Wannabe SkinnyMins

hiya yea ate the bun, but that the only syns I had yesterday so 5.5 in total :)

I had soup for dinner was yummy I just hope it works lol

today is

Brekfast - grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, orange and grapes
snack - yoghurt and grapes
lunch - cous cous, lettuce, tomato, cucomber, onions
dinner - speed soup

going shopping with mum later so hopefully we dont go anywhere for food :) hopefully I can get some nice clothes to, nothing fits anymore :)
well have been doing so well all day, then had a bit of a snack attack and I just ate 2 choc and orange cookies, they were 4 syns each so that 8 syns blown for no reason, am so annoyed at myself :(

I really wanted to try and not have any syns until sat cause I knew I was going to be bad grrrr we do I do it
Where are both if you, its been very quiet here.

I'm having a bad day. I woke up in a lousy mood, spent all morning shouting at Cj(feeling guilty now) + OH (no guilt at all he deserved it) and now I want to eat crap. It is all I can think of. Fortunately I need to go to supermarket so there is nothing in the house. Unfortunately I'm scared to go to supermarket in case I buy loads of junk so there is nothing for me to eat that is healthy. I want chocolate, fish + chips burgers sponge and custard something I can really bite into + chew. This is torture.

Had a bad day yesterday. Had to buy sandwich + salad for lunch at the zoo. Ended up also buying burger + chips and ate it all then came home + had pizza for tea. WHY? What do you do when you feel like this? Do you give in to it or do you fight it. I feel like crying because I don't want to eat junk but it is all I can think of at the moment.

Kerry I an in exactly the same position, if not worse! I cannot stop eating junk. It's really getting me down. Just feel like crying because of it. I'm not assuring myself today as I just don't think I can bear it. I hate myself for being like this them it's just a vicious circle! I can't say no, I just give in to food. Also I associate it with good and happy moments like yesterday I made me and bf bacon baguettes. He didn't even eat his, yet mine was gone in a flash. Got a kfc thursday night, had a hart curry friday night with poppadoms and naan bread. Had a cheeses and onion pasty yesterday and a cheese and bean slice with doritos. I feel so unhealthy. My body just can't cope. Toilet problems. Feeling bloated and crap. Just need to ems it.

viewed 5 houses yesterday. think we might go for one of them! but we well now be moving out earlier (end of this month) supp will all be rushed and frantic! Also need to sort out my degree as got an essay due in soon. Arggh! Basically these are my rubbish excuses of why I've got fatter again. :(

I hope you two are ok, sorry I haven't been on here much, will make a better effort as even with a new house and a degree I'm not going to be happy at this weight. Don't think moving back in with my target weight mother is going to help either :(

Kerry are you feeling any better? Sue I hope you're ok!
WI: +1LB

Hannah you sound totally stressed + its not surprising with everything you have going on. You sound just like me a few months ago. Things will get better once you move. If your mum is a target member surely that will. make It easier for you. Let her make your meals, surely she will be happy to help if she knows you are struggling to stay on plan? Then again maybe not. Take it one meal at a time, have lots of healthy snacks around, don't take any money to work with you + just do the best you can. Chin up honey, big hugs.

Well as you can see from weigh in I havent done very well this week. Went out to. lunch with a friend yesterday + we shared chicken nachoes then a t
Toasted chicken bacon cheese + red onion sandwich with chips. I thwn bought a massive bag of mini eggs + ate half if them In about 4 mouthfuls. I now have lots of chocolate in the house + still no food as i didn't go to the shop. Back to work tomorrow so hopefully it will be better.

sue how was your weekend?
Breakfast was a yogurt.
Lunch was 4 sausages (8syns) baby potatoes salad (2 syns for mayo + coleslaw). Not sure about dinner (lunch should have been dinner) maybe quiche + more salad if I can get some cottage cheese.

Going to start a food diary again as I seem to go completely haywire if I don't keep one. Will start a a new online online one today.

Going to make a pesto pasta salad for lunch tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.

It is really nice here today so think I will head out to the garden with a book for a few house and do absolutely nothing. Hope you arw both having a good day
Back to work today so things are easier foodwise. Still really hungry though. Today I've had porridge with water, big fruit salad with yogurt, 3 mini sw quiches, pesticides pasta salad more fruit with yogurt and its not even 12pm yet. Oh well its all on plan.

Hope the 2 of you are having a good day
kerry thats good tho ur filling up on free foods best way to do it :) dont worry about ur gain this week, you still need to live and it wont be everyweek that ur off work so its ok and wasnt really that bad :)

Hannah how did ur weigh in go? i was reading but cudnt see it :)

well my weekend was awful lol I drank so much on sat night that all I did yesterday was eat, I had 3 pkts of crisps, a mini roll, bacon sandwiches and then an indian lol so much food, feel crap today and had a sneak peak on scales looks like a gain, so hopefully I can reduce it a bit before tomorrow

today i have tried to stick to the plan but all I want is crap

Breakfast - grapefuit, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and yoghurt
snack - banana
lunch - cous cous, lettuce, tomato and 2 x oranges
think I might have fish for dinner, something nice and light :)

whats everyone goal for this week?

whats everyone plans for dealing with easter?
Dinner will be a chicken breast stuffed with philly cheese + chilli sauce with baby potatoes carrot + swede mash + peas. Can't wait, I'm so hungry.

Started another online food diary called love love love food.

