Wannabe SkinnyMins

Hannah so good to hear from you :)

that sounds great about ur plan for ur run and stuff, loads of exercise, u will be fit as a fiddle in no time :)

am not going to worry about the meatballs, think they are lean mince, so will try and only have 4, with some pasta and loads of veg

going out for lunch for friend in works birthday today but am planning on getting a chicken salad, there will be lettuce, tomato, peppers, sweetcorn, coleslaw (3syns) 2 slices of wheaten (6syns)

am going to try and not have any of the wheaten and also only a tiny bit of the coleslaw, so hopefully that works out well lol

will u be weighing in this sunday Hannah, do u no how much u have gained over the last couple of weeks :)

I have drank 1ltr of water so far today, so going good :)
Aww Hannah I totally sympathise. Packing is a nightmare. Has your stuff started breeding in corners yet? I tjoughtcqe would never empty the house. Good luck with the final bits + pieces, they are the hardest part.

Sue I find lots of water helps. Good luck with the birthday lunch.

What are you 2 up to.for the big day tomorrow? We are off to the zoo then I will Watch the highlights on the news.

Having a good day so far (foodwise anyway). It is sooo hot here today so I. Just want to drink. Might have to rethink dinner as I'm not sure I can stand cooking in this heat. May end up with a fruit salad + yogurt.
tomorrow am just planning on enjoying the weather in the garden maybe read my book lol

dont think I will be watching the wedding, might just have a glance at the dress but thats bout it lol

my lunch went will I think

I had chicken salad, asked them not to give me any wheaten bread so I wouldnt be tempted to eat it so saved myself 8 syns including butter, there was a large spoonful of coleslaw but I ate very little of it think about 2 syns worth, cause I kinda of dipped my chicken in it instead of piling it on lol feel quite proud of myself lol

ano what U mean kerry I couldnt be annoyed cooking dinner either but I need to use the meat as I have left it outta the freezer lol but will be ok cause prob wont be eating it to bout 8 so wont be as warm lol

good luck with the packin Hannah :)

am so jealous ur going to the zoo I love the zoo lol
I have to laugh coz the zoo stinks. I'm not so keen on it but Cj loves it + it is a good place to just let him go wild + burn off some energy. Am looking forward to tomorrow though coz we are meeting up with friends we haven't seen for ages.

I'm having a crap day. Managed to lock myself out if the house at work this morning. No house keys no car keys no money nothing. I had to ask a friend to pick Cj up from playgroup + borrow money for bus fare to go all the way across town to get keys from my boss. Thank god he was in Edinburgh today coz my other boss isn't. She is working in the borders today + lord knows when she. will be home to let me away. I have been at work since 7:45 this morning + both Cj + I are shattered. Hope she isn't too much longer. coz I'm starving. Fortunately there is absolutely nothing to eat in the house so I'm not tempted to pick.

Enjoy your long weekend ladies
Im really annoyed. I have been 100% apart from my 1/3 superfree yesterday. I decided to have a wee sneak peak at the scales this morning and I have put on 3lbs:mad:. I haven't gone over my syns at all and havent really eaten anything naughty. I just dont understand it. I know I still have 2 days before WI but I need to lose at least 4lbs for a loss. Im so disappointed:cry:. Can you have a look at my food diary and see if you can pick up on anything for this week from Sunday onwards. I have written down absolutely everything. I know weight fluctuates from day to day. Could it be all the bad days from the end of last week catching up? Even if it is I feel so disheartened after such a good week:sigh:
kerry dont worry, it could be something as simple as u had loads of water or something before u weighed or cause its not ur normal weigh day but I will have a look at ur food dairy, although I dont know how to get to it lol am not very good with this site

today am planning on

breakfast - 2 egg in cup, i slice of nibble (half hex B) and an orange
Lunch - salad bowl - lettuce, tomato, pickles and chilli
Dinner - steak pieces, carrot, peas, onion, mushrooms, and potatoes

also have my 2ltrs of water in a big bottle in freezer :)

hope zoo is fun :)
It def wasn't water as I get out of bed go to loo then WI. Trying not to let it affect me.

Zoo was really good, kids had a ball. And I only ate my picnic even though my friends ate theirs then had a hot meal as well. Felt very pleased with myself. So today looks like this:

B. Porridge with milk + pear
L. Tuna mayo + spring onion wrap 10 syns. Grapes + strawberries
D.??? Not sure.
Snacks: 4 satsumas

So did you watch any if the weddin? I watched the bride arrive. She looked lovely but I thought her sister looked much nicer.

Off to figure out dinner now
yea watch a bit of the highlights, her dress was nice really royal looking lol if u know what I mean, thought her sister was stunning tho so pretty

well done kerry thats fab that u stuck to it ::) go u

well I made steak pieces for dinner which werent really that nice so have just eaten alpen light and an orange :) but I need something else but am trying to be good as we got a few dvds to watch and I know i will eat crap later lol

have also managed to drink 2ltrs of water today so might go for another one just for good measure lol
Lol sue, you will float to weigh in on Tuesday. Well done on the water consumption. Don't eat too much junk, you have done really well this week so far.

Yeah, I thought her sister was stunning too.

Dinner was fish + chips. Was ok but am still hungry, surprise surprise. Got 5 syns left so will try to figure out what I can have but nothing much in the house.
I'm really hungry this morning. Have just gone to get a snack + there us no fruit. That means that since Sunday I have eaten 2 bags of pears (approx 10 pears) 2 large punnets of strawberries, a whole pineapple, 4 peaches bag if red grapes 1/2 bag of green grapes don't know how many bananas bag of satsumas (since yesterday) + a whole melon. OMG I can't afford to keep this up!

