Well done that's brilliant. How many syns is ww Tom soup...I love that xx
Ah how come you don't think you can do slimming world...is it just not for you? Good luck with which ever you choose to do Hun, they are all hard work long time but you can do it xx
I always have candarel and find that hasnt got that funny after taste. Splenda and hermasetas are horrid. I actually prefere sweetner now to sugar x
I'm trying to replace my constant snacking with cups of tea or coffee but need to start using sweetener instead of sugar- does anyone know of a good sweetener? xx
How's your week going?
My week has been terrible, started off with voliate vommitting and diargrea as we all hubby and baby contracted a tummy bunny. Toook a few days to completely recover and the last two days I have been awful with binging. Ate half as block of cheese, four slices of bread, chocolate, pringles, I feel so yukky. But got to get out of this cycle or it could cause potential damage. Glad to see your working on your diet, best way really, we will get there in the end. I hope you have a lose, fingers crossed - I lost 1.5 today but I tjhink that is due to illness rather then anything else,haha!!!