Wannabe SkinnyMins

God yes! You guys are my lifeline! Can't ever let you go!

I hope I can get there in 12 weeks! It's do-able! But I need to be focused the whole time!

ended up losing 14.5lbs in the last 10 weeks, so another 16.5 in 12 weeks and I'm there! I already have highlighted things that will probably get in the way like, bank holidays and easter, but I'm pretty focused!

Getting to target for the 5th june will be one challenge! I'm not going on holiday until end august so starting there will be the second challenge! I'm not going anywhere! I'm afraid you're stuck with me for life :D
P.S. If you're aiming for august target you have 20 weeks as of tomorrow until 2nd August! So it's not that much longer! :) you'll definitely be at target steady 1lb a week loss will get you there! :D

I'm sure you have done ok, you've been really good this week except that one day! Keep positive! You may even have lost, but whatever happens you'll stay on track and lose next week!
I think I may have put on 0.5lb, my time of the month came last night so am bloated and all now to, its the first one since oct so am feeling like crap :( lol but even if I do put on I will def have it back off next week

I have st patricks day this week, we always celebrate it over here, green drinks, green food, green clothes and makeup my fav day of the year :)

Hannah am doing the same, I want this 22lb off before my friends wedding in august and then will maybe set another target of 7lb to get off before my hol on 15th oct :) and that will be me lol but am the same as you I need this thread and u guys to keep me going

Kerry I hope everything is ok?

today breakfast was melon, pineapple, starwberries and blueberries and a yoghurt was lovely
Lunch is a turkey salad and banana and yellow plum

whats everyone else got planned ?
Sorry sorry sorry. Everything absolutely fine I just havent had any Internet connection. It's driving me mad.

Anyway on sunday I STS when I did WI. I have had an absolutely awful weekend foodwise. I ate a whole full fat quiche In one go, I had a fry up at the pub and. I won't even mention the crap i ate on friday night. Yesterday was much better. Worse thing I ate was a bag each of sweet chilli snack a jacks + sourcream + chive ones too. Any idea how many syns? I know diff favours have diff values.

Today looks like this.
B: 2toast (HEXB) with butter 3 syns porridge with milk(HEa) fresh pineapple
L: lentil carrot + potato soup cucumber tomato + 28g cheddar cheese(HEa) balsamic dressing.
D: sweet chilli noodles.
Snacks: pears pineapple yogurt

Hannah I would have a tiny piece of cake. Can you share it with Oh? As for the meal just be careful. You know what you are able to eat + what to stay away from. Why don't you flexi syn for the day?

Do you intend to WI. every week when you reach target?

Sue good luck for tonight
wooohooooo lost 2lb cant believe it, am so chuffed, :)

so in 7 weeks I have lost 10lb in total and I feel fab

only 2.5lb to go before am in the 10 stone lol I will be 10 stone 13.5lb but I cant believe it :)
Woohoo! Well done sue! So proud of you!!!

Think I jinks myself by talking about target! Had a massive binge tonight! I'm very close to tears. Why do I do this to myself?
Well done Sue, you go girl:D.

Ive been really hungry today so ate all i said plus 2 bags of snack a jacks 2 bananas & 1/2 pineapple. Still hungry though:(

How has it gone for you 2 today?
oops we must have posted together hannah lol

I feel like a blow out too, all i can think of is chocolate and i need to go to the shop to top up the electricity. I just keep reminding myself about the awful weekend I had and hope it helps. Dont beat yourself up, it happened, move on.
Stay strong kerry! I'm going to have to be 100% for the whole rest of the week. Just want to get tho target more. It's taking so long! I think I'm close to having a big break down...

Sorry to moan so much but I'm having real trouble being happy. Before I lost weight I was confident and felt sexy with my boobs, but now I just feel fat, frumpy and flat chested. grrrrr
hi girls

hope u both feel a bit better, u should try having a few hard boil sweets see if that takes cravings away, cause anytime I have them, I tend to be really good for the rest of the day lol

I am totally focused again this week, and am actually really enjoying at the min... I will be off plan tomorrow for st patricks day but am ok with that, am going to be 150% every other day to make up for it, am still plannin to have my syns everyday aswell cause I think limiting them makes me want them more lol so my plan is not to worry or think about it to much, or well hopefully anyway lol

whats everyone goals for this week

I would love 2.5lb off (that would get me into the 10 stone range :) )but dont think that will happen so would love even 1.5lb

today the plan is

Breakfast - melon, strawberries, blusberries and pineapple and a muller light

snack - banana and 2 x plums

lunch - 3 x egg, lettuce, tomato and cucomber

Dinner will be smoked hoddock and 2/3 plate salad, with a chilli and pepper dressing (dunno how many syns must work them out later)

