Hiya Sarah
I've just read over the last two weeks' posts on your thread with a great deal of sadness and also not a little guilt as I hadn't seen what you'd written before now, and also what my other friends had written.
I feel really quite bad actually as I should have been aware long before now of what you and all the other people I care so much about have been going through, especially when I read how you all felt about the Newcastle meet. I certainly couldn't give two hoots what weight/size anyone is as it'll be so great to see everyone and I know we'll all have a fun time just being together again.
I've written elsewhere that this is a marathon journey for all of us, and I absolutely agree with Jennie that you're really brave for sharing your thoughts with us and hope that just by writing it down helped you work some of your thoughts through too.
You've already said how food or learning to control it isn't, in itself, the main problem but rather how using it masks having to deal with your underlying problems. Reading that made me wonder if you've considered talking to someone about that? I know how much the LL counselling helped you, but I know you've moved on from that now. However, it still might be useful to be able to talk to someone about how you feel about your issues, working out what your goals are now and how you can develop strategies to enable you to achieve those in the foreseeable future. I guess I'm speaking as a life coach now and wondering if that might be a possible way forward? It's just a thought, and if I can help in any way please do let me know.
Thank you for your text yesterday and I hope you had an enjoyable Xmas and that 2007 really will be your year!
See you soon, honey - really looking forward to giving you a big (((((((hug))))))).
Much love to you