Ok, so what's happening? I'm not sure what's going on in my head at the moment, but it's all over the place!
I have had an OK day again today, but once again this evening has been a nightmare. Breakfast was oatibix, milk and banana; lunch was leftover cous-cous salad, yougurt and fruit salad. So far, so good. Lunch was at 11am and kept me going until the end of my shift at 3pm. My mum met me from work and we had a look around the shops. We stopped for a coffee and shared an egg custard. OK - pattern analysis:
It's part of the ritual. It was broken whilst doing packs but I really hated not having the choice. Black coffee and water =

We then came home and I sat down in my lounge with a cuppa and a bar of chocolate. This lead to about 10 mini packets of buttons

. I wasn't even hungry! So another ritual:
Cup of tea=sit down=relaxing=sweet treat
Finally I spent the evening with my mum, dad and brother. Mum cooked tea, and even though I had cooked healthy food yesterday I had quorn sausages and chips and a couple of glasses of wine with them. Ritual:
Family=socialising=mum's cooking=drinking=relaxing
Today I don't think I have eaten once because I am hungry. I really feel like I can't be @rsed to prepare good food at all (even though I have already done the hard work and already cooked it

). I have also realised how many treats I have and they are all linked to relaxing or socialising. When I come home I want to sit down with something sweet and fruit just doesn't cut it! I really feel like a lazy trout! I think I am also quite tired as my body adapts to the new work shifts.
Not sure where to go from here.
So what are my options:
SW is a fantastic healthy way to eat, but I'm just not getting it!
LL is fast, effective but can be very difficult. I have no problems with packs during the day but wouldn't be able to drink the water as I don't have the constant access to the toilet, especially whilst sitting at a till. Also I would miss the social aspect of life that food brings to my family. I don't want to be "isolated" in my new life by drinking water when I go out and having to explain what LL is all about to my new friends - it was hard enough explaining it to my old ones! As I mentioned I am also a lazy cook. Ready meals and prepacked sauces were always my mainstay. LL really hasn't helped that at all - it really is the lazygirls solution to dieting!!! 3 shakes and a bar don't take much preparation and I think that in many ways I haven't really learnt anything!
Perhaps I should go back to WW. I have lost lots of weight on it in the past, but lost motivation because of the sheer amount of weight I had to lose. I know that counting points can be a pain, but I can do it in my sleep! Also I could spend my points on ready meals and chocolate if I wanted to, which I know isn't the most healthy way, but if it gets me through a difficult patch then perhaps it is my short term option? Especially as at the moment I think that I'm just as likely to eat the chocolate anyway on top of the healthy food!
Ummmm, now I've got even more to think about! This post has made me sit back and analyse some stuff that is going on and my eating patterns, so that is useful and I need to think hard about it!
Goodnight folks, must get my head around all this stuff!