I am feeling in such a good mood about this diet at the min and I hope it stays that way :) :)

goodluck girls, hope today goes well
Am i the only one having problems getting on here? It is driving me mad. I didn't give in to the temptation the other night + I have been really goos all week except for a crossoint yesterday which was bad but did have some syns left over from earler in the week so i thought it wouldnt be too bad. Had a sneek peek this morning as im going to the nurse + will be weighed there + wanted to know what my scales say so i dont freak out. Wish I hadn't bothered as I have put on 3lbs??? Fruit + salad fir me all weekend then.

How has it been for you 2? Hope you have a great time at the wedding hannah

dont worry Kerry it could just be fluid or something, just wait until sunday could chnge by then

well my week has been crap lol was st patricks day yesterday and was supposed to go to my sister house for a party but she wasnt well so me and gary went out for dinner

I had starter - stuffed muchrooms with bacon and cheese
main - peppered steak with pitta and house salad (pasta, rice, salad) thought it was going to be just a normal salad but hey ho lol . was lovely

and now my sis is feeling better so we are having are party today, so there will be a lot of drinking, vodka jelly and lots of bad food, and I cant not eat it cause she has made it for us lol I kinda dont mind tho cause I never go out and drink anymore and I need to remember that am only 25 and still need to live and party lol its only one week

but I have had fruit salad for breakfast and am getting ready to go out on a long walk lol hopefully helps a bit

I will be back on track the rest of the week

Kerry hope everything goes well at the doc :)

Hannah hope u have a wonderful day. enjoy ur self

see ya later
I like the scales at the drs:D. They put me 7lbs lighter than mine.

Have you ever felt like you interupted someones day + they really dont have time for you? Thar Is how I felt at the nurse. She was so rude + abrupt. Told me that for the 1st time In 8yrs she couldnt hear a heartbeat + she couldnt hear it coz Cj was too noisy. Cheeky cow, he was only asking what she was doing to me. I was sooo angry at her attitude + when she told him to be quiet I'm surprised the blood pressure thing didnt pop. Kept saying "i don't mean to be rude....." that Is exactly what she was :mad: won't be going to see her again. Sorry, rant over.

Sue just be really good for the rest of the week you still have 4 days to sort it out before. WI. Enjoy the party
Ok so well done to you both for being good! I've put the 4.5lbs back on. Oops! But totally focused now and I'm spring my good plan out for the week. Going to go shopping at 10. Me and OH are going to book a holiday in a week or so for august so got to get focused, don't have a choice! Didn't go on holiday last year, because the year before when I was sat by the swimming pool some skinny big boobed girl (that OH had clearly been checking out) said to a guy from the entertainment team, hours shes really fat so that I could hear and he laughed. It really upset me and I've never forgotten it. So this time I have to be a beach babe so I can feel confident and happy by the pool!

Planning on putting my exercise at the begining of the day, that way no excuses to not go and if I did miss it still time to go after work! Going to have fruit and yogurt for breakfast as after gunn in mornings won't have time for porridge, although some days I might be able to! Planning on making a quiche and having it with salad for lunch and mostly jacket potato for dinner, maybe a spag bol thrown in but will plan that now!

Kerry I hope you've done a lot better than me! But the wedding was awesome!

Good luck for the next few days sue, and good luck today kerry! Let me know!
WI: +1lb

Better than Friday and not too surprised as I was so fed up on Friday that I ate a whole packet of hot dogs on about 4 rolls then at night went for an Italian meal and had spaghetti carbonara. It was GORGEOUS! Feel like a right fat cow now though.

Hannah, its hard but you have to try to ignore stupid rude people. Never let someone else make you feel inferior. Glad you enjoyed the wedding. I have this wedding on friday and opted for a jacket potato with cheese for my meal (best of a bad choice). Still not decided what to wear.

