Violets CD Diary x

Yay, just quickly logging in to report all is well :) will weigh in tomoz and report but so far so good :) x
Wow, 5lbs off! 30lbs in total, gedt in! I will be slim by my 30th birthday! YAY :)
Feeling really bored of this now! Can't wait to start eating fruit again. TOTM is making me crave bad things...but I'm not giving in, I'm just in a bad mood instead grrrrr
You are an inspiration! I am starting CD on 11th October and I can't wait. I had originally hoped to start on Tuesday this week but as I take thyroxine I have to get my Doctors signature. The next appointment is 2 weeks away so I have had to delay my start date - gutted as I want to get going.

I am getting lots of answers to questions on here and will start my own diary soon. Hope you have a good loss at your next weigh-in.

Well done keep losing,
Ah thanks love :) that's so sweet! I've just had a read through here for the last hour and its done its usual job of re motivating me, bad mood has been broken!

Could you not find a different Cdc, or get the packs on the proviso if there's a prob with doc you can return them. When I made the decision to give cd a go I couldn't wait to get going do I know how you feel and you should defo start while in that frame of mind!

Hope you can get sorted and start, I'll be looking out for your diary, best of luck x
Well being new to all this, I didn't think to ask that! But now I also have a friend visiting in a two weeks time and I've decided I will enjoy my food when she's here and start with a clear run up to Christmas after she's gone.

Am looking forward to this extra energy LOL x
Just had my weekly weigh in and have lost another 3lbs :) so I now weigh 12st 6, closer to 12 than 13 yay! Missing have my mum and sis around, just because I miss them but also miss have someone else doing this diet with me. Seems easier when youre not the only one ! Anyway, all good. Must keep going x
Oops I meant 12st 5lbs! That extra lb makes all the difference!! X
Period arrived a week early this month, no idea why, I'm usually fairly regular, wonder if it has owt to do with CD? Had a tuna salad for dinner with peppers and tomatoes oops :(
Yay that's officially day 50 done and dusted :) 50 days and 33 lbs down! 1st 1lb left to get into the' healthy' zone. 1 more month should do it I hope.
Spoke to mum and sis last night and they've both lost 2 stone so far too, so between us we've lost 6 and half stone in under 3 months, insane!! So happy for them too :)
Here are my before and during pics... 50 days, 33lbs down x


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really amazing. I think that particular step between what you were and how you are makes a lot of difference to how people percieve you. Now you seem more or less slim to me (although I know you want to do more).:)
Cheers spangles, yeh know what you mean, the 2 stone I shifted after having my son 2 years ago no one even noticed but this 2 stone everyone can see the diff and I've had tonnes of compliments. I guess 2 stone then was less percent of my entire weight if u see what I mean? Now 2st is 1/6 of my body weight. Whereas before it was 1/8. Annnnnnnyway, thanks x
You look great well done!!! Have you found your skin has shrunk back with it? Have you exercised? Either way you look awesome x

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Thanks ladies :) I'd say skin is stretching back in proportion, so no, Its not like I've got tight abs lol but I'm still a podgy 14 so wouldn't have expected that if you get me! Haven't been to the gym or anything but have been given a bike so cycle everywhere with son on the back and swim 3 times a week. Must dash, said son has just done a poo in the bath, toodles x
shrinkin'violet said:
Thanks ladies :) I'd say skin is stretching back in proportion, so no, Its not like I've got tight abs lol but I'm still a podgy 14 so wouldn't have expected that if you get me! Haven't been to the gym or anything but have been given a bike so cycle everywhere with son on the back and swim 3 times a week. Must dash, said son has just done a poo in the bath, toodles x

Lol. Nice!!! Great to hear it's going ok, one of my bigger worries x

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Grrr I'm so annoyed With myself which is the worst kind of annoyed. Since I've been back I haven't cheated as in eaten carbs our anything but I've let food sneak back into my life all the same. Not being fussy with which veggies I eat (ss+) and even eating the odd half piece of rejected fruit from my son
So my weight loss is on the go slow, and its all my fault.

In my head I've been thinking well I've got to work back up the steps soon anyway so all these veggies will surely make the transition easier, whereas actually it was more the case of greed and I so don't want to go back there.

Should I try ss for a few days to get food out my system again? I've never actually done ss so quite nervous of the idea but don't want to screw up x advise me plz someone x
Ok decision has ben made, I'm going to storm a ss week. Eeeeek, why the hell am I so nervous? Ok so its halfway through my week but I can't see any point putting it off, so today is day one ss...