Man, is it morning already? Seems only like a couple of hours since I went to bed. Oh yeah, it was!!!
So far I feel fine. I was woken this morning by the phone - ironically it was my CDC who had lost my order and was checking what I wanted. She is a bit dippy but very sweet. She is going to bring my order tomorrow.
Right then, now I am sober I can actually post a little more about last night and some things I have been thinking about.
Yesterday work was a bit rubbish. Rachel, the young one was still off sick and tbh Heather and I didn't miss her at all last week, we actually got on with our work much better without her dramatics! It's quite sad to say and I hate to be mean about someone else but she really does do my nut in!
The afternoon was quite bad too because Ian, the service manager was away at a customer site and didn't get back until 4.30pm. That was ok in itself because I was organising the lads jobs for Monday but there were a few bits I needed his advise on. He disappeared and said he'd be back in a sec. Heather went to the workshop and found him washing his car! She told him I was struggling but it didn't make him come back and help. He just said that he was staying till 6 and he would do it. I'm not the sort of person who can just leave a job half way through and was really pissed off! Did as much as I could before leaving at 5.15pm. Heather was not a happy bunny either because she'd had quite a snotty email from the operations manager about some stuff she was supposed to have or not have done, none of it was her fault. Time to get a new job she said. Oh dear, that's the trouble working for small companies. I'm not sure how I feel about the place. I think if M&S offer me something I will seriously consider it - career prospects are definately better but I'm not naive enough to think that I won't still get some of the same sh!t though!
So came home in a bad mood and was feeling really out of sorts and bored. Had my soup and was wandering around my mum's flat not sure what to do with myself. My brother came around and we sat watching TV for a bit. He was planning a quiet chilled night pottering but we got talking and decided to just go for a quick drink. Went downstairs to my mum's kitchen and we had a nice big glass of wine each. This started me feeling melancholy (sp?) and I had a bit of a nice chat with my bro and my mum about my diet. I was feeling guilty because I had eaten again and was drinking wine. They both reminded me how well I have done and I still have to live my life. My mum said she had found a photo of me from a few years ago and I am half the person I was. My bro was so sweet because he said to me, when I first came down here that he noticed but didn't really notice my weight loss - I'm his sister and I am who I am and that's that. Doesn't make a difference to him at all. My mum said that one day last year when I was at my lowest weight that I walked into the cafe and she said I looked ill because I was too thin - and even then I wanted to lose more. She said my face was sunken and I had black circles under my eyes. They both said to me, when I was at my heaviest what size clothes was I. Size 24. What size am I now? Size 14. They both agreed that was fine. I told them that i really want to be a comfortable size 12 and BMI under 25. Currently 27 so not far to go really. They were so sweet and what they said to me made so much sense and it was nice to get another non-biased point of view. They told me that I am not fat at all, even though I do think so myself! Um, food for thought (scuse the pun!).
So bro and I sat and chatted a bit more before having the great idea to trim the hair around the eyes of the dogs. It all went swimmingly until the dogs took a strop and started fighting. My mum's 2 boys decided to pick a fight with my macca and boy it was a really bad fight. Blood was drawn and everything. I was separating them using a mop handle. It was chaos. Tess, the mum was quite distressed and kept punching me to get them to stop. It was horrible and they were all a bit shook up. Felt really bad because my mum and dad had to get them all calm again and it wasn't pleasant. Did fall out with them a little bit but when I said all that I could do was apologise for making a bad decision we all made up and had a group hug *lol*.
So went upstairs and quickly chucked on some jeans and a top, refreshed my make up and rushed out the door. As I said, bro and I went to the local a few doors down and had a couple of drinks. We chatted and put the world to rights and it was really good. I haven't been in that pub for quite a while and I'd forgotten how nice it was in there. The talent in there wasn't too bad either

. Was sitting at one point just chatting when I noticed some guys checking me out. Funnily enough my recent experiences with dates and things and my earlier conversation with my mum and bro made me think that they were checking me out rather than being paranoid and thinking "oh my god look at the state of her". That was seriously how I would have reacted even at the end of last year. See I am learning to love myself more. Last night I wasn't overdressed or underdressed - jeans and a black top and looked normal so they couldn't have been thinking I looked hideous. I really would have reacted badly in the past and would have let that ruin my whole night.
We stayed until we ran out of money but instead of going home we decided to go to the cash point and hit more pubs! Bro was worried whether he'd get in anywhere because the town runs a pubwatch scheme and he thought he would be banned from everywhere. No problem getting in anywhere at all. In fact we are quite bad influence on each other - egging each other on once we've had a drink and we both love dancing so going clubbing was the only option! Had a good time, especially when I met up with my pirate. He passed me and said hello and after a bit more dutch courage I went up to him and apologised for being a ***** to him on new year's eve. We got chatting and it was very nice. Made him dance with me a bit but he's not really into dancing either. FFS can I not even go to a club and find a man who like to dance there????
Oh well, dancing wasn't that important later on

and we had a nice snog before getting a taxi. My brother wanted food so we stopped at the kebab shop. He got pizza and I bought a hawaian (sp) burger and chips. We walked from the chip shop back to my house. My pirate walked with me (even though it was slightly out of his way) and we said good night at my gatepost. Told him he couldn't come in and that nothing was going to happen on a first night. Eventually said goodbye and told him to text me if he wanted to. So far haven't heard anything so who knows if he will! Perhaps he doesn't want to - maybe he lost interest when I wouldn't put out but tbh that doesn't bother me at all. If he likes me he'll text and if not I haven't lost anything have I! A good night's snogging was a bonus. Oh get me, mrs chilled. Where did that come from? There's plenty more fish in the sea! Perhaps he's going to make me sweat after I was mean to him on new years eve. If so - oh well - his loss! I did apologise to him and que sera sera if that's his game!
So now it's 10.20am and I best get of bed soon. Hopefully my car will be here soon but I'm not sure I should drive it until much later after the amount of alcohol I drank last night.
Gonna have a sit down with my CD booklet and look at the other plans rather than SSing. Might be the way forward with my hectic social schedule coming up in March. Will chat about it with my CDC tomorrow.
God, just realised how much I've rambled again! Sorry to bore you all!