Wannabe SkinnyMins

woooooooooooohooooooooooooooo I lost 3lb

and finally got my 3 stone award :) am so pleased

and am also now in the 150 lb range woohoooo 158lb am so excited

only 22lb to go until target seem so achieveable now :)

hope u all have a great night, dont eat to many pancakes :)
Wahaaaay! Well done! That's fantastic! Keep up the good work!

I didn't have any pancakes! Used my syns on cheese for my jacket potato! I didn't manage to gym today, but I stepped in the scales before dinner and I was less than I was this morning which is good lol

What's your plan for this week then sue? How did today go kerry?
Wahaaaay! Well done! That's fantastic! Keep up the good work!

I didn't have any pancakes! Used my syns on cheese for my jacket potato! I didn't manage to gym today, but I stepped in the scales before dinner and I was less than I was this morning which is good lol

What's your plan for this week then sue? How did today go kerry?
hiya, well thats good that its coming down again and its only the start of the week well done u will get it off in no time

the plan for this week is to keep doing success express whenever I can, am going away on friday to Glasgow for my lil nephew christening, am back on monday but I know there will be alcohol and cake and buffet food, but am planning to just enjoy myself because as you said Hannah this is for life and not just the next few months so occasions like this will happen again so I need to learn how to deal with it

am not worried about the weekend or anything, but I think I would be happy if I stayed the same

my next goal is to get to 10 stone 13.5lb, so I need to lose another 4.5lb, and am giving myself until easter to do it, because I dont want to say by the end of march and then not get it and that just throw me off again so am planning on taking it slow :)

whats everyone else goal for the next few weeks
Well my goal was supposed to be to get to 145lbs by this sunday (well next friday really in time for the wedding!), but seeing as though I am 9lbs away don't see that happening, but I will try!!! Hopefully this week I can lose what I gained!

That's a good plan for this week Sue!! Aww have a great time in glasgow! I am sure the result wont be too bad!

I HAVE TO go to the gym today, no excuses, I must go! You guys must make me if I come on here later and say I haven't gone!

Got another big fruit salad, yoghurt and snack-a-jacks for lunch! Drinking my water still! And dinner will be the turkey and carrot and swede mash I didn't have last night! :D

Keep up the good work girlies!! :D
Hannah you are doing so well, nearly all of ur day is super free foods, never mind 2/3, you are sure to lose loads of weight this week, keep it up

deffo get to the gym tonight, no excuses allowed :)

today for I have planned

Breakfast - 2 x nibble, Banana and apple
Lunch - home made curry cous cous (free) and Lettuce, tomato, pepper and onion 2/3 plate
Dinner- smoked Hoddock and 2/3 veg

going to try and not have anymore syns than 5.5 today, so that I can still have my biscuit with tea later, but want to try and save syns for the weekend

I am going shopping after work, so hopefully get some good deals in sains and then home to do some more wall paper stripping lol
Well done sue, that's brilliant.

We are going to be neighbours this weekend then, well almost. Edinburgh is 50mins from Glasgow by train. Shame we cant meet up.

God hannah im tired just looking at your exercise plan.

Yesterday was ok but I was really hungry, ended up having big bowl of bran flakes when I got home instead of dinner as i was too hungry to cook. was a green day though so that was my 2 hexb for the day. Think my syns were around 13.5 havent worked it out yet.

Today i had breakfast rice with raspberries strawberries and banana, lunch is pasta and sauce mac cheese (1 syn) then 2 pears and a banana. Dinner will be sausages (2 syns) mash and beans, havent decided what to have for my 1/3 probably grapes for afters.

Im copying you with the water Hannah, im so thirsty just now.

You are both doing well at the moment. Sue just enjoy your weekend, it doesnt happen every week.

Have a good day ladies:D
Kerry you sound very motivated, :), your day sounds great, keep up the good work

I cant wait to my weekend :)

just getting ready to go on lunch now cant wait yum yum am starving lol

it is a shame we cant meet, would have been great, and so weird at the same time lol :)
Helllllllloo!! :D

Another good day I hope! Todays plan is:

Breakfast - normal porridge etc
Lunch - fruit salad with ff yohurt
Dinner - Quorn sausages, jacket potato and carrots and brocolli

Am going to go to the gym after work, then go home and cook my food, but not eat it, then go to Zumba, then when I get home I will eat my food! :D

Planning lots of water today, 750ml bottle down already and will finish off another one by 12.30, then I can have my can of diet coke with lunch, another bottle for afternoon, another bottle at gym and another bottle at Zumba!! Then I will just have squash with my dinner and/or a cup of tea! So that is 3.75 litres of water!! WOW!

How are you both doing? :D
god Hannah how are u not tired, ur very motivated to do all that exercise lol I wouldnt be bothered lol ur so good

does that fill u up for lunch, what is in ur fruit salad

I had a tuna salad for lunch and it just was not nice lol tun awas very fishy lol dunno what am doing for dinner as we are going into town shopping after work, have cherries and a peach to snack on this afternoon but my mum always likes to go for a bite to eat, so am thinking if I stick to poached eggs and toast or something cant be to bad, then whenever I get home having a salad lol

I havent really drank any water today lol I have been living on tea as its so cold lol

Kerry how are u doing?
The fruit salad does usually fill me up, however today I didn't have as much fruit so I bought a pasta salad from Boots.

