WTF just happened? Just had a bread binge but I'm not sure what the heck happened! Was doing OK, had a couple of packs for my tea and watched the end of the footie, then went downstairs, had a chat with my Dad and my brother and then went to put my dishes in the dishwasher. Found myself in the kitchen and looking in the fridge.
Ok lets put this into perspective, you've not lost the plot, you've just not had a SS day, but you have had a AAM day, that is you've had some shakes and a meal......
Spotted some left over garlic bread and without even a thought in my head I stuffed it in. I continued to eat some more carbs (I'm not going to catalogue them) whilst packing the dishwasher. Then came upstairs and polished off a whole terry's chocolate orange. Damn, damn, damn, damn!!!!!
Again, whilst not exactly sticking to the rules've had some bread etc and desert in the shape of a choc thing you can do is admit you enjoyed the tastes, if not then it is a waste, and get back to drinking your water and preparing for your job tomorrow.....
Why do I do this to myself? I think it might be TOTM related. I have said this before but I think that I suffer from post TOTM *lol*. I find I am really in the zone for the 2 weeks BEFORE TOTM. How weird is that! The only other thing I can think of is nerves about starting my new job tomorrow. I do get nervous quite easily and I suppose this is a big step. I suppose I have been thinking about it since I came home because I've been OK earlier because I kept myself busy.
I did mention to you yesterday that maybe the CB was cuz of something other than just lack of willpower, us women have so many hormones its a wonder we don't scream all de time LOL...
I'm beginning to wonder whether SSing is for me or whether I'd be better either on CD790 or CD1000. I can be fine during the day but when I come home from work maybe I should just cook myself a healthy meal per one of the above plans? Gonna think about it over this week. I need to call my CDC so I might speak to her and ask her opinion.
Exactly speak to your CDC, work the plan whatever suits you best hun, it doesn't always have to be SS,, tweak it for whatever suits at the time,,as long as you don't throw in the towel, cuz you've lost a lot already ....
I will try and SS this week but I won't be SSing next weekend in Amsterdam, have never planned to. I think the idea is to think about it over the next week whilst still trying to SS and not reverting to binge mode, and start afresh next week when I come back.
this is a good decision, I will never SS whilst on holiday, I would bring some tetras with ya, cant do any harm to use the tetras as milk in coffees, nice vitamins and minerals etc and nice {{whispering, they help with hangovers,,,sssshhh}}} must be the vitamins LOL...
Mmmm, some things to think about there. Any opinions would be appreciated!