Recipe i use for butter chicken
2 large chicken breasts
50grams of butter
4tablespoons of groundnut oil
1 onion
I red pepper
1 chopped chilli or a tsp chilli paste
1 clove of garlic
1 cinnamon stick
6 cloves
6 cardemon pods
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tin of tomatoes
1OOmls double cream ,single works fine
Chopped fresh coriander
1. Melt butter and groundnut oil together in a pan .When heated add the onions and pepper and sauté until golden
2. add the cardomen pods , cinnamon stick and cloves and saute for a few minutes .
3. then add tsp of chilli,garlic , ground coriander . coriander seeds,ground cumin and cumin seeds ,and mix well .
4. to the mix then add chopped chicken breasts and mix well .
5. add tin of chopped tomatoes to the mix and stir well .
6. Simmer the mixture together on the stove with the lid on for 10 minutes .
7. Remove the lid and simmer without the lid for 10 minutes .
8. Add in the 100mls of cream and chopped fresh coriander stir in well and simmer for another 10 minutes with the lid off .
9. serve with whatever you fancy cauliflour rice is yummy with it.
It sounds complicated but is very easy to make and i get 2 days out of it and its even better the second day .I add a small bit of cream again the second day as it can be a little dry .Enjoy if you decide to make