What are we eating today?

Poo, don't you dare associate me with RIFRAF young lady. :D

How are you doing them, I like mine fried up with garlic butter and scallions.
Poo to u too pongo boy! Lol ;)

Reckon I'll fry em up so the fat goes a lil crispy. Think I'll refrain from garlic tonight as I have work afterwards lol.
Nah, who cares what they think at work Claire, unless you are planning on snogging someone.
ah well, shame there then. ;)
B- poached egg on slice of mim
L- monkfish fried with some cream
And bacon with some
Kurly kale (OH is a fishemen and the boat came in today so lots of fish for me for a few days) and the other slice of mim to mop up the sauce! Yummy!
D- might have a go at cheeseburger pie

S- shouldnt need snacks today- babybels if I do tho.

W- aiming for 3 litres

E- 1 hour swim today plus 1 mile walk to and from pool.

A- not today
My rather dull menu is decided prior to eating. Only been doing this for a week and my organisation is a bit squiff to say the least.

B: Mini weetabix & Milk

L: Think chicken salad

T: summin else with chicken

I start work @ 8 so up at 6:30. Home by 5:30 and I'm done in. Need some healthy snack ideas to get me from breakfast to lunch as I am ALWAYS starving! Fruit just isn;t up to the job! You guys all seem so organised!
B: None, as always
L: Chicken, cheese coleslaw and green salad
D: Pork steak and greens I think.

A: If last night isanything to go by, vodka
W; one glass and two teas so far

Had a sneaky look at the scales this morning, 2lbs off! But, i'll wait and see on Monday. Could be mt body being random. Certainly feeling better.
Well, maybe not now, I posted that before Colleen rang me to say she's not going in to work.

Still, I can always go on my own can't I. :)
Yes of course you can - you cant not eat ;)
B- none
L- 2 burgers, mayo and salad
D- paprika chicken legs with broccoli

B: Flax seed porridge, 1 sausage, 2 bacon, 1 fried egg, piece of cheese.
L: Salad box and can of Coke Zero :eek:
S: Peperami, several 'sugar free' sweets :eek:
D: nibbled at some salami + pate

Was out for a meal the night before. Everyone was ordering off the earlybird menu - everything came with bread, breadcrumbs or chips! :( I didn't want to waste carbs so I ended up paying a bit more and went a la carte. Picture the scene...several of us eating burger and chips and me eating...roast partridge with winter veg in a red wine jus!

Haha I must have looked a right ponce!
Haha thanks, I wasn't that strong - I washed it down with 3 glasses of Chardonnay!
Cheers dude!