Vics diary


Sorry to hear about the sore throat :( but that is such great progress on the running, such a huge improvement in a short time! xxx
Omg it was him what a weed and he was awful. I'm not confident jumping on a step from the floor and he was gonna make me do it till I threw a hissy fit. Didn't like hI'm at all !!!!! Got a bit of a poorly tummy so no dinner just Atkins bar
Morning all. Picking mum up from airport tonight she has been away for two months !!!

B weetabix almond milk
L chilli couscous lettuce tomato sundries tomato too cucumber tuna balsamic
D chicken if Sainsbury has any roast ones left salad
S mixed nuts
Ex nothing !
Hahaha I was looking at one of the personal trainers in my gym yesterday, he looked quite young, very weedy and was hitting on the young lass he was training!it did make me laugh! Hows your tum? where's your mam been?
Ha ha they just go to college and think they can be a personal trainer. I would rather be with one that looks like they actually work out!!!
She has been to Spain !
That's what we did last year ! We are going to Cyprus in May :)
I can barely walk !!! Mum home safe and sound I'm shattered. Early night for me x
Doing tomorrow's menu now cos am getting up to housework tomorrow am !
B / l says cheese omelette
D sirloin steak green beans flat mushrooms mustard
S ?
Ex cleaning and going to sports shop to get some bits !!! Getting lashes done at half five so not much time for gym !
Lovely to have your Mum back :D and good to know that some Brits are still hanging out in Spain as I know many came home. Same with expats in France. Lots returned home. Exchange rate issues and not being covered for health care if not retired etc etc caused issues...

Cyprus in May! Sounds great! South of France for me (well 10km inland). End May too... there's motivation for us!

That walking/running thing is going great guns. I can walk fast for ages without losing breath at all (I walk for 45 mins to an hour at around 8.5km/hour says Endomondo...) but as soon as I attempt a little trot at the weekend - never weekdays with my backpack on!! - that's me knackered! haaaa! I suppose I need to build it up but then I come home exhausted after 15 mins!

What's planned for the weekend?
Oohh what bits are you getting? I'm loving the gym, I can see how people get addicted to it like! Been doing full body workouts for the past 2 weeks but starting Sunday I'm gunna split it up into different body parts, Found "a 12 week exercise program to gain sexy muscle and curves" on so I'll follow that!
Ooh send me the link Sam :) I'm shattered just sat down dinner isn't ready and I haven't eaten since 11 im ratty!!! Got some weight gloves gym bag long sleeves top for assault course running socks new sports bra water bottle ! Gonna go to body pump in the morning and swim I think then out for drinks tomorrow afternoon :) Sunday gym. Sam I'm the same I am going to train legs and arms different days. Can still barely move hardly slept last night every time I moved I was in pain!!
Thankyou Sam ! Treat day for me so won't post !