Saturday 3rd March 2007
Woke up nice and early but lay in bed for a bit just thinking. Couldn't get up and move around because my mum was still asleep. Now I know where I inherited my snoring from *lol*.
Had breakfast (yep - full fry up

but I enjoyed it!) then went to the Fort, a local retail park and had a wander around the shops. Both Mum and I ended up modifying our wedding outfits. She bought a new skirt and jacket (pretty much a full change of outfit) and I bought a new top and cardi. They went much better with my skirt, also got some matching jewellery so I felt much better and much happier with the whole look.
Came back to the hotel and got ready. Felt quite anxious, not because of the outfit, but because of 2 huge spots, one on my nose and one on my chin. They were like huge boils! Stress or hormones? Typical!
We took a taxi to the church and all our friends had just arrived in a coach and everyone looked fabulous. It was fantastic to see everyone and tbh I knew I was being silly beforehand and I was right - looks just paled into the background. It was about celebrating the day, seeing the bride and groom looking gorgeous and being happy and friends being together. Am I really that shallow that I thought it would all be about me?!? Although I am shallow enough to enjoy the compliments I did get and the comment "ooh you look so good and well done keeping the weight off"

oh how little they know what a good outfit can disguise!
The service was lovely, quite informal and the church was lovely. The bride and groom looked nervous as they exchanged vows but it all went without a hitch. There was a lovely poem read out by the chief bridesmaid - the brides 10 year old sister. She was fantastic! No nerves at all for someone so young. She's as bright as a button - she's gonna go far! After the service (and the photos in the blummin cold scottish weather!) we were taken by coach to a local hotel for the reception. Had a drink in the bar as the room wasn't set up for the meal yet. Had the meal at 4.30pm so I was glad I had a big breakfast to keep me going until then! The meal was lovely and the speeches were excellent - no boring 30 minute monologues, thank goodness. Another trip to the bar whilst they set up the room for the evening. Had a great time dancing but tbh I felt quite lonely. My mum and her pals were all smokers and because of the smoking ban in scotland they spent a lot of time outside smoking. That left me on my own a lot. I didn't have anyone my own age and spent quite a bit of time being the lonely spinster who dances with the kiddies because she has no one else to dance with

. The 2 kids I was dancing with (the chief bridesmaid again and her cousin) were fantastic dancers and probably gave me the best run for my money on the dance floor! The only low point of dancing with a 10 year old boy though is that doing the gay gordons is quite difficult with such a height difference! I guess weddings are traditionally filled with couples and that just emphasised how alone I felt. My invite said "Sarah and Partner" and I brought my mum *lol*. She was quite happy but I just made friends with Mr JD! Don't worry, I was sensible and didn't get drunk - too maudlin for that! The only other person I did know was my ex driving instructor. He was an usher and his brother was the best man. We had a nice chat and he said the last time I saw you you cut me up at a junction! If anyone remembers, I did record it in my diary on DH last year but I was mortified that he remembered! Last year when I was learning to drive I really really fancied him (until I discovered he was happily married that is). On Saturday I didn't rate him much at all and my conclusion is that I am broken! J was really quiet on Saturday and didn't reply to my texts. I was quite put out and hurt that he was ignoring me. FFS I don't even fancy him. Felt awful because that is just wanting to have my cake and eat it! I can't have it both ways can I? There I go again putting my self esteem in the hands of someone else. I just don't seem to like the guys that I meet in person at all! I am trying to work out whether it is because they are not that great or whether I am still not ready. Umm, what if Mr Right is under my nose and I dismiss him because I am too scared to commit? I'll think about that later!
The party finished at 1am and mum and I got a taxi back to the hotel. We sat up and had a cup of tea and chatted. My phone beeped and it was a text from Mr Pirate (at 1.30am so he was probably drunk) asking how my weekend was and if I fancied going out to watch the footie on Tuesday night. Now that sounds like my kind of date! Said yes, as I will see if he is a bit more lively this time. He did text me in the morning too though (a very nice text) so I hope he wasn't drunk then!
Fell into bed exhausted and slept like a log which was good because my mum was snoring again!