Wannabslim's wedding update! It's been a while!

Lol yeah maybe you should try and book the key people- its surprising how far in advance some of them get booked up!! But don't panic, plenty of time yet! Just better safe than sorry thats all.

Have spent the weekend buying materials and making our own Save the Date cards. They are stunning! The other alternative was to go with Vistaprint and buy some custom-made postcards to send out. But they were gonna cost £18 plus p&p and VAT so we thought we may as well spend that money on making some really nice ones ourselves... only to find that they are doing an offer today and the postcards would have been free :( ahhh well! Thats what you get for being organised! Still, ours are unique and a product of my labour!

If you're lucky I might post a piccie later! xx
i have booked my caterer and the hotel now so am only slowly trotting in circles rather than frantically running around in them :D

abz xx
Hiya chaps, how are we all getting on? I'm on day 1 of CD SS restart today and am feeling relieved tbh as I was getting really down about the rubbish food I have been eating of late (dont get a choice as its provided for me at my live-in job over the summer) so now I can ditch the junk and start losing again.

Can't believe the wedding is just over a year and a month away... need to get this weight of pronto so I can start thinking about dress hunting!!!

gargh! x
So how's day 2 going for you Wannabslim?

Hey Bren,

Sorry I haven't updated you on here, have been busy posting in my diary on a different page!

Day 2 was ok I suppose - I stuck to SS 100% although forgot to have my 3rd drink and felt lousy so went to bed really early!

Today is day 3 and I still feel hungry so I'm not sure if I am in ketosis at the moment :( hopped on the scales today just out of curiosity and am 12.12 with clothes on so am quite ok about that. Only 1 st 11lbs til BMI 25 :) happy!!!

On a positive note too, Mike and I are booking a holiday abroad for a week in September and the week before (as we both have kept 2 weeks free for hols) we will do lots of stuff in England during that week- maybe go to London, camping in Cornwall etc to unwind before we go away. Am really looking forward to it!! And a bonus is Mike is paying (as I am broke and cant afford it otherwise). I don't like relying on him for money but at the same time I now accept that we are a partnership and what's mine is his, and what's his is mine. We are happy as long as each other is happy. I like that :)

Have also been offered a job interview for next Thursday in a company I have been trying to get into for AAAAGES!! So that's good news too.

So all is pretty good at the moment. That's all for now methinks!
Yep :) day 4 today!! And the food cravings/hunger pangs seem to have disappeared (somewhat) for now :) :)

Getting weighed tomorrow morning, will be interesting to see what I weigh as I have no idea!!

Hiya everyone! Well my weight on Thurs came out at 12.9 showing a whopping 9lb loss :D and I did feel in myself as though I had lost a fair bit so that didn't actually surprise me. I think I am becoming more in tune with my body as I can sort of feel when I am losing weight and when I'm not. Like the last 2 or 3 days I don't feel I have lost anything so it wouldn't surprise me if when I weigh in tomorrow I have STS. But I do need to WI tomorrow as its end of week 1 weigh day. 9lbs in a week will be fab anyway!! Can't complain about that :)

Have decided to extend my weightloss tracker to 10st as although my initial weightloss goal when starting out last February (2008) was just to get to a healthy BMI, I would really like to be no more than 10st considering I am only 5.5/6ish and my mum being the same height and build as me starts to look a little chubby when she gets over 10st... so i expect it will be the same for me.

On a really good note, I am now fitting into all the clothes that didn't fit me before and I am now getting excited about a whole set of smaller 14s I have waiting in the wings that I have either never fitted into or have not worn for at least 5 years!! So yayyyyy I am really happy about that!

On the wedding front I haven't done anything this month to sort the wedding, but will be arranging to see the caterer and venue dressers for next week so hopefully will have a few more plans in place by the end of Sept!

How's everyone else doing? I'm really loving the B2B challenge too... fab idea!

wow. sounds like you are really organised honey :) and mega congrats on your 9lbs gone!!

i am at work and am really wishing i wasn't!! who works the saturday and monday of a bank holiday weekend?!? well, me obviously, ha.

abz xx
Thanks guys!! Well I had a little slip on Wednesday (day 10) but got straight back on the wagon on Thursday and have been back 100% since then. Its week 2 weigh in tomorrow... crazy how time flies, and to think I could still be 13.4 if I hadn't given myself a good kick up the rear end! So far I am down a further 3lbs (12.6), and am hoping maybe to lose a 4th today...? Maybe? But if not I am happy with 3lbs!

Having considered my ultimate goal, as the time approaches, I have decided that I want to be between 10st and 10.7, and if I still look a little flabby then focus more on the 10st mark.

I would like to get another stone off on CD and then maybe switch to WW to do the last stone(ish). I am committed to sticking rigidly to whatever diet I do, and I think that as long as I have only a stone or so to lose, a few weeks on a weightloss plan with smaller standard losses should be fine, and then I can use it to maintain.

Feeling really motivated and happy about the fact that in less than a month I could be eating again! :D xxx
hey hun

u sound really focused!!! wow maybe only a month to go to be at target thats fab!!! i jus wish i had the will power hhaha

good luck with ur last lil bit

Hiya guys,

Just to update you all, when I went on holiday I came off the diet, and decided that when I got back regardless of any gain (which would be water/glycogen not fat anyway) I would go on WW. That I have done (joined on Monday) and am now losing weight again. Obviously as is normal with a VLCD if you come off suddenly you experience a significant gain on the scales. For me that was 10lbs, and the scales shot up to 12.12. But the key thing is that my size didn't change so I know that its not fat!! Although it does now appear I have more to lose, at least when I lose it with WW and the scales move, I know it is due to fat burned and not water, so its a truer idea of what I have actually lost (and will stay off!).

Am setting my sights on losing around 2st between now and buying my dress. It may take me longer than on CD but I should still be at the same goal in time, it just means instead of reaching it by the end of October and then maintaining, I stick with WW until January. Which I don;t mind doing as I intended to use WW for maintenance anyway :D happy days.

Will be interested to see the loss from this week as it is the first time I have ever done WW properly and am a little skeptical although I have faith that it will work, I just want to see the proof!

Thanks hun :) I already feel different! Had pizza and chips for dinner tonight (takeaway and chipshop) felt so goooood to eat it guiltfree! x