Wannabe SkinnyMins

hi guys

u two are doing so well, yum Hannah I love that pasta my sister makes it all the time its so comforting

Kerry ur day looks good well done u sticking to the plan even tho it was a bad hungry day,

Hannah how is the exercise going ?

I am dreading wii tomorrow, am so tempted not to go to class and just weigh at home, I just dont think i couldnt listen to the teacher going on if i have put on 3lb lol she doesnt really motivate me to want to lose it again just makes me feel worse :(

today i have been totally one plan 100%

Breakfast - melon, blueberries, pineapple and banana
snack - melon and low fat yoghurt
Lunch - 2 x egg, lettuce and tomato
dinner - prawns, handful mussels, 4 baby boil potatoes, half red onion, 1/4 red pepper, 8 mushrooms, peas and tomato

hopefully today had been 2/3 superfree am going to try that again this week and hopefully get off anything that I have gained :)

am just hoping my gain isnt to big, I dont want my 3 stone award to be taken back from me so soon lol :(
Hehe kerry! I was the same today, although I made sure I was busy with other things, as I had no money to buy anything lol

I didn't go to the gym last week, but went today (even though I spent the entire day thinking of reasons why I shouldn't go!), I did 45 minds on cross trainer as weights bit was really busy! How about you guys?

Good luck with the quorn kerry! I'm sure it will be fine! I really like the sausages now (didn't at first as i kept over cooking them!

Sue go to class!! If I could afford it I would be going to! It's a slippery slope not going!! Find out how much the gain is (if indeed it is a gain) and work damn hard to get it off plus more the following week! I'm sure success express will help with that! Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think, but even if it is, you are completely back on track now, do lets all keep focused and help each other to get lovely losses next week! :D
its a deal, we will all work hard and get great losses next week, cause we have all done so well so far and think we just need motivated again

Hannah how did the holiday booking go?

Kerry I like the linda mc cartney sausages, they are like quorn only nicer lol, it took me quite a while to get used to rthe quorn as well but its ok now lol

today menu looks like

Breakfast - melon and strawberries, yoghurt
Snack - 2 x plum
Lunch - tuna, lettuce and tomato

still dunno about class lol will see how I feel later, but will def be getting a loss next week no matter what lol :)
Sue, the linda m sausages are they 1 syn each?? Been meaning to try them!!

Haven't booked it yet, got to wait until pay day lol bring on monday!!!

How big is your lunch Sue? Do you have a full can of tuna? I think I might swap back to tuna some lunch times! Do you not like cucumber?? lol I hate lettuce, can only have cherry tomatoes and cucumber with my tuna! Also, do you use mayo? (sorry for all the questions!)

We will all get a loss! It's last one for March!! I've got to stay on track for the whole of April and May and keep up this motivation! I know i'll get to target that way!! :D

Sue look at your BMI!!! 28.5 is great!!! So close!! 2/3rds of the way through!! Come on girls we can do this!!! Woohoo!!!! (can you tell someones motivated today lol!!!) :D:D:D
hi hannah

no dont have mayo, do like cucomber but forgot to put it in, lol its half a tin of tuna and a full box of salad :)

ano am so pleased with my bmi, I feel so close but so far, have decided just to go to class and if I put on I put on, I have to live

what is for ur lunch today?

yes i want to get to 10 stone 10lb, so thats 6lb to get not including my gain tonight lol so hopefully

but we can do it :)
No mayo :eek: I couldn't eat tuna with mayo!! (extra light of course!!) so well done you!

Using up the cans of soup that are in my desk drawer lol so today's is a heinz tomato soup, think its 3 syns! with yoghurt, grapes, apple and tangerine!

Glad you've decided to go to class! At least you will know what the damage is (and hopefully be plesantly surprised!) and that will motivate you even more for next week! I think you'll be ok!!

My syns are going to be the full 15 each day this week I reckon, as I am doing an unexpected 'clearing out the cupboards' week! So using soups with syns and sugar in porridge rather than sweetener, until I can go shopping next monday! Have got Gammon, quorn sausages, eggs, baked beans, pasta, rice, frozen veg and cous cous, so I should be ok, also got a pineapple to cut up today! YAY!

Going to the gym tonight! Wont go tomorrow but will go thursday and friday! Try to get this gain off truly for good!!

I keep imaging myself in a bikini each time I think mmm nice food lol so far its working! That's also what dragging my sorry bum to the gym last night! It was really crowded so couldn't do my planned workout but just went on crosstrainer!