I think im going to try a completely green week. Will be hard as I love my meat but think I need to try something different. Cant stick to 1/3 superfree so trying 2/3 would never work for me. Am going to make a big pot of soup, not sure what kind though, probably carrot and lentil. Im struggling for breakfast though as cereal just isnt filling me up and the more fruit I eat the hungrier I seem to be. i could try eggs but they cause other "problems" if I eat too many:p:eek:. Might have to go back to porridge again. Stopped having it as I got bored with it.
Will go shopping today and see if I can find any insperation.

How was your weekend Sue?
How about quorn sausages, baked beans and mushrooms for breakfast? I never seem to change my breakfast (always porridge), but I'm going to try the fruit and yogurt, don't know if it will see me through to lunch, but will soon find out!

Hopefully the green days will boost you and re-focus yourself! Quorn sausages, egg and quark will give you protein! :D

My meal plans are:
Monday - creamy mushroom and tomato pasta
Tuesday - as above
Wednesday - chilli and soy glazed steak
Thursday - lasagne
Friday - as above
Saturday - spaghetti bolognese (and maybe sweet chilli chicken)
Sunday - sweet chilli chicken

Shopping time! :D

Well done for choosing a jacket potato! you'll probably enjoy the porridge now you haven't had it for a while! Carrot and chilli soup is delicious! Let us know what you decide!
OMG OMG OMG. SOOOO excited. just read on the healthy extra board that golden syrup porridge sachets are now a HEX b. Thats breakfast sorted:D. There have obviously been some changes to the plan that I dont know about coz I dont go to class. Any tips there Sue?

Hannah I cant stand quorn. Even the thought of it makes me feel ill. Green week will be ok as I love pasta so will end up having that most days. Wish you hadnt mentioned sweet chilli chicken though. My mouth is watering. I could eat that stuff all day every day. Yum yum. How do you make the carrot & chilli soup?
no way I never knew that Kerry I love that porridge I might have to get some of that for myself lol

well yesterday was ok I think was really hungover but managed to stay away from takeaway but didnt really follow the plan

Breakfast was bacon, mushrooms, egg and 1 x toast
snack - mugshot
dinner - chilli and rice
then I ate a pkt of crisps, another mugshot and rice cake lol didnt have alot of veg so wasnt to good but def could have been worse

had a sneak peak on the scales this morning and they say +3lb, so hopefully I can get that off and even stay the same, still feel like crap feel really bloated and horrible, but today am back on plan and trying success express

Breakfast was melon, strawberries, blueberries and pineapple
Dinner will be slow cooked steak pieces, leeks, turnip, onion, carrots and baby boil potatoes
Lunch - egg and mushrooms :)

Hannah glad u enjoyed the wedding, dont worry about ur gain that will come off for next week, u dont go to wedding every week so dont worry to much :) that is so rude of that girl she was just jealous that u have a partner and are comfortable in ur body, bet she hates hers even tho she is skinny she prob doesnt even a personality,

am the same tho am going to pay the rest of mine off today so that back in my mind again and want to get my target :)

Kerry green days sound good, they always worked for me, u can snack alot of pasta and suace which is always good and also chips and sauasages with beans yum yum love that dinner lol

my class doesnt really give out alot of new info but if I hear anything else I will deffo let u no :)

hope everyone has a good week, come on girls we can all deffo get losses this week :)
How did everyone do today??? Are you looking forward to your weigh in tomorrow Sue?

I just had pasta with chicken and a can of batchelors condensed cream of chicken soup (15 syns for whole can) and broccoli! Made enough for tomorrow's dinner too and OH had some and said it was nice so I expect he'll have some more tomorrow, so I'm roughly guestimating that I will eat 2/3rds of it therefore 5 syns each day! Was delicious though!!!
Food food food food food food food food food food.
Guess what ive thought of all day? have managed to keep it on plan though, just.

B:porridge with milk + banana (HEa+b)
L: lentil carrot + sweet potato soup.
3 ryvita (heb) 3 laughing cow triangles 4.5 syns
yogurt + pineapple
D: 2 pkts pasta n sauce 2 syns + 28g cheddar (HEa)
choc mousse 3 syns
snacks: pineapple grapes strawberries 2 bananas 2 yogurts 1 alpen light 3 syns.

As you can see I have been hungry today lol.

well hannah I bought:eek: some quorn chicken pieces to make risotto. Really hope they are nice. I'm dreadful with new foods. sometimes just the name is enough to make me decide I don't like it. Fingers crossed.

Hope it goes well tomorrow sue