Is there anychance you could find out the syn value of it please Sue? I seem to remember it being 6 syns, but I could be wrong! Nutritional info is as follows:
Boots Shapers Tuna & Sweetcorn Pasta Salad
321 calories
3.9g fat
0.6g saturated fat
10g sugars
1g salt
22g protein
46g carbs
Free foods - pasta and tuna
259g pack (above info is for the 259g)

Thank you!

I really have been focusing on the water and I think it's given me more energy! Or I at least feel more awake!

Your plan for the day sounds very good! Another alternative for eating out is jacket potato, baked beans (if you have a few syns spare cheeeese!) and side salad with no dressing!!

Think it's a bit warmer down here!! :D Just really really windy!!
hiya sorry Hannah I was not on the computer, I cant do it at the min but I will have a look whenever I can :) am in work, have a sneaky peak lol

I ended up having a cuppa, toastie with chicken, pickles and cheese (not to bad I hope lol ) ate my side salad and my sisters lol

sorry will write more later x

Weigh in -4.5lbs! So lost what I gained last week!

Today hasn't gone at all well, but I will be 100% as of tomorrow! Made a quiche all ready for tomorrow already! :D (doesn't look quite right but tastes ok!)

How did your weigh in go Kerry???

Hope you're having a good weekend away Sue!

I hear the weather is pretty dire up where you two are!! It's glourious sunshine for once down here :D (not to rub it in lol)
Just had my quiche with some cucumber and cherry tomatoes for my lunch!!! Yum yum!!! I LOVE my quiche! I think everyone else would think what the hell does that look like! But I'm loving it! Must be really low in fat though!! Made it using quark, mushrooms, onions, 3 eggs, turkey rashers bacon and I think thats it!! Was going to put peppers in until I noticed they were mouldy lol!!!

Come on people!!! I need you!!! Got a wedding on Friday, I am wandering how to tackle it, as I now have 12 weeks to lose 16.5lbs which is 1.5lbs a week on average! I want to be a steadily lose rather than gain and have big losses. The wedding is not a sit down dinner which is good! BUT it's tea and cake (do I have a slice of cake???) and there's LOADS of sweets put into those jars as decorations which we can eat (big weakness for me!!) and then there will be a buffet, which I can probs get away with eating a bit of salad and meat!? I am planning to have my main meal for lunch, so I won't eat too much in the evening! I might even be going home around 7.30 for a little bit so maybe I could eat at home??? Argh!!

The bf has suggested that Nando's be our weekly meal out, which isn't too bad, as the syn values are bearable!! I can have my chicken breast and spicy rice within my syns for the day!

Please come back soon! :(

Hannah thats fab, you are doing so well :) am so plaeased for you

I would have a slice of cake because as you have said before this is a lifestyle chioce and not just a quick fix, u dont have to have a large slice but if u want it enjoy it

just be good before and after and u will do fine

My weekend was ok, although I would be over the moon if I stayed the same because I know I went well over my syns value yesterday, for breakfasT I had melon which was good ut then lunch was a buffet I had

2 x cocktail sausages
2x mini sausage rolls
1 x small slice of veg pizza
1 x small slice of lasagne
some cackers and cheese
angel bun
1 x slice of wheaten
small amount of crisps and hummous
starwberries, blueberries and grapes

god looks awful all written down, looks like I ate loads but it was spread out between 12.30 and 6.30 lol and thats all I had nothing else after that

today I am back on track -

Breakfast - 2 x nibble and 2 x peaches
Lunch - lettuce, tomato. cucomber, celery, half egg, chicken, red onion, white onion and pineapple

going to go to sains after work as have no fruit or veg left in house lol

Hannah you have been doing so well, keep it up haha

Kerry were are u? how did u get on on sunday ?

speak soon

susan x
Wahey!! Welcome back!! :D

Glad you had a good weekend!! Yeah I think you're right! A slice of cake, but no sweets!!

Buffets always look bad when written out! You're doing great being on track again today though, so well done!!

Think I might make creamy mushroom and tomato pasta with quorn sausages tonight!!
yummy ur dinner sounds lovely, I had some salmon with lettuce, tomato, peppers, beetroot and pickles and a rice cake (dunno how many syns)

I also had a cuppa with a club (5.5syns)

hopefully I can even manage to sts tomorrow, I will be gutted if I put on and lose my 3 stone :(
Couldn't get the fat free yogurt so didn't have the lovely dinner planned, had bacon mushrooms tomato fried egg and baked beans!

Was quite hungry when I got back from work, and had more quiche and quark mixed with hot choc and artificial sweetener and a packet of snack-a-jacks!

I'm within my syns only came to 7.5!

Wheres kerry got to??? It's been ages since she posted! Hope shes ok!
Hannah I have just noticed your 12 week count down to target, no way how good is that, you will well get that no probs, I cant wait until mine is like 12 weeks away lol mine is still like aug which feels ages away

do u think u will still use this site whenever u meet target