Wannabe SkinnyMins

thanks for the pan cake recipe, I love pancake tuesday and its my weigh day so I can use it as a treat lol

I tend not to drink unless am going out on night out or to friend house, but dont really do it that often anymore lol never have time or money its usually just a phone call now a days lol

my syns I would use on penguin biscuits, butter, mayo, options hot choc, pitta bread if I have used my hex b, olives, flumps and then some hard boiled sweets

altho lately my have only been use on penguins I havent really had anything and I try to stay away from crisps as they are my weakness
Flumps are they still 0.5 syns each?? Going home from work now so will reply properly when get home :)
Wow I knew I'd eat a lot today, since coming home I've eaten pasta n sauce with quorn sausages, fat free yoghurt mixed with hot choc and artificial sweetener, fat free yoghurt AND a packet of chilli heatwave doritos so 9 syns in total. Thank god I'm going to zumba soon, I can stop eating!!

How has today gone for you both overall then?

how was zumba, am just back from my driving lesson about to strip some walls soon

had hoddock, veg and potatoes for dinner was scrummy

I have only had 2 syns today and that was my cous cous at lunch, dont really feel like anything else but if I do I will either have a kit kat or penguin with a cuppa :)
Zumba was ok, bit same-y, kinda want it more advanced so I can work a bit harder, not sweating as much as I did when I first started! Lol hows stripping walls?

Mmm your dinner sounds lovely! Defrosting some turkey for tomorrow eve and have made jacket potato, beans and tuna for tomorrows lunch. What have you both got planned for tomorrow?

I got peckish again after zumba so had 4 ryvita with marmite, so up at 13 syns now! (so much for keeping it low to make up for sunday lol)

Catch up tomorrow! Kerry I hope your day went to plan and you are managing to eat a bit more! :D

Yesterday I managed breakfast cereal, no lunch then pasta with tomato onion + bacon sauce. Was yummy. I ate 3 huge bowls of It. Unfortunately I also ate a small bag of thai sweet chilli sensations + a wispa:(. Slowly getting. there. Hopefully today will be better.

I was laughing at the 2 of you with your fruit. I thought I was fussy lol. I bought my 1st lot of strawberries yesterday + they were lovely. Well the 3 strawberries I got to eat were. Cj scoffed the rest. I tend to eat grapes strawberries pears satsumas bananas + cherries (in season of course). I am lazy + can't be bothered preparing fruit. If you put It in front of me ready to eat then would also eat lots If pineapple + melon.

Ok you have to stop talking about biscuits!! I have eaten a whole pack of penguins this week. Not good.

Must go get ready. I'm on snack duty at Cj's playgroup this morning. 20 kids running riot all morning. Just what I want on my day off. Haveva good day ladies, be good.

Dont forget your lunch Hannah lol.
Well done you for reading something! You will be 100% back on track soon!

I fully understand the preparing fruit nightmare! Was so much nicer when mum used cut up the pineapple and I just used to eat it! I now have to ring her up to check its ripe enough for me to cut up lol

What snacks did you take in kerry? I've got to prepare pineapple and cheese sticks and cupcakes for my cousins kids 1st bday party tomorrow! Going to be a nightmare!

So far today I've eaten my usual porridge and an apple. I've got a jp (which is like brown inside) and half a tin of baked bean for lunch!

Came on my period today, got crappy pains, so going to go to gym tomorrow morning instead of tonight. Think I might have sts this week, scales haven't budged yet...grrr

Not feeling good tbh, think I may cave today. Already eyed up sausage rolls and pain au chocolates.arghh! Hope you're both feeling better than me!!!
well hopefully u stay on track, just try and stick within a certain amount of syns, but I know what u mean I feel like a snacky day coming on today

but I have stuck to plan so far, will have about 20 syns in total today with 4 bottles of coors light and 2 syns for my cous cous for lunch

but I just dont feel full today so trying a cuppa see if that helps me

ano am the same I hate preparing fruit but when its done I eat it all lol,

what is everyone having for dinner ?

