I lost 1/2lb, which is fine as I baked a lot this weekend and ate the baking lol Ooops! Also had a chinese and a burger....
Sorry I havent been around much Internet is a bit dodgy atm!
Kerry you are doing great! Have you had all your syns everyday or can you forgive the 27 syns...? What did you eat yesterday when you say you struggled to get back on track?
Don't worry too much about the exercise, thats added bonus if you can get out for a walk, do you have a bike? I went for a bike ride on saturday on my brothers bike, was nice but it was a suspension bike to very bouncy lol
Well done Sue 2.5lbs is amazing!! Have a lovely weekend but steer clear of evil food!!
I baked SW biscuits for our miss slinky competition last night! They went down a treat!!
150g plain flour (27 syns)
42g granulated sweetener
100g flora light (18 syns)
Tsp cinnamon
Tsp ground ginger
1 egg
2 Tbsp icing sugar (6 syns)
Pink edible glitter (sprinkles - umm....5 syns max!?)
Gas Mark 4, mix all together then add egg, roll out, cut shapes (ive only got a heart cutter so they were all hearts), oven for 10 mins, once cooled drizzle the icing over the biscuits and sprinkle the glitter. I varied the thicknesses but best ones were 5mm thick! Think I made around 40 so 1.5 syns each

Even if you only made 20 out of the mixture 3 syns each isnt bad!! They taste nice and sweet but not too sweet!