Ooh sue sounds like you had the major munchies yesterday. Today looks good though so maybe you will be ok if you can stick to it tomorrow .

Hannah did you gave a better day today
oh my god munchies wasnt even in it I needed to keep eating or i thought I would die lol such a bad hangover lol

my dinner tonight was smoked hoddock, lettuce, tomato, pickles, beetroot and chunky pickle was so nice :)

was ur dinner nice kerry sounds yum
Dinner was delicious, really enjoyed it. Was a sort of early celebration as it is our 4th wedding anniversary today but I'm working late. Not quite sure what I wad celebrating but felt I should make an effort.

Good luck tonight sue, hope you get a result your happy with
kerry am so nervous, really thinking of not going,

I have lose 3 stone 3.5lb and I will be so annoyed if I have put on so much that I lose my 3 stone award

I really need a good kick up the bum, last week I weighed in at 11 stone 1lb and really wanted to get under the 10 stone range but now it will be like 4lb away again, feel like am stuck at this weight but its my own fault

I really need help, what will I do ?
Go anyway, its better to know so that next week you can enjoy a proper Loss knowing exactly how much your hard work has paid off. It might not be so bad. Better to know than wonder for the next week how much it will affect next weeks weigh in (if that makes any sense at all, it does in my head but many strange things do)
How did you do sue?

My week hasn't been any better, but my head is starting to be in the right place. Going out to lunch tomorrow to giraffe. If either of you get a chance please could you look up the menu and advise (hopefully something from the lunch deal menu!)

Kerry I am glad you have got back on track! And sue with regards to easter im not really going to 'celebrate' one egg max and then big roast dinner at mums. I love easter eggs so they are a real sticking point with me, might be best just to stock on plan for me now though, as I've gone so wrong (reckon I've put on nearly a stone).

Keep up the good work girlies! And I'm going to try harder!
hi girls

Hannah am in work but If i get the chnace I will have a look for you.. just try not to get any thing with sauces lol, or since the weather is so nice a salad would be lovely and fresh

well went to weigh and I put on 1lb, not as bad as I thought so have started a fresh again this week

so that makes me now 11 stone 2lb, so am aiming to get under the 11 stone mark in the next two weeks :)

I am back on plan totally today -

Breakfast - half tin of beans and 1 x nibble (hexb ), grapefruit, blackberries, strawberries, grapes
snack - yoghurt, banana and 2 x oranges
Lunch - lettuce, tomato, pickles, beetroot, cucomber, chicken, pineapple
Dinner- extra lean mince, tomato, mixed herbs, peas, mushrooms, onion , pepper (spag bol), spaghetti, cauliflower, broccoli and sprouts lol just to add more veg

can u thjink of another way I could add more veg to make it 2/3rd super free, am trying success express again

Is my breakfast ok, although I ate the beans and toast in house and fruit at work, is that ok
sue, im really proud of you for going to class, well done.

Your menu looks great but if you want more veg you could add courgette, green beans or squash to the sauce. Even a fruit salad for afters. Im hooked on fruit salad with morrisons ff nat yog at the mo. Its ultra scrummy.

Hannah, I would go for the salad or the pasta from the lunch menu or one of the salads from the main menu or steak with a side salad or jacket potato. The waldorf salad sounds lovely. Or you could have 2 startes of souo and salad depending on the soup (i tend to think that lentil or veg soup is ok when your out unless they add cream then its a fairly safe bet). Hope you enjoy your lunch.

Im not doing easter. Cj will be at my mums and will get an egg there and i told her to keep it not send it home. My downfall this week will be my friends birthday bash, she is doing a cocktail experience where you make your own cocktails. Is it a bad idea to WI a day early do you think? Was our wedding anniversary yesterday and i think we are going out to dinner on saturday and it will not be a healthy meal.

Had an ok day today. Went over my daily syns yesterday by about 4/5 syns so trying to be extra good today. So far its working

kerry try not to worry to much... just go and enjoy ur friends birthday and all ur hard work this week will pay off :)

I have already made the spag bol so thats why am just going to add extra veg to my plate :)

yea hannah have steak salad or chicken salad and even have a bit of pepper sauce shouldnt be to bad (sorry am prob to late )

my mum is making easter dinner so shouldnt be to bad, but then the egg I should be ok, I wont go to mad lol I hope
How did your lunch go Hannah?

I've been naughty and had pizza for lunch. I also had butterkist popcorn last night and 1normal sausage that was about 5 syns and a small bag of dolly mixtures.:break_diet:Cant even pretend that I feel bad about it, im fed up watching what i eat and just want to eat. I was so positive at the start of the week and I dont have any excuses other than I cant be bothered.

Hope you 2 are doing better than me??
hey sorry am back lol

long weekend off for easter and havent stopped lol

well yesterday I was awful but enjoyed every min

was out for lunch had loaded potato wedges to start then lasange and garlic cubes for main meal

then at dinner time we had half a frozen pizza, bowl of crisps and 2 x soco lol so I deserve a gain

then woke up today and thought ok am going to be good lol

started - berries and grapefuit for breakfast
lunch was tomato and mushroom omelette
dinner is going to be pork and apple burgers with salad

but then I know that I will eat choc and crisps later, but this is like my hols lol so its ok

am also making a lemon drizzle cake for tomorro hopefully it turns out well lol

Hannah how are u?

kerry u think u will do well tomorro ?