Hannah try and have some tea might help with ur pains :)

Kerry am glad ur eating something, and hope u feel 100% soon... have u anyting nice planned for the weekend

(sorry am trying to do this in work lol not fully concentrating lol)
Awwww man! Whilst preparing food for the party, I've eaten cheese and pineapple!!! AND loads and loads of mini sausage rolls and mini cheese and onion rolls!!!! Also I had 2 pancakes with my friend! I am sooooo annoyed at myself!!!!! God knows how many syns! But it's a lot.
Ok I stand in line for a slap!
We got the money for the house this week so went out to celebrate. I had 2 bottles of lager, deep fried potato skins with chilli mayonnaise huge cheeseburger, chips + salad dripping with an oily dressing. Followed that up with an amazing piece of warm pecan pie drizzled with maple syrup. I felt so sick after not eating for about 3 weeks. Stood on the scales this morning and wanted to cry. All that work undone.:(

Hannah the playgroup provide the snack i just had to prepare It. They had apple pear and crackers with cream cheese.
Are you helping at the party? Kids partys are awful for snacking at.

I'm having a girls night in next friday + said I would provide nibbles for everyone but I'm totally stuck. Normally i would do dips quiche pizza nuts crisps file prawns. I know if I do all of that I will eat it all. None of my friends follow SW + it has to be suitable for a vegetarian which I'm not that good at. All Ideas welcome. How was your night out Sue?

I really need to get my finger out + sort my head out too. I'm so angryvwith myself. Back to writing out meal plans and taking lunch to work instead of relying on what they have in the fridge.

What are you. 2 up to this weekend? I'm heading into town today to buy a few bits + bobs for the flat.

my night out was good I didnt have any coors because my friend poured me a glass of sprinkling wine it was only 4% alco so dunno how many syns but I 2 glasses so hopefully didnt damage myself to much, I also didnt eat of the snacks she had put out:) which am very proud of myself for and as soon as I came home I went stright to bed to stop me snacking anything lol

today has been good aswell, breakfast was strawberries, orange and banana with a yohgurt
Lunch was 1 slice of nibble with a fried egg and 2/3 plate filled with fried mushrooms and tomotoes was so nice

Dinner- steak with baked potatoes and butter nut squash with half plate of stir fry veg:)

hope I have done well this week, although I fill a bit of a snacky time comin on :( hope I dont go to mad

Hannah dont worry the scales may not be as bad as u think, and remeber you have been doing alot of exercise so hopefully that will help, how was the party? at least pineapple is free :)

Kerry you deserve a blow out tho, u have had a tough time the last few weeks and u were celebrating, but dont worry cause the scales might tell a diff story the mara

just try and stay good tonight girls and u will be grand :)
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kerry you can still do dips, u can make ur own hummous, and also salsa

u could try making mini pizzas then maybe you wont eat so many,

u could make loaded potato skins, with bacon and cheese they would be free

Pineapple and pickles sticks, have some pasta dishes that are free

cant think of anymore at the min but will let u know as soon as I do, good luck :)
WI:+ 5lbs:(
Am so pissed off with myself. will write. more latwr as we are heading out

How did it go for you hannah?
kerry dont worry, U havent been well, just draw a line under it and start again this week, just try and be 100% until your friends come round on friday and even then make a few slimming world dishes thatyou will be happy to eat and leave the bad stuff for them

Hannah how did u get on?
As i said im really annoyed but not surprised. All those take aways had to catch up with me evenyually.

Went shopping last night but it was very last minute and I didnt get a chance to do a menu plan so will just have to plan around what I have in the fridge/freezer. Im really hoping I can get back on track this week as weight gain aside I just dont feel right about the way im eating, i know its not a ghealthy way to eat, missing meals then stuffing myself when I do eat. Im going to start taking lunch to work with me again. Up til now I have been eating what they have in the fridge and sometimes it works but mostly it doesnt.

We went out for breakfast this morning and i had scrambled egg and toast with beans. It was lovely. Think it would be about 7 syns (& 1 HEX b) for the 2 slices of bread and milk in the eggs (cooked with no added fat, we go to this place a lot and they are brilliant with my requests, I even take my own milk for coffee). Had a pear and banana when I got home for my 1/3

Im planning to have sweet chilli noodles for lunch with strawberries and grapes & yogurt. Dinner will be mince with onion carrot turnip peas and baby potatoes. I will take the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

We have our landlord coming round later to fix the kitchen tap so i need to spend the afternoon cleaning the flat. Going tp put some music on and boogie my way through it. Cant believe how much energy I have compared to last week lol. Trying to make the most of it and not just lounge around on the sofa playing on the computer ( I have internet access on the computer again, yay:D).

