Vanessa's Maintenance blurb...

Fruit is the devil!! Well not really but it is full of sugar (yes the good kind I know) and it can cause awful bloating! I try limit my fruit to 1 banana and some clementines a day.
The thing is although its free they say to just stick to your 5portions a day. Theres no need really to go over that 'just because you can' although it is hard sometimes init :(
The reason whole fruit is free & juice isn't is because you're not getting the fibre so your body doesn't have to do anything to break it down .... we had the same question in SW :) xx
I didn't know they advised us to stick to 5 portions a day lol. I know I have probably been overdoing it but I did try to usually leave some points to compensate ... I'll try limiting to 5 and see what happens! I do get the body breaking down fruit thing and not juice, but am still freaked that if a wee glass of juiced orange is 3pp then what is the equivalents I've been eating in actual fruits lol.
Probably used all my slushies and more just on fruit....! Lol
Thursday 3 Feb menu

B1: orange juice (3pp); blueberries (0pp)
B2: OSS with ss milk (5pp)
L: 2 wm toast (3pp); tuna pate (3pp), 1 plum (0pp)
D: tagliatelle (7pp); bolognaise (4pp); Parmesan (2pp)
A: the other 2 plums to make a portion (0pp); wee handful strawberries/raspberries (0pp)

(27/35 to maintain; or 29 to lose - 28 slushies left)

Probably have a hot choc later (1pp) which'll take me to 29/35 to maintain or bang on to lose...

WI tomorrow - not good! Was still a pound up last weeks WI this morning which is 2.5 pound up from when i started WW...!!
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Fingers crossed for tomorrow hon xx
Vanessa, hope the weigh in is not as bad as you fear. xx
calories versus pp's

Copy/pasted from other thread

As a matter of nosiness and cos I love a good iPhone app, I did get the myfitness one and cross-calculated my pp versus cals for the last week ... Quite interesting I thought..,

I shall both copy this to my thread and also update my menus with kcals (in pretty red, so its easy to spot) so its easier to see what was eaten on that day - and not just pp's comparison (needless to say, I didn't do Tuesdays cos of the binge-fest!

Thursday 3rd - 27pp; 1099kcal
Wednesday 2nd - 23pp; 1349kcal
Monday 31st - 32pp; 1454kcal
Sunday 30th - 29pp; 1210kcal
Sat 31st - 28pp; 1175kcal

Hmmmmmmm - 28/29 pp including reasonable fruit appears to equate fairly well with 1200'ish calories - not that u can see that from here, cos u can't see my laptop screen like I can, showing the food lol. Will pop over to thread and and amend menu info's.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I think (see'ing as I have the luxury of time on my hands) that I will keep a record of next week on both WW and myfitnesspal and give both totals on here! I'm hoping that by maybe doing both, I can better guage my intake (given the freebies on WW) and get that dang few pound back off!

Im loath to give up on WW because 1. I do believe in the principles behind the new system, rather than just kcal counting, and 2. I paid 30 odd quid for three months online membership lol!

I suspect perhaps for me (being immobile), that WW may be okay for maintaining (but on a losing allowance), ie 29 rather than 35 and limiting of fruit obviously! lol. At least, thats what Im hoping! We shall see!! Not so sure it works for losing for me... ocht blathering on again!
Vanessa, I think that's a good plan. It will be interesting to see what your points equate to in cals over a few days. You are right to hang in there with WW. I also think that you have a point vis a vis your activity level accounting for your not managing to lose as you would wish. Careful monitoring of your points and keeping them at the lower end of your allowance may just make the difference.
I'm not active either. This is why I follow GL with a general eye to overall calories intake. No matter how good my food choices, if I exceed the calories then I see the scales creeping up. I put this down to my very sedentary lifestyle(very bad back, etc etc). If I followed GL without watching cals also I dont keep the weight in check. We sure do have to do a lot of tailoring no matter what plan we follow in order to make it work on an individual basis!!
Good idea chick, interesting to see this :)

One question though, Wednesday, 23pp & quite a few cals how?x
irish molly said:
Vanessa, I think that's a good plan. It will be interesting to see what your points equate to in cals over a few days. You are right to hang in there with WW. I also think that you have a point vis a vis your activity level accounting for your not managing to lose as you would wish. Careful monitoring of your points and keeping them at the lower end of your allowance may just make the difference.
I'm not active either. This is why I follow GL with a general eye to overall calories intake. No matter how good my food choices, if I exceed the calories then I see the scales creeping up. I put this down to my very sedentary lifestyle(very bad back, etc etc). If I followed GL without watching cals also I dont keep the weight in check. We sure do have to do a lot of tailoring no matter what plan we follow in order to make it work on an individual basis!!

Thanks Molly for a fabulous post! Yep shall be interesting to see what happens ,,, tho today's will be a write off cos I got a party tonight - missed out on too much last week, so intend to make to most of it lol xx
Weigh In done! A 1lb gain AGAIN!

So despite some downward fluctuations during last week, its back again! That's an overall 3.75 gain since starting WW...

I know I've already decided to tailor things slightly and keep corresponding kcal totals, so i have a way forward but ... aaaaarrrrrgggh, am totally fed up and really fancy a fry-up and comfort choc fest...
Don't do it!! That'll probably lead to another 1lb gain!!! It could be all the fruit you are having, even natural sugars arent good for us in huge quantities :)
summergurl said:
Don't do it!! That'll probably lead to another 1lb gain!!! It could be all the fruit you are having, even natural sugars arent good for us in huge quantities :)

It's ok, I didn't cave! Just had fresh orange and a mere 25 titchy blueberries. Will have porridge soon! Think it must be the fruit, can't be anything else really - also I tend to have some fruit about 9 at night (usually go to bed between 11 and 12) so maybe that's too late for processing etc... Let's see what this week brings! (after tonight anyway lol)
Friday 4th Jan menu

B1: 125ml orange juice (2pp 58kcal); 25 blueberries (0pp 19kcal)
B2: OSS with ss milk (5pp 183kcal)

will update as day drags on lol...
What did you work your BMR out to be Vanessa? Bearing in mind how little you can get around.....bloody nightmare eh? X
Our bodies are weird and wonderful (or not so wonderful) things, and how we all vary is incredible. Hopefully you can find the way that you will lose your small gain soon.