Hey sweetie, just a quick one before bed. I can't give you any advice about the bingeing, as I do it myself from time to time. I know how to stop myself, but the thing is, if I really want to binge, I don't listen to myself! Sick and wrong, but true! But, today I haven't binged.
I think the key for me is ensuring I have other things to do to distract me, or to fill that void that I am trying to fill with food. So, for example, today I've been busy with OH and getting stuff sorted for going back to work tomorrow. I'm also not feeling upset or anything, which is a major reason for me not bingeing. You can beat it, take it a minute at a time if you have to.
As Russian Doll (I think) said (and I'm majorly paraphrasing, but hope the gist is correct) - if you are driving along, and your car gets a puncture, do you get out of the car and puncture all the other tyres too and then blow the car up? No, you fix the puncture, and move on.
You can do that - it's still early days, and this food malarkey takes a long old time to get your head around. I've been eating since April, and at the most I would say I was 'aware'.
Chin up, you are not on your own, and you can totally turn this around.
Hugs xx