I'm Back - But He's Not the One
Thank you all for your lovely messages of support.
So I'm back home and I really don't know where to begin!
Yesterday started in a rush, I needed to do some shopping so rushed down the town, knowing J would be arriving shortly. He called me as I was just coming out of the shopping centre so I talked to him as I hot footed up the town. I needed to go home first as I had bought a few bits and bobs (including a yoga pillow, which was a little too large to fit in my handbag lol). As we were talking we realised that he was driving right past me so of course he stopped. That was not the way I wanted the date to start - middle of the street, me hot and sweaty from practically running back from the shops and loaded down with shopping bags! So first impressions - not as big as I thought he would be, quite a cheeky grin but not as gorgeous as I hoped. Does that make me superficial? Probably, but ho hum! Anyway he was a gent and gave me a lift home and said he would give me half an hour to get sorted and then come back for me. I rushed around, got changed and was just about ready when he phoned to say he was outside.
We then had a little drive up the Great Orme in his "bus" - his car is literally the size of a minibus, and you could party in it (or anything else you fancied as it has blackened windows

). We admired the view from the wonderful headland country park that is just behind my house (I am very lucky to live where I do) and I relaxed a little. He was quite nervous too but I guess I knew straight away that he wasn't the one for me. What was projected through the computer wasn't quite the same in real life and I didn't really feel any spark of attraction at all. We then went back to the hotel as he wanted to show me the room. It was lovely with a HUGE 4 poster bed and a sofa and TV. He had a huge bunch of flowers waiting for me there too, which he had organised earlier in the week. They were gorgeous but just compounded my guilt for not fancying him. But I decided to give it a go and we had some tea out. I had told him in advance that I was SSing but I don't think he realised the full impact of it. He got a little stroppy when looking for somewhere to eat because he said, I didn't come all this way to eat on my own. I told him it was tough and that I wasn't eating. He eventually calmed down and we went to a fish and chip restaurant. Gosh, it smelt devine but I just drank a full pot of coffee and a bottle of water! I then needed to go home and pick up my overnight stuff so he went back to the hotel and I said I would meet him there. Quickly popped home, picked up my bag, told my mum I wouldn't be home and off I went. The hotel room had a DVD player so we just watched DVDs. I was very straight with him and told him that I wasn't ready for anything to happen between us but I would stay (in my pyjamas) if he was OK with that. He said he was and that he understood. All well and good, however as soon as we went to bed I knew I'd made a mistake - he fell asleep immediately and I lay awake for hours (too hyped up after all that bl**dy coffee!). Couldn't get comfy and he was hogging the bed and hugging me, but the trouble was that he was so strong that I was pinned down and couldn't move or breathe! Jesus, I counted the minutes and even spent some time making sure I could name all 20 sides in the football premiership lol. I think the turning point had come earlier when seeing my wallpaper on my phone he didn't even know who Steven Gerrard was!!! My goodness (for those of you who don't know he's Liverpool's captain and one of the best England footie squad members). The person I end up with has to support footie, not necessarily follow Liverpool, but he will have know who Stevie G is!
So pinned onto the bed wide awake I had a lot of thinking time. I realised that we totally didn't have anything in common. He wanted to stay in a watch DVDs and I would have liked to go out. I should have listened to my dad earlier. When I came home for my bag my dad said where are you going? Are you going dancing? I said no, J has too left feet and my dad replied, ditch him then! LOL! I think he wants a fully established relationship where you don't go out and it's all comfy and nights in on the sofa. I want that too, eventually but I want to be wooed and have some fun first. He's only 32 but it's like he's 52 lol! I did manage to grab a couple of hours sleep but he was all over me and I did have to remind him a couple of times that I wasn't going there! I wasn't frightened as such but I did feel a little uncomfortable and slightly foolish.
Woke up at 7am and waited till 7.30am before I escaped to the shower. Took ages and stayed in there to get all my pampering and makeup done - prolonging it as much as possible. Breakfast was at 9am and I had another pot of coffee whilst he had a cooked breakfast - didn't even bother me a jot! I knew I couldn't just ditch him and we agreed to go for a drive. It was such a beautiful day and we drove down to Snowdonia National Park. Breathtaking views and beautiful places to stop but we just kept driving - for 3 1/2 hours! I really didn't appreciate the views that much because all I could think of was how I just wanted to be at home! Drove back by 1.30pm and stopped at Asda for him to pick something up and when he said what next? I took the opportunity to make my escape. I said I needed to go home as I had a few things I needed to get done. What's stuff? he said and I said I needed to sort my boxes to find my car paperwork because I can sell it without and it's somewhere in the boxes dumped in my flat. His whole attitude just changed then. He would barely talk to me. He drove me home was not even going to get my bag out of the boot. He sat there stony faced and barely reacted when I thanked him for the weekend. He could barely say goodbye properly and got back in the car without even giving me a hug! His final words were Have a nice afternoon tidying your room. Oh dear!
Came inside feeling totally **** and like I'm a *****! Felt totally guilty because he had driven 2 1/2 hours (each way), paid for a hotel room and bought me such lovely flowers. My mum said don't worry about it because no one made him - true. Sitting upstairs just about to watch the rugby (part of the reason I wanted to come home lol) and really felt like pigging out on packs. I had a tetra for breakfast and now have just eaten only a bar - so only 2 packs today so far. Decided that I'm doing so well that I'm not going to sabotage myself by going off the rails over one bad date! So the other pack will stay in the kitchen till later.
But I do think I'm a glutton for punishment because I texted P earlier (whilst in a service station toilet) and said how about a chat later. It's no wonder I feel like a *****, I am! My confidence has been boosted this weekend because he was still all over me until I said I was leaving but I have also learnt many valuable lessons, not least I am never going on a weekend date again! I think local is best lol! I can get rid of them at the end of the night then!
Oh well, off to watch the rugby, must be someone out there, but I think I'm not too fussed about dating at the moment. SSing is falling into place so I think I might be as well to concentrate on that at the moment!