Well, I am now in the ranks of the unemployed! Finished my shift at 2.30pm which was quite sad. Even though I've only been there 7 weeks I've made some good friends and I really enjoyed the working environment (although I hated the early mornings

). We've all swapped numbers and will meet up later in the month for a drink. There was about 60-70 of us all told who left today. I didn't know a lot of them because of the different shift patterns but I wonder whether they have shot themselves in the foot by letting all of us go. I know the managers are not happy so are the rest of the staff left behind, who will now have to do all the work themselves. I don't envy them!
I haven't been on for a couple of nights and since my last post the demand feeding has been going well. Although I have cheated a little because I have actually been poorly and have been unable to eat!!
Since my lunch on Thursday I have only eaten the folowing:
Friday: 2 slices toast, some fruit salad and 1/2 bowl of soup and a roll.
Today: 2 slices toast, pasta salad.
Not much is it but anything I've eaten has made me feel naseous and (I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this) it's all been coming out the other end!! There is a bug going around and I would have stayed in my bed but I didn't want to miss my last day of work. Just been making sure I keep drinking though so I don't get dehydrated.
Perhaps this is the way to kick off the demand feeding plan? I am feeling a bit better now but I'm still not eating a lot, just in case. Don't want to be ill for tomorrow night do I? I am not hungry at all, so when I am hungry I will eat something light.