Vanessa's Maintenance blurb...

SandraB said:
So how are we going to do it?

Pass, seeing as at the moment, I'm failing to not gain, never mind lose! Pah lol x
Zebs07 said:
Ok 125g of choc Santa down the gullet...

And snack a jacks...

Think it'll be toast and marmite soon ... Wm bread supposed to make u full for longer after all lol
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Pass, seeing as at the moment, I'm failing to not gain, never mind lose! Pah lol x a choccie santa!:D
Okay - 2012 .... there have been many prophecies of doom and gloom surrounding this eg .. December 21 2012 Predictions – The 2012 End of The World ?

Lightworkers (The Healing Power of Lightworkers > Doreen Virtue) believe that the actual meaning of the 2012 'event' is that by this time there will be more people believing and practising as we do, than there will be those who don't. This means that there will be a 'shift' in the spirituality of the planet and new and greater understanding between peoples. As more people raise their vibrations, the vibration of the planet can't help but be uplifted too. In short - it will be the beginning of a better world :D xx
Sorry if that sounded a bit 'preachy' - I try not to do that here! ;) xx
JanD said:
Sorry if that sounded a bit 'preachy' - I try not to do that here! ;) xx

Not at all ... I find it fascinating and quite uplifting! A bit along lines of entangled minds theorem.
Yes indeed - the interconnectedness, the sum of all parts being SOOOOOOO much more than the total etc etc ... you got it! :D xx
Bring on 2012 then!! :D
Yes indeedee ;) xx
Trying to put yesterday's disaster firmly behind me ... (21 pp over - thank the WW Gods for slushies! lol)

Must be something about Tuesdays - it was last Tuesday, I caved aswell!

B: fresh orange (2pp),
B2: clementine, pear, plum (all 0pp)
L: 225g baked potato (5pp); 136g steamed chicken (3pp); 93g corn on cob (1pp); WW fromage frais (1pp)
D: ??? will update later

(12/35 to maintain; 28/49 slushies) so far!

D: wm pitta (4pp); mixed salad (0pp); 2 slice TLC ham (1pp); 2 slice TLC chicken (1pp)
A: blueberries, pear, strawberries, raspberries (all 0pp); highlights hot choc (1pp); snack a jacks (3pp)

(22/35 to maintain tho if fruit were pointed, I'd be back into slushies lol; 28 slush left) 1349kcal
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Could be something to do with starting a fresh week on a monday! I'm sure ive read somewhere that those who start diets (not saying you are btw) on a monday are more likely to give in on the tuesday xx
Good idea to let what's past go and just go forward :)

You got another night of distant last night. Tonight I've had a request from someone else but if you want more after that you're welcome ;) xx
I'm doomed, just made massive fruit salad with nectarine, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries - then body spasmed and I couped it ALL over floor and cats dishes... Is it a sign to grab crisps instead? Lol

Tanya - think ur right! Jan thank you so much...
'couped'??? Think I get the picture ;)

NO it is NOT a sign to grab crisps!!!!!! ;) xx
Noooo don't do it!!!! You must've heard of the 5second rule?!!! (except for the stuff in the cats bowl ;))
It's ok ... O didn't! Well I did have snack a jacks later but I just had a fresh bowl - lol@5 sec rule - Had to get son to clear it up - well more than 5secs lol
Not happy. I'm uncomfortable with the free fruit on WW pp plan! Its the only thing I can think of that's causing my gain! I should be losing on my intake - or at worst STS - not gaining! I got diff orange juice today - 100% pure squeezed orange and it's 3pp a glass! How does that tally with free fruit ... ??? The days I've been 'badder' and had toast or crumpets or snack a jacks as snack seem to be better than when I have fruit..... Bah
Yeah I've got a problem with that too........if I'm not thinking about counting I can easily scoff 10 servings of fruit and veg in a day.......