Violets CD Diary x

Had a lovely day at the market, managed to resist tasty treats from all over the world including lemon meringue cup cakes and some of the most perfect looking choc brownies I've ever seen.... Had a bottle of water and a coffee. New fruit shop in town so filled up the fridge yum yum!

Day 2 step 3
Breaky ~ choc mint shake & peach
Lunch ~ banana shake & plum
Dinner ~ fish & veg with grapes for pud

Ok so still not added carbs, just didn't fancy tonight but I guess there's no major rush. If I ate bread it would be easy, but hey ho. Brought another mango for my bar replacement... Not really step 3 is it- more like ss+ with fruit. Must try harder tomo...
Just realised bread isn't an option so its lucky I don't eat it haha
B: Mint choc shake
L: Mint choc shake & grapes
D:tuna salad & grapes & mango

Ate out again, didn't eat carbs again, smashed one of my favourite plates, cut my finger cleaning up, grumpy :( Nothing to do with food, just grumpy and going to bed booooo
Hello, another day done and dusted and WI in the morning. Have been in a foul mood all day, no idea why whats wrong with me! I'll keep it short and sweet as have just been cleaning all day so no need to bore with the deets...
B: Mint choc shake & banana
L: Strawberry shake
D: Chicken & grilled veg

But ooh I want to get my haircut like this, beauts or what? It's my 30th birthday on Friday so I should do something with the old mop up top really, and nice to have a change now i've lost some weight.


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that haircut is beautiful, baby. definitely have it!
Shall I shall I? I'm always nervous about having the old fringe cut in as it takes so long to grow out..... but i think im going to go for it anyway :) Theres a new russian hairdresser in town and i've heard/seen fab reports. EEK i'm gonna do it :D
yay - do it! and then photos!
Grand weigh in this morning, did half a week on ss+- half week on a random combination of 2cd products, more than the allocated fruit, not a cd step at all really. Oh and a lame 1 day ss chucked in for good measure. Lost 1lb. Errrr and who's fault is that I wonder? Oh yes that would be mine.

Ok so this week has to be different. friends arrive from uk tomo to celebrate my 30th bday , bringing with them more cd stuff. Will go back on ss+ properly today and tomo, step 3 properly for the rest of the week I think. I'm actually pretty annoyed with myself as if this had been a good week I could be back at my wedding weight (short by 4lbs) for my bday which would have been lovely but boooooya never mind.

Poor little boy woke me up at just before 5 agony, just got back from docs and its a cold that blocked a tube in his ear, so got some meds and he's happily chowing down on a bowl if cheerios. Hope we can sleep again soon!

Officially need to stop arseing about!
Over and out x
yes - STOP ARSEING ABOUT or i'll put you in DETENTION!

any good?
That should just about go it thanks love! I'm such a dummy, bloody stick to it properly and don't improvise! See in my head I'm so good and haven't cheated but I quite blatantly shouldn't be flitting through the steps back and forth like an agile monkey chasing a goat while tied to a bunji. Does that make any sense at all? Not really, oh I'm tired! I ate 3 bananas at about 5:30am don't see that in my cd book ANYWHERE! sort it out...NOW (on this note I'm going for a lie down as little man has j just dropped off) zzz x
Laughed hard at the agile goat analogy! :p Hope you and the wee man feel better after a snooze. x
Ello :) How are you Missy? Didn't manage a snooze as was wired from all the coffee I'd been guzzling to keep me awake, but wee man was tonnes better after his so hurrah to that :)

Stuck to ss+ properly today, no deviations or step swapping. Friends arrive tomoz, am so excited to see them of course, but also v excited that they have my bat supply with them! Oh I've missed the bats, I think not having them has been my downfall, I got into all kinds of panic sans bats. Anyway as of tomoz the bats are back yahoo!! Havingan early night tonight, air con on, masterchef australia on the box and peace and quiet! Good night folks x
Bloody nora, up before 6 again grr, starving too. Wonder if im out of ketosis, thought I was in yesterday... Oh well. V hungry and v tired, my favourite way to start whatever day todayis. X
Had a lush nap with both my boys, perfectly gorgeous :) off to sharm el sheikh this arvo to collect my pals will nip into the european supermarket too while I'm there woohooo.

Have been thinking about my birthday, planning a slightly off plan day at the hilton, breakfast buffet then day on the beach, then a big dinner out in the eve with everyone. Think I'll indulge in the breaky (sensible choices though, no pancakes or waffles or anything silly) then stick to a normal ss+meal when out. Will take a bar for lunch on the beach. We were going to hire a big ol boat for the day and go snorkelling and shiz but realised there's too many babies amongst us for everyone to be able to really enjoy it. Then it was bedouin finger in the mountains, but its too hot for a camp fire still and think I'd get stressed about kids in the dark. So decided to have a mini party meal type affair instead. None of us drink and we've all got kids so it won't be a late one but I'm looking forward to it all the same. Planning on getting my hair done tomoz too so I'll feel vaguely glam lol. Can't believe I'll be 30, that's insane! X
Haha I was wondering!!

You're doing so well Violet! I hope I can say the same about myself in week 10! Good work girly! xx
do they serve peanut bats at a bedouin finger? that's what i want to know...

when is your birthday, little violet?
I bloody hope so Spangles, I shan't be able to truely enjoy my buffdee without a peanut bat now will I lol! Big three oh is on friday eeeeeeek!

Picked my pals up from the airport today yay! Went straight out to eat and had and we had a shared seafood platter, so I had 1 red snapper, 2 pieces of calamari and a shrimp so should be fine I think. And yay my coop is full once more :D Had a malt toffee and it was like eating a mars bar, bloody gorgeous :)

Going to the beach for the day tomoz so will have my shake in morn and take a bar with me for lunch, sure we'll be fine. Little man is way better today but my throat is killing and have a headache, errrr yah chars weeman. Oh well, I was the one who taught him to share :p

Lovesies x