Vanessa's Maintenance blurb...

Goodness me! You soaked up the energy like a sponge! Every time I woke up (which i do a lot) I renewed the intention, so you really DID get it ALL night!! I focussed on calming the whirlpool - it seemed to work really well :) xx
JanD said:
Goodness me! You soaked up the energy like a sponge! Every time I woke up (which i do a lot) I renewed the intention, so you really DID get it ALL night!! I focussed on calming the whirlpool - it seemed to work really well :) xx

Oh dear, I hope I didnt mess it up then cos I'm afraid I couldn't get the whirlpool to cut it - was all going toward me instead of away! So i morphed it into a volcano with outward breath pushing toxic sulphur badness heat up the side the cavern walls and creating a kind of central vortex to bring down blessed cool and freshness (and hopefully healing) with the inward breath. It took a while to settle with this imagery tho cos my mind was toying with me being the water in a deep well with the dark, dank mouldy moss creeping up the walls and away (with outward) and the indrawn breath bring down the rope and bucket of healing! But the creeping moss was too slow to expel the level of pain I had lol ... Might use that another time tho!

God I can't half ramble and blather on ... Thanks for that Jan, but I have to say I hada terrible night! Does that matter...?
JanD said:
There's an awfully lot of us about ;) ... Don't get me started on Lightworkers and raising the vibration of the planet and what 2012 is REALLY about ... HaHa ... you'd be sorry ;) LOL xxx

Actually I think I will ask....
RetailChick said:
Aww sorry to hear your poorly!! Is your pelvis problem as a resul of pregnancy? I had SPD when expecting can flair up on me sometimes xxx I'm sure Jan will help you xx

Aw thanks! Yes it is in part SPD ... poor you for having it, horrid eh! I'm a nightmare about lecturing folk when pregnant lol
HaHa ... makes no difference whatsoever. The intention was the healing force and intention is what it's all about, the imagery really doesn't matter - either what it is or whether there is any at all. Interesting that you had a terrible night - worse than usual? Could be a number of reasons for that if so. The next 3 or 4 days will tell what effects the treatment has had.

As for 2012 - too many interruptions from 4 & 2 years olds at the mo but I'll get back to you :) xx
I adore the reiki cat Jan!
Me too :D xx
JanD said:
... Interesting that you had a terrible night - worse than usual? Could be a number of reasons for that if so. The next 3 or 4 days will tell what effects the treatment has had.

Yeah worse than expected! I knew it would be bad given how my body was feeling ... But it was worse. Not just pain, just everything, disturbing dreams, cudnt seem to relax properly, twitchy, tossy turny - ocht I don't know cos all that is actually quite normal for me - it was just a horrid night ...
That could well have been the energy working its way into all those places! xx
The three pound of that damn four pound gain that went, is back again over today/yesterday (I'm obviously too adorable for it to leave me alone for long lol) ...

It can't possibly be fat cos of my intake - surely! Does anyone think it might be my digestion adjusting to my recent change in iron supplement (changed to Spatone herbal from ferrous sulphate end of last week) or am I clutching at straws... I am going still but maybe not as much (sorry for TMI overload)...
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Tues 1 Feb menu

Gonna be a pastry, cream, chip based dinner tonight cos I'm reliant on Hubby today (I am looking forward to it tho)... Tried to plan other intake to compensate! However what's not so well planned is I wasn't able to get to kitchen to make porridge till about 12.30 so B, L and D will be in space of 5 hours - oops!

B: OSS with ss milk (5pp)
L; orange juice (2pp); blueberries, plum, pear (0pp)
D: deep filled chicken pie (12pp); oven chips (3pp); veg?? (1pp)

Am guessing at veg, portion chips, will amend if necessary! Also probably in evening:
A: WW yogurt (1pp); melon (0pp); banana (0pp); satsuma (0pp)

Guesstimate for the mo (24/35 to maintain or 29 to lose. All slushies left)

* * * * * * *

Ok chips were 145g so that's another 2pp. It was good but I'm still starving! Think I'll be eating way more later. For now, I'm having a WW choc mousse...

(29/35 to maintain; all slushies left)

* * * * * * * *

Ok choc Santa (18pp) and snack a jacks (3pp) so far...

(50/35 to maintain; 34 slush left) ooo la la

* * * * * * * * *

It got worse...
2x white toast (4pp); lurpak lighter (2pp); marmite (0pp)

(56/35 to maintain; 28 slush left) ooo la f*ckin la!!
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Mmmmmm chicken pie sounds good:D

I haven't got that Spatone stuff yet as I've still got a few weeks of ferrous sulphate, is it very different? I seem to 'go' fine but have branflakes nearly every day! A couple of lbs difference every day isn't such a big deal Vanessa, providing that it goes down as well as up!
What veg are you having? It's all 0pp except parsnips, garden peas & sweetcorn :)
SandraB said:
Mmmmmm chicken pie sounds good:D

I haven't got that Spatone stuff yet as I've still got a few weeks of ferrous sulphate, is it very different? I seem to 'go' fine but have branflakes nearly every day! A couple of lbs difference every day isn't such a big deal Vanessa, providing that it goes down as well as up!

It's just much more pleasant to take ...
summergurl said:
What veg are you having? It's all 0pp except parsnips, garden peas & sweetcorn :)

Don't know yet lol ... but probably peas cos it's all Hubby will cook veg-wise (except baked beans lol).
[QUOTE="SandraB" A couple of lbs difference every day isn't such a big deal Vanessa, providing that it goes down as well as up![/QUOTE]

I know - kinda lol. I just wish 11st 8 was the top window of the 3-4lb, not the bottom level! Hence my desire to get to 11st 5 lol ... I can never stay there tho - always seem to end back at 11, 11lb. I know it's not the end of the world, it's just if I go up another few pound, I hit a different stone and that's a toughie mentally ... Lol
I know - kinda lol. I just wish 11st 8 was the top window of the 3-4lb, not the bottom level! Hence my desire to get to 11st 5 lol ... I can never stay there tho - always seem to end back at 11, 11lb. I know it's not the end of the world, it's just if I go up another few pound, I hit a different stone and that's a toughie mentally ... Lol

I know! I'm no the moment I am yo-yoing between 11st 1lb and 11st 3lbs, not a big deal but I desperately want to be 10 stone something, hell 10 stone anything!

So how are we going to do it?