Hope you both have a lovely Sunday
Kerry deffo try bringing in ur own lunch it really helps. well I think It help me stay on track

well I have been doing success express all week and really trying hard I stood on the scales this morning and they show a loss but only 1lb, am gutted I thought I would have done really well this week, I was really expecting a bigger loss and really going for my 3 stone award,

am just getting really fed up and demotivated at the min, I feel like am just thinking about food and dieting all the time

I havent went over my syns at all this week, felt like a snacky day on sat night but I had a few biscuits and syned them same as last night, I Had 2 x bourbons - 6 syns, and 1 ginger nut - 2.5 syns ao thats only 8.5 syns with a cuppa

I have been having 2/3 veg with every meal

just dont know what to do, I have also been stripping walls everyday lol so am getting a bit of exercise in there

I just really want to get this next award :( feel like am never going to get there

Hannah were are u? how did u get on?

sorry about the book lol :)
Stay focused sue. remember your scales will show a different weight to the scales at class. you have done really well this week. i could never have managed 2/3 with every meal. stay positive. you will get there in the end.

HANNAH WHERE ARE YOU? You know that disappearing is a no no. How did weigh in go?

Im having a great day so far. Breakfast was SW breakfadt rice with raspberries + strawberries. Put the wee one in her pram and. went for a 2hr walk. Lunch was a jacket potat9 with leftover mince + veg.

I'm feeling really good today. a positive attitude definately helps. Will write more later asvthis phone Is driving me demented.

Have a great afternoon. Chin up Sue
Hello all!

I will reply in more detail later, I didn't actually weigh myself at my usual time, but I know I am about half a stone up, but I am hoping 2 days of being good will bring that back down and fast. So annoyed with myself for doing this, but I ate LOADS of sausage rolls and cheese and onion mini pasties. All the party food + cupcakes. Hot chocs, kfc, nandos, bacon baguette, cheese, pancakes. Even the pineapple wasn't free Sue because it was tinned lol

It's just been a disaster, BUT I am carrying on because this isn't a diet, its a way of life and life's events are bound to get in the way sometimes. So today has gone as follows:
Breakfast - porridge with 150ml skimmed milk and artificial sweetener
Lunch - snack a jacks (5.5 syns), yoghurt, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, apple and clementine

Dinner should be turkey with rice and veg, but I've got microwavable rice and need to see how many syns it is...

Well done Sue!! You keep up the good work!! You will have an amazing loss tomorrow!!! Will write more when I get home!!! :D
Ok so I gained 4.5lbs, as of this morning! I know it's Tuesday, but my binge didn't end until last night it seems lol


That is my line drawn and I am ready to tackle the next 5 days to do everything I can to eliminate the gain!

I am going to try sucess express too Sue!! Although I am not going to do it for breakfast, as I am still loving my porridge and it sets me up good for the day! So Lunch will be a massive fruit salad!! With strawberries, banana, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, apple and clementine! 7 different types of fruit! And a yoghurt!! (Please could you clarify whether yoghurt is spelt yoghurt or yogurt!! It's driving me nuts!!!)
Dinner will be turkey with carrot and swede mash and brocolli!

I am going to go to the gym everyday from Tues-Sat!
Tues - strength training
Wed - cardio
Thurs - strength training and zumba
Fri - cardio
Sat - strength training

Hopefully this will give me the boost I need! As this is my 2nd gain in a row! Although I have finished my period now (I've been on for 3 weeks nearly with a slight gap in the middle) I need to sort myself out, as I am going to a wedding next Friday and really need to be able to fit my dress nicely!

Going to try to plan my meals for this week now!

People keep asking me if I am still on a diet, and whether my diet is going to finish soon!? It's really annoying because this isn't a 'diet' as such it's just eating healthily to control my weight! It's never going to end, because I will just put weight back on... Slimming World is for life and I guess that's why it's ok to slip up sometimes and just keep trying!!!

Hope everyone is doing well! And good luck tonight Sue, let us know your result!!! I will be eagarly waiting!!