Wannabe SkinnyMins

Hopefully the pics are there xx


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Thank you, i knew you would understand. When I said to OH that I was going to join he went mad. Waste of money, only you can do something about it, give me the money and I will weigh you, going to a club will not help you lose weight........ the list is endless. I need him to look after CJ for me so trying to hold my temper and not tell him to get stuffed:mad:
I think my bf thinks its a waste of money, but you need to try for yourself. Explain to him that losing weight will make you happier and more confident and that it's important to you so could he please help and support you!
WOW. You look amazing! That is a gorgeous dress & you look beautiful.

I didn't expect support from him as I know how he feels about slimming clubs. He thinks all I have to do is eat less & exercise more. If only it was that easy
Excuse my french but bugger bugger bugger. Weighed myself yesterday and STS. Have now realised that when I go to join the class I will be weighing in the evening after dinner when I usually weigh in the morning as soon as I get out of bed while wearing just a big t-shirt. Im gonna have a massive gain which isnt the best way to start off. Should I just forget all previos stats and reset my start date/weight as the night I join the class? Also, should I be leaving dinner til after I weigh in? Not sure I can wait that long for dinner and major temptation waits a 2 min drive from the hall the class is in in the form of one of the best chip shops in Edinburgh.

Feeling a bit confused and very nervous about all of the class business.

Sue, how was your holiday???? Hope you had a fantastic time.

Hannah, how has your weekend gone?
Ignore everything prior to class, doesn't matter whether you eat before or after class so long as you are consistent!

Im looking at a MASSIVE gain tonight, but paying £50 for 12 weeks to get me back on track! Been so bad over last 2 weeks!! Class is a fresh start kerry! As your half stone etc will be from your first weigh in thursday. Dont be nervous just go there and listen to the beginners talk, read the book and join in the class!! Youll be fine!! :)
Thank-you. Have no idea why I'm so nervous. I have spent my while adult life walking into church halls full of strangers, sitting down amongst them and starting a conversation.

So if everything starts from weigh in on Thursday does that mean I can eat whatever I want til then?? (only kidding).

Hopefully you won't have a big gain tonight. Good luck. I'm off to the supermarket now so hoping they have some nice fruit. I have rediscovered satsumas. Yum.
hi girls

am baccckkkkkkkkk !!!! I had a great holiday best so far really enjoyed myself, :) but back to normal now, I ate what I wanted and drank what I want I knew I would have a gain, but am ok with it cause am only on holiday once and most food was out of my control :) I didnt go to class tonight as I had already booked 3 weeks off, my scales in the house have told me that I have put on 8lb ekkkkkkkkkk..... I know its loads but I will get it off again :)

well done kerry on going to class dont be scared it will help loads, I think u will find it very motivating, cant wait to hear how u get on

Hannah, how was the wedding, dont worry about tha gain, prob wont be as bad as u think :) and we have to enjoy ourselves :)
Gained 1.5lbs, so 3.5lbs in total. Am determined I will get that off this week!! (and hopefully more!) Going to attempt my dear friend jillian again! And aim for gym 3 or 4 times per week, tues, wed, fri and maybe once at weekend. Running fri, sat, sun. Managed 10 miles last week - 3 miles x 2 and a 4 mile one! Have been walking home from work, everyday last week, but as im going to college only 3 times this week. Can't gym tomorrow as a sofa has to be picked up, as my new lush ones came, but I might try jillian then a short run, or nothing at all so long as I eat well!!

Glad you had a good holiday sue, at least you have a week to get it off and it won't be 8lbs!! Kerry its exciting going to class, you get your new book and its a social gathering for adults! Youll love it - some me time! Is your class close to your house?

Wedding was amazing - I posted some pics a page back! :)
That's not too bad a gain Hannah and with the exercise you will soon get rid of it.

Class starts at 7.30 and its a 5-10min drive. Only 3 miles so walkable on nice nights if Ewan puts cj to bed. Just need to phone later to make sure its on as its a brand new group, only started last week.

