What a Week!
Hello all, what a busy week I've had.
Worst of all I've had to do it all without Minimins as I've been internet-less *hyperventilates*.
Thursday night SSing went out of the window (again) when I had a meal with my parents and my brother, sitting round the table and chatting and laughing and drinking wine. It was the first time we had all sat together since our move. I've been hiding in my room at meal times as you know I've found SSing hard the second time around.
Of course this lead to an oh well, I might as well eat as I'm not going to SS for one day as I'll be eating on the hen night. So whilst travelling on Friday I did eat, but the best I can describe it is "chaotic". Before SSing I was a very chaotic eater and the trouble with food packs is that they don't teach you how to eat properly. Management does that, but I didn't do a very good job of that did I?
It was 7pm by the time I got back to my old flat and I went to meet my LLC after her group meetings at 9pm. We had a chat and I realised how big a deal that the wedding is going to be. I keep saying to people, look at me, I've moved on, I'm fabulous and strong (like a bull), I've changed my life around and made major changes (well except to those closest to me and know me best) but in truth I'm petrified about seeing the ex on Saturday. The last time I saw the majority of the people who will be at the wedding I was 16 1/2 stone. I'm not an extrovert so the thought of everyone looking at me and commenting is scaring the bejesus out of me. I just don't want that much attention! OK, maybe I'm being a bit arrogant here afterall it will be the brides big day, but I do know that even without people commenting too much they will be thinking it! I guess I'm in conflict between the perfectionist in me and the wallflower. Part of me wants to be so perfect that it's all so effortless (but life ain't like that, is it?) and I wonder whether what I'm doing by eating and sabotaging myself is that the other part wants to be fat again so that people will see me as they've always seen me and I'll just be "the same old Sarah" without drawing attention to myself.
Weird eh? Go figure! If this is the case and I've worked it out, why the hell can't I do something about it? Stress I suppose does weird stuff doesn't it!
Saturday was the hen day and we had a great time. We went to play bingo in the afternoon. But it was all electronic touch screens nowadays (my dabber was redundant

). It was a laugh and our table was quite lucky, but I did make a loss!
We had cocktails followed by a lovely meal in the evening, then more drinking and dancing. A great night was had by all and we finally rolled home about 4.30am.
The hen and another friend stayed with me at my mum's house and we didn't get up until 12pm on Sunday. When they left at 2pm I went to Tescos and bought some food for the evening and got some packing boxes. The food choices were a mixture of good and bad - lasagne and salad for tea but with choc pudding and choc bars and biscuits to snack on. Doh! Mind you I did make myself feel slightly ill and couldn't eat everything! That's good in lots of ways but oh so bad too!
Monday was furniture removal day. Got up at 6am to pack up the last bits and pieces and tidy up before the removal guys came at 9am. It took until 12.30pm and I had nowhere to sit! After that I had to wait for a local charity to come to take away the unwanted furniture. They didn't arrive until 3pm and I had to sit on the staircase as it was the only carpeted area that I could sit and read my book. What a waif I felt! Finally closed up everything and went to my old flat where I am living out of a suitcase but in relative comfort!
I have been SSing since Monday, which I'm pleased about. Monday night I had a bit of a mental crisis. I have had no bathroom scales all weekend and as I have been eating I feel as huge as a house! I was really concerned that I wouldn't be able to fit into my bridesmaid outfit on Saturday morning. Imagine the embarrasment!! So I've picked it up from the bride and I tried it last night. It fits, phew! The top half has always been a little snug and breathing was a bit of an effort so I'm hoping that by SSing all week I'll be OK. At least if there's no extra room in it I won't be able to eat much of anything at the reception!
This morning I had a bit of a lie in (and man was it good!), but I still woke up craving food, even though I know I have to do this properly all week. Felt really down on myself and was quite disappointed but I'm beginning to see the pattern of when I eat. I thought it was when I was bored but I think it's more when I'm tired and scared! If I'm not occupied I dwell on things which is when I use food to hide those feelings. This morning I was still not awake properly and once I was up, had a coffee and got moving I felt much stronger! But I can begin to see what's happening, for example now I am feeling some cravings but I'm not hungry. By writing down these things here I'm having to confront them and I want to go away and eat something. That means I'm distracting myself and pushing the feelings down again! I weighed myself this morning on FMs mechanical scales and as they are difficult to read all I can say is that I am under 11 stone (probably 10stone 11). Now when I went into management I weighed 10 1/2 stone (I didn't weigh as little as I wanted to) but in the grand scheme of things I'm under a lot of stress at the moment and am only a few pounds over where I was. It's 2 months since I started eating and whilst I mentally feel like I've failed, I haven't really have I? In 2 months I could have easily put on 2 stone, not 7lbs. I need to listen to what you girls say and cut myself some slack don't I? When I did SS originally my life was settled and I did it easily BUT I've gone through some major life changes and although I've yo-yoed a bit, eaten chaotically and weigh slightly more I feel I've learnt a lot. That's nothing to be sneezed at is it?
Well, I think I might have to do some of my ponderings later - gotta go and catch a bus as I'm meeting my old workmate (who you may know as sportyspice) for coffee when she finishes work at 2 pm.