Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

first night last night without fags OR alcohol!!!

Now that is just what I can't seem to manage Vicky, If I could I'd be a non smoker as well, and it's worse since I retired, wanting to smoke I meaN
its something to do isnt it Jim? Im having to keep myself very very busy cleaning or just doing something!
Yes love I agree. I'm doing OK in not smoking at the moment, but I'm thinking about it more. Might have to go out for a glass of wine tonight ;)
ooh lucky Jim :) im off the wine for now. gonna stick to clear spirits :)
Hah, well no more chilli vodka's for me LOL
ha ha now there is an idea :D might make my own!
Why do you need sticks? Surely you know what ketosis feels like?
I went to my first Zumba last week and was able to keep up. Don't think I could've done that as a smoker :D
I like my sticks :) oh i could do zumba with smoking. just not running :F
Afternoon Vicky, must start something again myself after the hols, running or Jillian, am getting lazy!
Glad to see the weight is going down already xxxx
i hope so :)
am thinking about lowering my goal again...omg why am i never happy LOL

been back to mine at lunchtime and packed more stuff. how many coats does a girl need???? oh and scarves and boots?
omfg bless tickle he put a rack up in the laundry cupboard for my coats and dresses, which i have some of in there. well last night we were going through his stuff and i said oh there is plenty of room for your coats....well having collected all my winter coats and my dresses there is actually no room at all for his now....oops :D
Is there a spare room you could convert into a walk in wardrobe? Lol. We don't have anywhere for coats here either, they live on the banister and constantly get knocked off!
we have a cupboard under the stairs where we hang our coats trouble is, the one you want is always on the underneath. :(
LOL he has a downstairs cupboard too but i darent venture in it. and where am i going to put my stepper!!!! yes ill put all my crap in his daughters room :D
Hey Vicky, I found your diary! (sorry for the intrusion, Atkins peeps)

Have your enrolled your OH on Atkins or is he doing something else (Dukan?:p) Just noticed the double ticker:D. Husband lost all his weight in about 6 weeks, so be prepared to be beaten by Tickle:sigh:, men lose weight easily.
Hi Laura - nice to see you on my diary!
Yes he is on Atkins although I have mentioned he is not to join this site as this is my haven :D
I know he will lose quicker than me - im prepared for my moods on a friday weigh in!!!! (will just start putting sugar in his tea :) )