B: MIM with pate (just eating at the mo, yum!)
L: salmon with salad
D: mince thing with green veg
W: 3 litres min and mint tea.
Hi all
So tired today. I didn't sleep a wink last night due to personal things on my mind so I'm feeling bleeeurgh! To be honest, it's all I can do not to reach for a big bar of chocolate right now I wont though.
B - Marmite MIM with peanut butter (addicted to peaut butter!)
L - Cheeseburger pie
D - Cold pork we have left over from Sundays dinner. But not sure what to have with it. Maybe an omlette.
I have a variety, I either have atkins in a rush in the fridge, I also have an unflavoured at home that I add vanilla and splenda to from myprotein, but my fave is actually banana cream true whey from - what protein shakes do you use? I have a 6am start so can't face much and no microwave at work!