Have a good day ladies. I'm extremely grateful its the end of my working week, I have been chasing my tail trying to catch up after a week off.
Ooh it's great that it's a new group!! You'll be like one of the top members, as you know the plan so well already! I really do think it's what you need so I am very proud of you for going!

Will check in later to see how you get on!! :D
Just got off the phone to the consultant and she sounds lovely. Don't feel quite so bad now I've spoken to her. Will let you know how I get on
Good luck Kerry, cant wait to hear everything

and also as its a new group, they will prob come up with some new great ideas :)

Hannah seen the pics, u look amazing :)

I am just back from zumba and oh my am i wrecked lol just about to sit down to cottage pie with carrot, psrsnip and turnip topping (instead of potato), cabbage and some mushy peas yumyum
God Sue your dinner sounds lovely. Im not long home and i'm starving coz I had dinner so early. Just had an alpen light but didnt even touch the sides lol. Dont like to eat too close to bedtime though.

Well I paid for a 12 week countdown with one week off at end of november as im working late and possibly wont make it to class. Class was busy, they had 12 new starts last week and another 6 this week. Consultant seems really nice but have to admit I felt a bit of a prat clapping everyone during image therapy. Im going to really hate that when its my turn next week.

I already learned something useful. The yogurt I have been stuffing myself with is not free, it has a syn value. As i can eat 4 of these in a day its no wonder im almost back to the weight i started at almost 2 yrs ago.

Anyway, it wasnt as awful as I thought it would be and thats the hard part over. Onwards and downwards now. im not even hoping for a huge loss for next week, would be happy with 2-3lbs.
Woohoo! So glad it was ok for you (although knew you'd be fine!) well done for signing up for 12 weeks, I did a 6 week on tues, with one week hol! Will do another 6 or 12 after!! how are the other members? Consultant niice? Got your book? I think I'm more excited than you!!

I see you're aiming for 21lbs in 12weeks, think thats a good aim!!

I've eaten 45 syns today, but im going to carry on as normal and try again, I knew it would take time to get back into it! Gym and running tomorrow! :D

Sue your dinner does sound lovely! I had beef stew with mash - was lush!
My other half is a complete pain in the ass. I was just treated to a 10min rant about how SW is only after my money, the group/company doesn't care if I lose weight and all I need to do is listen to him, drop eating so much and get off my fat arse. I'm so bloody mad. Do I moan about the amount of money he spends on wine every week? No, its his money not mine. Nothing to fo with me what he spends it on so why is it his business what I spend my money on? Grrr
Hello ladies, hope you have had a great weekend.

I have eaten out every day since joining class which isnt the best way to start but i think I have made sensible choices (god, I hope I have). Had soup for lunch both days then a plain omlette (no butter or oil) for breakfast at the pub but I did cave and have sugar in my coffe at breakfast.

Exercise has been so-so. Friday I walked from home into town (20 mins, up hill) then around town (30 mins moderate pace) then walked from town to the nearest Aldi which took about 30 mins at a fairly steady pace. Got bus most of the way home then got off 3 stops early and walked the rest of the way, maybe 10 mins at a brisk pace. Yesterday and today have not been so good and have only managed about 15min gentle walk yesterday than another 20 min fairly brisk walk today. Better than nothing but not what I had hoped for.

I have discovered options chocolate brownie drink. It is soooo gorgeous, tastes just like a brownie and I have had no chocolate cravings since drinking this.

Got a busy week at work, lots of extra hours:sigh:. Oh well, it all helps with Santa I suppose. Im off to have a milky coffee and 2 alpen lights. Struggled to fit my hex in today. Hope you both have a great week:D

Firstly ignore moaning other half. Sw is not only after your money - clearly they are still a business and need to make money but that is not it. The consultant genuinely cares! As do the other members, just like I care! Its about a support network, keeping you focused and making you accountable.

Well done on trying to make healthy choices whilst out and the exercise sounds great!! 2 more days then you get to weigh in again! You excited?? I've got weigh in tonight.this week hasn't been good but hasn't been anywhere near as bad as the last 2!! So going for a sts! :)

Started my good food diary (paper copy) already, will try to put it online!!

just ate a john west light lunch tuna salsa. 5 syns was yummy!!