ooooooooooo that sounds good WW - cheers!
Evening all - my online time seems to be getting less and less these days

I blame the tiling! Put another 2 rows on tonight but have run out of tile cement and have 2 more rows to go!
Mon 29.11 - Maint
B - flaxmeal porridge and cream
S - 2 slices corned beef and a squirt of hp
L - a big lump of mattesons with watercress
S - a couple of spoons of clotted cream
D - 2 pork loin chops, 2 fried eggs, spring greens and butter
S - a tiny tiny sliver of jamaican ginger cake, just for the taste.
W - usual 4 litres plus coffees
A - nope
E - set out for a walk with dogbert but we hadn't got far and he started limping on a back paw, think he got some grit in it as he is fine now, maybe he just wasn't enjoying the walk lol - too cold!