Hi Folks
I'm back!!!! Although I wouldn't mind you sending the boyz rounds Isobel!!!!!
Sorry I've been away for so long but I've been trying to get some order into this messy old place called "my flat".
So far I have a lounge and a bedroom which just need a bit more furniture in them. Most of our things have been put into storage so I'll get them eventually! I have half a bathroom (sink and toilet but no shower) and no kitchen. In the room that is going to be my kitchen I have a table and a blender which is good enough when SSing!
So, let's go back 2 weeks. The wedding was absolutely fine. I know I got myself worked up beforehand for no reason, but I really didn't know how I would be on the day. The day was lovely. Had my hair done at the hairdressers whilst drinking buzzs fizz, which was a treat. Back at the bride's house we got changed and did our makeup before setting off for the wedding at 1pm. My fellow bridesmaid was absolutely fantastic. She knew the stress on me and took time to make sure I was OK. What a star! My ex was the official photographer and he did look fine in his suit and it did make my heart flip to see him again - very weird. His new girlfriend looked OK, but she was very pale. I'm glad I got myself a fake tan the day before!! I got loads of compliments from people and I was on top of the world! It was really lovely to see the ex's family again and they were so glad to see me too. I know that I will always have a place with them. I think in lots of ways when I first saw my ex I remembered all the good times we had and not the reasons we broke up. I reminded myself and I was quite surprised to realise that I actually missed the family more than I missed him. I guess that says a lot doesn't it!
Anyway, as I said the day went well and I was proud and honoured to be a part of it. I do have some photos and a small selection are on the following link:
Public Album
Even if I do say so myself I think I look pretty good!
The following day I went on my holiday to Menorca and it was lovely and relaxing. Spent a week just chilling out. Ate and drank loads though - my "off mechanism" seemed to be broken and I actually felt quite stressed and out of control around food. Couldn't stop eating chocolate and felt like a failure, but half way through the holiday I started my period (bl**dy typical - 6 weeks late) and realised I was suffering mega PMS. The rest of the holiday I ate normally (well, as normal as holidays allow

) and now I know that I must be careful at TOTM in future. However, due to my chocolate feasts before the wedding and eating freely on holiday I did put on a bit of weight. The last few days of the hols I felt quite bloated and was looking forward to coming home.
Came home last Tuesday and started SSing again last Wednesday. So far I'm doing well. This is day 8 and no food has passed my lips. I admit that on the first few days I did have some extra packs but I've been OK since and I'm definately in ketosis. I'm really quite shocked about how much the stress of all that was going on had caused me to binge. I don't know why I'm surprised but I guess it was just too much for me to cope with. I'm amazed that I have been able to SS sucessfully - what a turn around. I can't say that I'm finding it "easy", it's not an easy thing to do, but I'm coping. I know I'm a strong person but I guess I know my limit was reached over the last couple of months. I feel a bit disappointed that I didn't reach and stay at my goal, but I'm learning that I can't be too hard on myself and that I was under exceptional stress and circumstances made things hard. I still have challenges to face now with my new life but I know I can deal with them.
I have also started to look for a job. I registered with a recruitment agency yesterday and they are very positive that they will find something suitable for me. They were impressed with my CV and said it was pleasure to have me on their books. They said I should be snapped up! Fingers crossed!
Well that's me pretty much up to date with my news. I guess I've got of catching up to do on here. Hope that everyone is OK, and I'm glad to be a bit more settled so that I can keep up with Minimins (which I've missed loads).