Does anyone else feel like when they have gone off plan they may as well eat whatever and have a full day off plan?? I need to get this out of my head!! It's just self sabotage!!
go you, ur doing really well at the gym

sometimes I think the more syns u use the better u can do :) pf course staying within the 15 lol

whenever I eat something bad, I tend to feel really guilty so I usually dont want to eat anything else bad cause I feel so rotten, or else I just stand on the scales and think to myself what the hell am I doing, there is nicer food than this and could be much healthier

I wouldnt worry to much Hannah u will get ur gain off no prob :)

I hoping not to gain anything over 2.5lb cause then I will still have my 3 stone award :) so hears hoping

feel like am getting a cold, head is busting and throat is so sore, hope it goes away soon :(

Kerry how are u getting on?
woohooooo cant believe it but I managed to lose 1.5lb, thank you so much hannah for making me go to class,

I really cant believe it, I think her scales might have been wrong lol there was ppl in class getting like 9lb and it wasnt there first week

cant believe it am 1lb off being in the 10 stone range again, honestly cant remember the last time I weighed 10 stone something

going to try success express again this week, and maybe have more fish :) am just hoping that next week the scales dont catch up with me, so am also going to try and do the wii fit plus for 1-0.5hour a day :)

am so pleased with myself lol and feel really motivated to do this now :) cant believe I have lost 6.5lb in 3 weeks thats has been the fastest it has moved in ages
Woohoo go Sue!!!!! Told you, you would have lost!!!

Im going to try some success express next week once I get paid! :D

Yeah gym is going well, didn't go last week though so todays strength training was difficult! The chest push ups were tough!! Missed out the last 10 minutes because I was so knackered but I did it! Don't need to go tomorrow now! :D

Just finished off the pasta and had carrots and broccoli with it! Was sooo yummy! But I am strangely still hungry! Might attempt some quark with jelly!?

Kerry hows your day go?
Well done sue. You did really well.

Hannah I'm like you, if i blow it I think oh well the day has gone down the toilet so may as well have whatever i want. Tonight was perfect example. Dine really well all day but was hungry when i got home so decided to have some toast + syn it. That was ok until 2 slices turned Into 4 2 of which had nutella on it. I then ate 2 chocolate mousses + half a bag of crusps. Followed that up with a ham + pineapple pizza. Now I feel. Sick. No Surprise there then.

I'm still not doing brilliantly with exercise. I manage a walk 2 or 3 tines per week + that's it. Think the way I feel about food reflects hiw i feel about my life just now. Having major problems with hubby + im totally fed up with everything at the moment so then i start thinking i look like s##t so whats the point which makes me feel like s##t so I go looking fir things I shouldnt have.

One day i will learn my lesson where food is concerned.

Sorry to bring the mood down. The 2 of you sound so motivated st thw moment so long may it last. Hope you both have a good day tomorrow, i will try. To get my act togethet. Getting my haircut tomorrow so maybe that will cheer me up. I love going to the hairdressers
Kerry I am sorry to hear you are feeling down! I truly do understand what you did tonight! I am awful for binging! Even just this last week i've eaten a pasty, 2 sausage rolls, hot cross buns, pick and mix, kfc, choc cake, cupcakes, teacakes, biscuits argh god I can't even remember, but as you can tell it's all very carb based!!! Man it looks even worse when I write it down, no wander I put back on the 4.5 lbs!!

What other exercise do you think you could incorporate?

Sorry to hear you are having problems with OH, but try not to let that affect your food habits - try to think of it a different way, if you eat right, you feel better and maybe things will get better with OH.

Whenever you feel like eating something naughty, do something different, get out the house and go for a walk, or come on here and just read threads that are inspirational! Remember we are always here to help!

I hope you have a lovely haircut! Hope you have a nice relaxing and pampering time!!! :D I have faith in you! Keep trying you will get to target!!! :D:D:D
hi girls

awk Kerry I am sorry to hear about ur troubles, but maybe try and think about it in a deff way, like u can show ur oh who is boss and whol looks totoally fab when u get to target he will be falling at ur feet :) also hope that you have a good pampering day tomorrow, a hair cut can really do wonders for ur thoughts, dont worry about the exercise just try and do it whenever u can, but sometimes jujst eating the right foods is enough, why dont u try and increase ur speed foods to give u a boost :)

Hannah well done on the gym thats fab:)

I didnt do any exercise tonight but will be doing the wii tomorrow again, well I just celebrated my loss with a chinese takeaway lol and it was yummy had some chips, rice, salted chilli chicken with onions and peppers, was yummy :) and really enjoyed it, totally stuffed now

Hannah is quark and jelly nice, what does it taste like, whats the texture like lol

dont worry girls, we will all do good this week, Kerry if u need any help just shout :) try and stay as motivated as u can
Oh sue that takeaway sounds so yummy.

