oh no, that's harsh! :(

Thanks, I am definitely improving - I just have to remind myself to compare how I am now with how I was a week or so ago, rather than with my pre-op condition! Paul asked me how I was earlier, and I told him I was ok as long as I didn't move, lol. :D But that in itself is an improvement, because last week it was agony even lying still, so onwards and upwards!! :) xx

Glad to hear it :D You're definitely getting there :D

Hi hon! I'm hoping I'll be further improved by Christmas, fingers crossed! We're going to my sister's for a meal the Saturday before, and I'm not going to cook on Christmas Day. I usually do, just for the three of us, but not this year. The very thought of Paul and Kathryn doing it is laughable, so we'll just have something easy to get. My current thought for myself is Tesco Moussaka followed by Ben and Jerry's - my favourites! Kathryn wants a takeaway, but we'll have to see what's open! :) xx

That's the thing that the memories are made of ;) The new 'special' treats :) (or laughing at them cooking it ;) )
Sit on the car? :D I'm picturing you now going car surfing in time for Christmas and then stopping for the meal - you can do it :D Good luck lovely :D xx

Glad to hear it :D You're definitely getting there :D

That's the thing that the memories are made of ;) The new 'special' treats :) (or laughing at them cooking it ;) )

Lol, I never noticed my typo there - maybe lying on the roof of the car would be more comfy - but I may get a little chilly! :D xx