Hi everyone, gosh it's ages since I last updated this. Ho hum, what's happened?
So we were back in the UK for the past 2 weeks, seeing people and sorting out wedding stuff, and oh boy, did I eat? Yes, yes I did, let's just say that ccing went completely out the window. The damage seems to be 6lbs, which I'm resigned to and was expecting, and as I said on the NSV thread, I've lost it before, I can do it again.
One thing that came out of this holiday, is that I'm finally beginning to feel like a slim person. It was great being able to shop in UK shops with UK sizes and confidently pick up a size 12 (even a size 10 a couple of times! Eek!), and as I said, the reactions of some of my friends were startling - I know from the scales that I've lost alot of weight, but the looks on their faces hammered in just how much.
Sorry, I hope that doesn't sound arrogant.
So what else? Wedding planning is still being a nightmare. Is it just me or when you get engaged does everyone feel they have a right to some part of your day? That their feelings should be taken into consideration on every single aspect? I currently have one bridesmaid who is utterly offended that I went BM dress shopping without her. Of course it would have been nice to pick the dresses out for them together, but they live all across the UK, I'm rarely in the country and it was just impossible to get us all together so I took one bridesmaid shopping and asked the others to go and try on the ones we'd found. Am I missing something? Is that really so terrible? And of course I'm trying to be considerate towards my bridesmaids, but somewhere in there this should be about me, and I just feel like I shouldn't be made to feel like an ogre because I'm ruining their bridesmaid experience. They're getting nice dresses bought for them and so far I've not asked any of them to lift a finger to help with organisation.
Grr, rant over, sorry.
Nothing else to report except it's so hot over here that I feel like I might die soon.