I'm feeling much happier and motivated today. thank you both for your support. oh suffers frim depression + has aspergers. syndrome which was only diagnosed 2 yrs ago. he has had a tough time coming to terms with it + sometimes I just find him too much to cope. with. Anyway today i feel happy. Must be the lovely weather. Im in the gatden watching cj play on the trampoline and i have no jacket or jumper on. Blissful. + im realy looking forward to having my hair done later.:)

When i sit down + think about It as well as walking I run up + down stairs all day at work. Maybe i should chuck cj off the trampoline + have a go muself lol. Sue is there a lot of moving around on the wii? I want to get one but have very limited space for moving around in the flat
Food today looks like this
B: porridge (with water) + banana
L: sweet chilli supernoodles with tomato + carrots (all the salad in yhe fridge at work). Yogurt
D: quorn rissotto (not looking forward to it) + maybe some prawns
Snacks: pinapplw yogurt grapes + strawberries

Hopefully I can stick to that. May chicken out over the quorn though ;)

Hope you both have a good day.
Yeah go you!!!! Keep smiling and happy! Definately go on the trampoline!! Great exercise!!

Don't chicken out over the quorn, just try it! Even if you don't like it, you can still eat the risotto??

And I fully back what Sue said! Keep up the great weight loss and make him drop at your feet!!

How many syns was your yummy chinese then Sue?? :D

I've made the quark with jelly (i'm going to call it strawberry mousse lol) but it had to set overnight, so looking forward to it for pud later :D

Did you guys watch the supersize v superskinny KIDS last night?? It's on every night this week! The kids really didn't try that hard!! Hope tonight's do better!!! :D I love programmes about weight lol

I have no idea how many syns were in my chinese lol I usually have a treat on a tuesday may not always be a takeaway but always naughty lol the weeks that I didnt have it trying to be good I either sts or put 0.5lb on lol so I never count the syns on a tuesday but I think it might help me subconciously to eat better throughout the week lol

kerry there isnt a lot of moving about its mainly focused round the wii board, my living room isnt massive but not tiny either lol, u should look on u tube at ppl using it to get an idea of how much space u need, u can really work up a sweat on them,

today menu is

Breakfast - yoghurt, banana and 2 x plums
went out for lunch had 2 x poached eggs and 2 x bread but only ate 1 slice, so 6 syns(god thats loads and I thought I was being good lol )
Dinner will be fish and veg :)

ur day sounds really good kerry go u, sound more upbeat and motivated :)

we can do it girls :)
Ok it didn't poison me but i wouldnt go mad for it. Didnt actually eat
much if the risotto as It was way too salty. I put too much stock In the watwr. I'm still hungry

Hairdresser was great. I got. a manicure as well, Cj told me I looked beautiful so I let them paint his nails blue lol. He Is very pleased with himself and I didn't eat the choc biscuits they gave me with my cuppa.

Im walking round the house with pj's + high heels on. Nothing kinky lol just trying to wear in new shoes fir Friday. It's amazing how good i feel just putting a pair of heels on. Even in comfy jammies:D
lol kerry go u, thats the best way to break heels in

well am on here to have a good rant

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, my friend that is getting married in august is doing my head in, her hen weekend isnt until july and she text me asking for my top size as she is going to get t shirts printed, she knows am tryin to lose weight and I dont understand why she needs to get these done now

everyone else that is going is like size 10 and 12 so not on diets, I told her I would get my own top to make sure it fits correct cause am diff sizes in each shop and I know this is stupid but I only have 18.5lb to go before I hit target and that could be these diff of a dress size, I dont see why I should tell her to get me a 14 or 16 when I can get a 12, am so pissed off

so she txt me back to say wise up., I dont care if I have to get u a big size, just let me no what size and I will get it with everyone elses

I replied, no i will get it myself

:( am so annoyed, feel like I dont get the right support from my friends, I hardly ever see her maybe once every 6-8 weeks and she never tells me that I am looking well or look like I have lost weight, I just find that really rude whenever she nos am trying

god she has really annoyed me :(

anyway rant over
At least you tried new food!

You must feel lovely after the heel session! It's true you do feel amazing especially agree a haircut and a manicure you lucky thing! I worked for a whole 10 hours today them came home and bf got us a kfc and I ate loads. Not so good obviously, quite annoyed with myself but it's really tough at work today (end of year returns and my boss is having an operation at end of month) and I said no thank you to my beloved pick and mix! I had 1 jelly bean yesterday and none today! Lunch was ww hearty vegetable soup, 4 small chunks of chicken, a yogurt and a kiwi. Breakfast usual porridge, so had done ok ish before the kfc. Oh well. Damage done.

Strawberry mousse is lovely, weird consistency, but tastes amazing! Would be great with fresh strawberries and a greenery bit of squirty cream!

Anyway please smack me for being so bad so soon after a gain. Grrr!
Ahhh sorry I must have posted at same time! Just wait until you are where you want to be before you get a t-shirt, just because shes getting married doesn't mean she has to be horrible. Shes probably very pre-occupied and doesn't even know shes doing it (not that it's an excuse!) keep feeling positive!

To be honest she probably doesn't comment on the weight loss because shes jealous. Shes probably got used to you being 'the fat one' so ignore her, lose weight, look great and feel awesome! You'll feel a million dollars when you look stunning at target in a lush dress on her wedding day :)