Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Oooohhhhhh and check out the size 10 number!!!! I didn't think I had a hope in hell of getting it over my head let alone it being loose fitting!

OH made me try it on as he said it would fit, I didn't believe him, I think my brain maybe playing catch up with my weightloss and I'm still thinking tears in the changing room, but not today!!!



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triage999 said:
Oooohhhhhh and check out the size 10 number!!!! I didn't think I had a hope in hell of getting it over my head let alone it being loose fitting!

OH made me try it on as he said it would fit, I didn't believe him, I think my brain maybe playing catch up with my weightloss and I'm still thinking tears in the changing room, but not today!!!

<img src=""/>

Looking amazing!
you lucky ***** lol!!! One can only dream of such things lol
oh it doesnt like b*i*t*c*h...I hope u bought it ...
Awwww ***blushing*** thanks everyone, and no I didn't buy it, was too floral for my liking, but now I know I can fit in these I can find a killer one for the weddings I have coming up in the summer!

I will look good this summer! It's been a long slog...!!!

Haven't taken a pic for ages, can't believe the difference from September with bulges everywhere in my album!


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Wow looking good :D
Have you seen the diet recipes Atkins app for iphone?
Morning Jo, that's a pretty frock, who's the model wearing it?
Stunning Jo - that is amazing and so are you:D
Awwww Jim you smoothy :)

And thanks Katie :)

It actually nice starting to feel positive! Loads of work friends are now starting to ask what I'm doing now too, although strangely enough I'm really protective about my secret!!! Lol....

The more I read into the science behind it the more it becomes a real no brainer it!! Next book on the agenda after Taubes is Barry Groves!

And have decided to venture back to the gym next week for the first time since summer!!

Scared i'll start gaining though whilst exercising....but I need to tone!

Right off on a shopping mooch around Plymouth, pay day today at last :)

J x

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Soraya that did make me giggle!!!

Sooooooo, day 4 of still being 10st 6 3/4lbs......

I was so good and well restrained yesterday! I had the following...

B - Cheese and ham roll ups in the morning as per yesterday!

L - Water and choc decadence Atkins bar which was lush and I couldn't find anything else suitable on the go, £2.29 though for goodness sake!!! What a rip off......

D - Chinese buffet as per last Wednesday :) but I'm really chuffed with myself, stuck to Atkins based foods! Steamed veg in oyster sauce, seaweed, cucumber, beef in blackbean, loads of duck crispy prawns (not batter) chicken in blackbean and hot and sour soup (my fav)!!! I'm sure there were dregs of illegalities in there such as MSG and sugar salt on the seaweed etc but never mind!

I've started using the little chinese soup bowls with chopsticks to select my foods and it really works! I was stuffed when I left last night after having 3 packed little bowls of food and a soup!!

Resisted the wine too, I've actually lost my taste for it which is slightly concerning, haven't had a drink in over a week and don't want any either! Much to my OH's disgust!!

So usually after said Chinese I gain a couple, today I'm still 10st 6 3/4 :)

Happy days!!!!

J x

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Oh dear DK......what ya been up to??

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Morning Jo, looking good then love, i hear the seaweed is actually cabbage these days.