Ended up going over my daily allowance by 1 syn last night as I had 2 alpen bars. Oh well could have been worse.

Today so far I've had 5 satsumas 1/2 melon 2 alpen bars. I've just taken 6 mini quiche out of the oven for lunch (+ a snack the way things are going). Taking forever to cool (dont like them hot). No idea what dinner will be, need to Ho shopping again.

Hope you are both having a good day.

Are you going to WI tomorrow Hannah?
omg kerry thats loads of fruit lol, u must be spending a fortune lol but it will work :) u must be going to the toilet alot to lol

today it was so nice, so got up this mornoing and went for a walk, then had fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast and aplen light bar (1/2 hex b)
then decided to go over to local shoping place, bout 20 minutes walk over and walked round for bout 2hours totally wrecked lol so we had llunch out I had a chicken salad, was so tasty and I will so plaesed with my self cause walked right past burger king and KFC lol

Dinner was some chicken pieces and a massive veg stir fry with some curry sauce (2syns) so feeling good today and have also drank water but only 1 ltr so far must get the other litre in soon lol

had a good bit of junk last night but I feel ok about it and hope because I have been ok the rest of the week wont damage me to much we had chilli nuts, jellys, crisps and bit of choc was yummy lol

Hannah how are u? how is moving going, hope u do well tomorrow

Kerry u will do brill tomorrow u have been so good all week:) did u decide what to have for dinner ?
what am really confused, u were so good all week, can u put a link up for ur food dairy and I will have a look

is it ur time of the month or anything?

dont worry all ur hard work will show next week this week is just a blip :)

try and stay 100%, maybe have a break today and get it outta ur system :)

Hannah how did u get on?
Dont know how to.put a link on? Not time of the month. No idea what it is can only think it was last weekend catching up. Have just been out for a full Scottish breakfast at the pub + it was gorgeous. Back to normal eating now though + hope that I get a decent loss next week viz I go on holiday the followong week + that don't gonna be good. As it stands now I have lost 7lbs in 17 weeks. That really sucks.

How did you get on Hannah?
dont worry, it has taken me nearly two years to get were I am now, just remember a slow weight loss is better means u have a better chnce of keeping it off, better than losing like a stone in a month no point in that

yes granted it could be quicker, but maybe there is a few things we cud do to change that

have u ever thought of having ur lunch as ur main meal and dinner as a snack light meal see if that helps

maybve try and eat more veg instead of fruit, just to see if that makes any difference

well went to weigh in and I actually managed to lose 2lb :) am delighted couldnt believe it

so thats 3 stone 5.5lb off, and I got into the 10 stone range, I now weigh 10 stone 13lb :) cant believe it cant even remember the last time I weigh this lol

so only 1.5lb needed to get my 3 and half stone award next, am really going to try and be 100%, am planning on green days to try and save some money hopefully they work ok

today I have had

Breakfast - beans(free) and 1 x nibble (1/2 hex b) orange and banana
snack - low fat yoghurt(free)
Lunch - svaoury rice (free)lettuce, tomato, pickles, peppers
snack - melon, pineapple and orange
Dinner is either going to be egg and chips or omelette with mushrooms, tomoato and onion and beans lol will see how I feel later :)

how is everyone else ?

Hannah how did the move go? are u back on track yet?

Kerry how is ur week going ?
Well done Sue, you are doing brilliantly at the moment.

I have given up on slimming world this week and am following that old favourite the see food diet ( I see food and I eat it....):eek::break_diet:. im sitting here having just finished a small tub of pringles half a bag of chocolate mini eggs and have just opened a packet of salted cashew nuts and yes i did eat dinner. My meals havent been too bad as such, i think I mostly do sw meals without really thinking about it now but I have been snacking on junk food a lot, bags of crisps, chocolate, toast practically no fruit, its rotting in the fridge.

I need a damn good kick up the backside. I bought some new clothes on sunday, size 14 tops instead of 16/18 and size 12 trousers instead of 14. I should have been hppy and motivated but I just cant be bothered. I need to lose this mind set. at least this week the gain will be deserved. I know it is silly but I was really upset with WI on Sunday as I really felt I had been 99.9% all week. I just cant get away from thinking if im going to put weight on then I may as well enjoy doing it.....

Your menu looks good today, do you plan on a daily or weekly basis? Keep up the good work:D

Hannah, how are you getting on. Hope things are easier now you are at your mums. how did WI go for you?
kerry sounds mad but maybe its what u need, maybe u need a blow out, and then u will get motivated again, but try not to go to mad lol even try and cancel out some of the bad food with ss foods :) jusyt even like beans with ur meals doesnt have to be fruit

I just do my meal daily as when I try and do weekly I get bored to quick and dont want it anymore lol

even try and get some more exercise in, its always hard when u have an unexpected gain,but chin up it will all work out :)

sorry am not good at giving advise at the mo lol cause all I can think about is easter eggs am just staying away but its hard
Thanks, that Is good advice, you can do it when you need to lol.

Every day I get up + think ok today its back on track but just doesn't happen. I think it will be easy to sort myself out at the weekend as I don't have any junk in the house. Not been a great week at home it work which hasn't helped. Next week can only be better.