Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Hiya Vicky - so lovely to have you back - we missed you;)

In terms of positives - you are a non smoker- that's AMAZING!!!!:D
There's a lot on but hang in there- it's worth it

Looking forward to seeing tickers:D
Morning Vicki love ;)
morning - in work-can barely see my computer for the piles of paper :(
up 10lbs off target oops! catch up laters xxx
b - scrambled egg and cheese
l- roast chicken salad curry mayo
d - lamb steak with goats cheese and greens with butter
s - pepperami scratchings and babybel if needed
w - lots and lots
ex - nope
a - trying not to
10lbs is nothing, mostly water, bet you lose at least 6 this week babe!
dammit on the piles of paper, am not looking forward to that myself after 2 weeks away, but am trying not to think about that before I even go lol xxx
aww thanks guys.
have had 2 litres of water and 3 black coffees so far today.
have got handbags to sort out tonight so thats my exercise LOL.
lol ive chucked some. ive decided to take a couple of days off to pack stuff and put stuff on ebay. might aswell get a couple of quid for stuff. oh and sort out for a bootsale. :D
I have loads and loads of stuff which I should put on ebay but I never get around to it and end up just giving it all to charity lol.
Jo im exactly the same - i get to the point where i cant be bothered. maybe not ebay but deffo a bootsale. ebay is a pain when you have to post stuff!
Its not so much the actual posting as the organising and packing that gets me. A boot sale could definitely be the way to go though.
lol :) what are we like. still a bootsale still means getting up early. :)