Well today has been a day of habit analysis and I'm starting to find the habits are becoming more glaring because I am looking for them!
Woke up today and didn't have an idea whether I would SS at all, but started the day with my usual vanilla coffee pack and water.
On my way to work I stopped at the Spar to pick up my TV guide - they keep it to one side for me. Having stopped there I had to buy treats.
Habit number 1: If I go to the shop I have to buy some treats. Can't just buy a TV guide - have to get something else.
Work was ok, had quite a lot on but just got on with it.
Habit number 2: Mid morning = snack. Wasn't hungry - but
had to have a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar *lol*.
Lunchtime came along and we got dinner from the chip shop but Heather and I only had cold rolls. Sadie asked if anyone was going to Spar as she needed fags and I was going to get some air so I volunteered. Again habit number 1, can't go to the shop without buying treats.
Came back to work and had my lunch and discovered habit number 3.
Habit number 3: Lunch is not complete without at least 3 parts, the main part (a sandwich/roll or the like), a savoury part (such as crisps) and it must be followed by something sweet (such as a mousse or chocolate).
Back to work and habit number 4 is the same as habit number 2.
Habit number 4: Mid afternoon = snack.
More crisps I'm afraid. How bad is that 3 packets today!!!! Bad, bad girl (but remember I'm only eating in the name of research

Home time and habit number 5 is the bane of my life and always has been.
Habit number 5: Hometime = binge. I have ALWAYS, repeat ALWAYS had a problem at this time of day. It has been an unbroken habit bourne of comfort since school days. So to be honest I have had this habit for almost 20 years, so I can't expect it to be gone overnight but at least I know I need to work on it. It usually consists of a loaf of bread and butter but today was a chocolate bar. Came home and thought that I might try and go "cold turkey" but as soon as I climbed the stairs to my flat I could feel the urge come over me. So I decided cold turkey was a bit extreme and decided to have the chocolate and that was it. So I've had it and I will not have anything else now until my tea. I'm going out for my tea with my brother, we are going to get something to eat whilst watching the footie.
So today has been quite a learning experience. Have learnt quite a few habitual eating times and know I just need to develop a strategy to counteract them. Um, answers on a postcard please!
Was about to write that I haven't heard from Matt all day, which is true but he has literally just texted me to ask how my day has been. See, that's nice isn't it! Didn't expect to hear from him at all, but that just goes to show doesn't it! Haven't texted him about the footie yet, but I'm not sure if I want to. Might just be happy to spend the time with my bro. Matt knows where I'll be so if he turns up that's up to him!